Humanity initiates into the fiery power of Ideas

On the day of the entry into the sign of Aries, which radiates into Space the splendour of the World of Ideas, we solemnly assert, as one planetary Server, that is in the name of the new Group of World Servers, the fourth of the 12 Assertions of the One Humanity (see the introductory article about the online ritual Celebrations):*

Humanity initiates into the fiery power of Ideas

Humanity, then, possesses the capacity, of which it is not yet fully aware, to stand on the plane of Ideas and from that plane, according to loving will and clear consciousness, reflect the contemplated Model and make it manifest to the formal world.
The World of Ideas, which might seem distant and mysterious, actually shows its lines of light without concealment, and if we turn our gaze, with simplicity and purity, to the Heavens, it appears in its manifest guise: “… the Ideas are living, conscious creatures conceived by the solar Logos, dwelling in its Space. (…) they are the people of the ecliptic, governed by the seven Luminaries, … [which is] the true “lighted house of the solar System”. (…) The Luminaries, or rather the seven Rays, combine the Ideas into Formulas, according to the immediate evolutionary needs of the solar Plane, and these, through the six-pointed and five-pointed stars, precipitate into concrete Forms and events. The ecliptic is the laboratory that allows for the proportionate precision of the relationships between the Ideas, which have sonic repercussions. There the chemistry of developments common to the System is prepared; it is, above all, the source of geometry, the seat of symmetries, the universal mirror that receives and reflects the rays of all the stars.(1)

In the Heavens, therefore, we find all that living creatures need for their evolution since “Forms and events are, on the ecliptic, the reflection of Ideas and Formulas”. (2)
And again: “Seen from above, the [solar] System is a set of Monads and Numbers that build a glorious purpose in an orderly, ritualistic and hierarchical manner, through the ideal substances, which manifest its procedures. Between the two visions lies, in fact, the world of Ideas, the fourth level, which is an impenetrable mirror for those who look from below, transparent for those who look from above. That world is a decisive filter. Only those who look upwards without preconceptions perceive monadic and numerical life”. (3)
We are therefore immersed in a field that vibrates with energies (the Ideas), expressing itself through forces and manifesting itself through the skilful use of the creative power of the innumerable living and conscious entities that populate the universe, including Man.

To develop and utilise the precious ‘endowment’ with which we are equipped, creative power, is therefore to become part of that chain of creative lights that gradually, by its subtle operation, increases the luminous potential of the entire cosmos.
between Ideas and Forms, as between Numbers and Figures, there subsists the magical operative relationship of Intelligence, which has the sublime task of unifying multiplicity, going back to the Idea and the Number, and multiplying the One, going down to the forms and figures.” (4)

At this moment in the solar cycle when the fire of Aries accompanies the rhythmic alternation of form and essence in the terrestrial hemispheres, the power of the Ideas appears more clearly, rendered igneous by the energy inherent in the Sign, a power capable of setting the zodiacal wheel in motion according to the Law and of managing the dynamic impulse according to the need for the play of polarities.
The ‘initiating’ energy of Aries, empowered by the gentle, harmonising touch of Mercury, the esoteric Ruler of the Sign, propels consciousnesses towards the causal realm of Ideas, fostering the process of identification between These and the percipient consciousness so that each man can, in turn, ‘initiate’ himself into the art of constructing transparent, coherent thought-forms, animated by the purpose of Good.
In the fullness of the Aries light, Humanity can also see more clearly the unity that underlies the entire cosmos: “… as in the Infinite all points are in mutual contact (since there are no separations), so the Ideas, or solar energies, are undivided and in a reciprocated relation. The touch of one of them causes a “chain reaction”, a follow-up of echoes and resonances, which lead us to visiting and knowing that unlimited realm. In this way, a sort of harmonic tempest originates, that is a series of sound repercussions that guide the seeker. Note that Communion is precisely the set of solar Ideas.(5)

Sustained by this vision that the heart recognises as Truth, let us prepare to celebrate the moment, instantaneous and dazzling, of the Equinox while letting ourselves be inflamed by the power of the Ideas most needed by Humanity in these times of transition, Brotherhood, Harmony, Beauty, Love.

“Life is comprised of an eternal succession of ideas
and of manifestations of cosmic energies.
How can a spirit who does not project his thought
into the realm of ideas adopt the concept of Infinity!
When thought will take on the significance
of something vital and realizable,
it will reveal to man where is joy and where is truth.

(Infinity i § 96)



* For the coming year, orientated by/to Goal 6.3 of the evolutionary Plan, dedicated to the Communion with the World of Ideas, it is intended to solemnly celebrate the Entrances into the 12 Signs of the Zodiac with 12 Assertions of the One Humanity, as well as the Full Moons and New Moons of each Sign, similarly to what was accomplished in the year 6.1 and the year 6.2.
1. E. Savoini, Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium, Setting up a Plan, 2001, unpublished paper
2. Ibidem
3. E. Savoini, Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium, Numbers and Monads, 2002, unpublished paper
4. E. Savoini, Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium, Geometry Lesson, 2003, unpublished paper
5. E. Savoini, Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium, Communion, 2001


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