From Conflict to the Idea of Harmony

“This fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict works (where the initiatory process is concerned) through the heart, or through what esotericists call “the heart centre”—the focal point through which the energy of love can flow. When the Christ founds His focal point on Earth, it will be in the nature of a tiny heart centre through which the love energy of the Hierarchy can persistently flow. The harmony (which the Principle of Conflict produces) causes an alignment, so that the love—streaming forth from the Heart of God—enters the hearts of men; so that the Hierarchy (which is the heart centre or the place where love prevails upon our planet) is brought into relationship with humanity; so that the New Group of World Servers (implementing the love of God and enlightened by the Mind of God) are brought also into relation with the men and women of goodwill in all lands whose task it is to make men’s hearts responsive to and receptive of the love of God; this is another way of saying receptive to the consciousness of the Christ.

This alignment is now in process of being made; it will be brought about automatically when the effectiveness of the Principle of Conflict in producing liberation is generally recognised. Thus the hearts of men, the heart of the planet, i.e., the Hierarchy, and the heart of the Hierarchy, the Christ, are in a state of positive contact; when this channel is open and unobstructed, then the Christ will come. Nothing can stop His appearance and—under law—He may not turn His back upon the presented opportunity.

Thus, eventually, the Lord of Love—in response to the invocative cry of humanity, aroused by the Principle of Conflict—must “proceed again to the high place of sacrifice and walk openly with men on Earth.” His heart, embodying as it does the love of God, is drawn forth from the heart of the planet (the Hierarchy) to the hearts of men, and the path of His return to Earth service stands unchallenged and unobstructed.

… This trend is impulsed by a weariness of fighting, by a changing rating as to the values in human accomplishment, and by a recognition that true greatness is not expressed through such activities as those of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon or Hitler, but by those who see life, humanity and the world as one united whole, interrelated, cooperative and harmonised. Those who struggle for this world unity, and who educate the race in the Principles of Harmony and of right human relations, will some day be recognised as the true heroes.

The factor that must and will relate the Principle of Conflict to the expression of harmony and bring about the new world order, the new civilisation and culture, is the trend and the voice of public opinion, and the opportunity offered to people everywhere to bring about social security and right human relations. It is not the government of any nation which will bring this about, but the innate rightness of the people themselves when they have been educated to see the issues clearly, the relationships which should be established, and the immense subjective unity of mankind. This will not come about without an intensive period of planned education, of a truly free press and radio [a communication]—both free to speak the exact truth and to present the facts as they occur, without being controlled or influenced by governmental interference, pressure groups, religious organisations, or by any dictating parties or dictators … men are awakening everywhere and—given some sound leadership, which at present is not to be found in any country in the world—they can be trusted to swing the tide into a great harmonising and unifying movement.

As we study the effect of the Principle of Conflict as the instigator of eventual harmony in relation to the nations. let us remember that the widespread extent of the conflict is indicative of climax, that the “points of crisis” which express the conflict are today well known to all men, that a “point of tension” has now been reached (of which the United Nations is a symbol) [written in 1960] which will eventually prove to be the agent that will bring about a “point of emergence.” I would ask you to keep these three phrases— descriptive of the working of the Ray of Harmony through Conflict—constantly in mind in relation to developments in your own life, in the life of your nation or of any nation, and in the life of humanity as a whole. They embody the technique whereby the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet brings good out of evil without originating the evil or infringing the free will of mankind.” (A. A. Bailey, Rays and Initiations, p. 618-623)

We can progressively see “… in all world conflict the needed steps towards an eventual harmony—a harmony based upon a true mental perception and a sound idealism. It is this process of developing mental understanding and a sound rational yet spiritual attitude which is now going on; the emergence of the many ideologies are the guarantee that the true idealism will eventually appear and control—the ideal of right human relations; it is the struggle between emotional control and a steadily developing mind control which is conditioning mankind at this time. When a mental, an emotional and a physical conflict are raging simultaneously, the results must necessarily be difficult, but they are surmountable.

Today, the conflicts are numerous, vital and unavoidable; they are present in the individual consciousness and in the mass consciousnes; they present constant points of crises and are today bringing about a point of world tension which seems well-nigh unbearable. But ahead of the individual disciple and of humanity lies a point of emergence … Let each disciple and all groups of disciples develop the ability to think sanely, with right orientation and a broad point of view; let them think truly, evading no issues, but preserving always a calm, dispassionate and loving understanding; let them demonstrate in their environment the qualities which will establish right human relations and show on a small scale the behaviour which will some day characterise enlightened humanity; let them not be discouraged, but let them hold firmly to the conviction of the inevitable spiritual destiny of humanity; let them realise practically that “the souls of men are one” and learn to look beyond the immediate outer seeming to the inner (and sometimes remote) spiritual consciousness; let them know that the present world conflict will be terminated.” (A. A. Bailey, Rays and Initiations, Lucis Collection, p. 637-8)

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