Signs of the Heavens year 6.3–2024 – 2nd quarter

The second causal impulse of the annual cycle, the March Equinox (20th h. 3.08am GMT), is as significant as ever as it lies between the heliocentric and geocentric conjunctions of Jupiter and Uranus. As already indicated in The Signs of the Heavens year 6.3 – 2024, “the most important causal Date of 2024-6.3 is the beneficial and constructive meeting in Taurus (pure Fourth Ray of Harmony through conflict) between Jupiter, the Principle of the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom, and Uranus, the Seventh Ray of Order and ceremonial Magic (culmination on the 14th of March, and geocentrically on the 21st of April).”

Jupiter and Uranus, the planets of “beneficent fulfilment”, are the two esoteric and exoteric rulers of Aquarius, the Sign of the New Age which innervates, according to the esoteric Teachings, the Hierarchy or Planetary Heart Centre, and are now united in Taurus, the Sign associated instead with the New Group of World Servers or Planetary Ajna Centre: Heart and Eye vibrate in unison to guide Humanity, at all costs, to unveil Its essential Reality, to take responsibility for shining the Crown of Light:

“… the eternal creative fire of the heart does not wander, it impetuously ascends by the steps of Hierarchy to the Highest Light. Love is the leading creative principle.

         Unbearable is the Almighty Light, but Hierarchy is the link to that dazzling Summit. The Hierarchy leads an illumined spirit to that point where one might even be blinded. Love is the crown of Light.” (Hierarchy, § 281, Agni Yoga Series)

Love and Light are the two wings of the Heavenly Will, just as Hierarchy and Humanity are the two wings of Shamballa: that triad of Planetary Centres and Universal Principles which, in due course, will restore the Plan and Order on Earth.

And such beneficent fulfilment, through the equinoctial Aries-Libra Axis (one of the 4 initiatory Gates that feed the energy of the Higher Cycles into the Earth’s one – see From Linear to Cyclical Time and Introduction to Astrosophy),’today’ marks precisely one of its most shining stages, at the dawn of the imminent 2025, which will sanction the progressive Externalisation of the Hierarchy through the One Humanity.

Equinox March 20th, 2024 h. 3.08am GMT – heliocentric

Light, Love, Order!

As can be seen from the equinoctial chart, the heliocentric date of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (14 March 2024) also saw the release of the “joint power of Venus, Mars and Pluto which, immersed in the ‘electric’ waters of Aquarius, cause a spring of Life to gush forth, guiding Humanity to regeneration, resonating and propagating the initiatory conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn engraved in the same celestial point on 2 November 2020 (for the first time in the sign of the New Era since the 15th century).

These are therefore ‘times’ of great purification and reordering for the beginning of a new cycle for a new humanity (Mercury, ruler of the Fourth Human Hierarchy and esoteric ruler of Aries, here now in Cancer, Sign of incarnation for humanity, and in quincunx with Pluto and Mars, themselves in trigon to the Earth/Disciple Humanity at the gateway to Libra).

And the co-presence of Neptune and Saturn in the abyssal substance of Pisces (2nd and 6th rays) until 2025, the Sign that holds the Humanity Centre in toto, underlines this massive compensation and karmic regeneration, to awaken ‘the crown of Light’, the Christ in us, certainty of Glory.

Let us therefore assert: 

Light, Love, Order!


In the solstitial Heaven of the geocentric perspective, the one that teaches where and how to precipitate the evolutionary causal energies, this heliocentric Formula evokes the geocentric response:

Equinox March 20th, 2024 h. 3.08am GMT – geocentric

The One Humanity is the Hierarchy of Intelligent Love

The Sun enters Aries, propelled by the reunifying and saving force invoked and evoked by Neptune at the edge of Pisces and, energised by Pluto and Moon in maximum tension between Aquarius and Leo, seems to herald the new planetary ‘spring’ of 2025; and this year even more so for the full Moon of 25 March, the Solar Festival of Aries which intensifies the Relationship between Shamballa and Humanity, the central human Presence.

In particular, on this equinox, both the position of Mercury (the Christic or Buddhic principle in Man) in His esoteric Sign Aries conjoined to the Lunar North Node and the healer Chiron, as well as the conjunction of Saturn and Venus in Pisces, in sextile to Jupiter on His nuptial march to Uranus – on 21 April), guide the One Humanity to be the Hierarchy of intelligent Love: a wise, compassionate and exact Love, according to the Law of the Evolution of the Good, the Beautiful and the True.

A new day dawns over the earth.

The present hour is not a stream but a vortex.

Each personal world reflects the flaming sky

         aglow with the Fire that devours old forms.

The Wisdom of the Creator prophesies a New World.

By fiery destruction He creates.

And can we, the witnesses, realizing the Great Design,

         count ourselves afflicted?

The deaf and the blind, and the many sedentary ones,

         are only bystanders. The Creator cometh!

(Leaves of Morya’s Garden I § 241)

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