As presented in the solstice reading of the signs of Heaven 2018, the disposition of the stars of this cyclic moment is the living Symbol, inscribed both in the heliocentric and geocentric Heavens,[1] of the progressive onset of:
– Initiatory Light,
– opportunity,
– karmic difficulties.
Saturn (3rd Ray), our Lord of Karma, but above all the Master of creating Intelligence and Light, is ruling the solar scene and waiting for its Pupils[2] at the Summit: Mars (6th Ray), the Princes and Principle of Conflict, and the Earth (3rd Ray), the Sphere of consciousness, which will reach It in June, in Its Sign Capricorn (the 10th Sign – symbol of initiatory perfection). The next solstice of June 2018 (external wheel in the figure) will therefore be really crucial for the resolving tension created by such convergences in the Gate of Gods Sign, fomented in the deep by the presence (since 2008) also of the Destroyer and Reformer Pluto (1st Ray).
Heliocentric tropical Chart
Inner Wheel: 20 March 2018 h. 16.16 UHT – Outer Wheel: 21 June h. 10.08
This is therefore a spring that prepares and presents to humanity a peak of opportunity, already activated at the geocentric level by this equinox (see below): a karmic appointment, agent of rebalancing and, ultimately, of liberation. When difficulty is maximum, so is the resulting power and beauty.
Certain dates or cyclic arches are like new buds with respect to the roots, and others like flowers with respect to the leaves. And this ‘time’ is a new gem for the evolution of human consciousness.
For this opportunity inscribed in our ‘inner Heaven’ to be profoundly considered and assisted by all responsive consciousness, let us once again underline some assumptions of these attempts to read the signs of Heaven. It will now be clear to those who refer in some way to these pages that the Workshop of Thought of TPS considers Heaven as the greatest Master and Model: if the indications of Esoteric Astrology are accepted, the Asters reveal themselves (also etymologically) as those very thin, igneous Weapons, which the Heroes of Heaven and Earth hold to build the Future, fighting disorder, separateness and resistance to transformation.
They are not Weapons scattered casually, but causally. And, if by the higher thought, Man gradually learns this Art of War of the Heavenly Builders – silent, impersonal, at the service of Evolution -, everything becomes reachable.
It becomes such through a ‘strategic’ Plan: a solar Plan set up and therefore assisted by Above which, in order to be realized, does not need to wait or convince the multitudes, but needs a power central station which can ‘hold the mind firm in the Light’, in the name of all: a central human Presence. Not vaguely hoping that things will improve, not by conflating human means of containment with the Path of global Renewal, not confusing ‘revolutions’ – which oppose fanaticism to fanaticism – with Evolution, but by building from the Human Center with the igneous power of Thought, “with united breath and unified rhythm” with the heavenly Cycles.
Delirium, utopia, dream, or recognition of our most precious treasure: the creating Thought, that Fire and First Stone placed at the base of every Building by all the mystery traditions of every age?
From esoteric Philosophy we are told that this creative Art of Fire, made of invisible and inaudible sounds, lights, vibrations and forms, will solve in Beauty this War of Heaven to free the ‘prisoners of the Planet’. That ‘day’ will be the time when many ‘human monads’ or initiates, consciously enrolled in the Armies of the major Builders, will know how to do it.
For now, we need to foreshadow the necessary requirements and gradually conquer them, trying to live as if we were Heroes, children of Heaven and Earth.
“In the early stages of his invocative work, the instrument used is the creative imagination. This enables him at the very beginning to act as if he were capable of thus creating; then, when the as if imaginative consciousness is no longer useful, he becomes consciously aware of that which he has— with hope and spiritual expectancy—sought to create; he discovers this as an existent fact and knows past all controversy that “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”” (A. A. Bailey, Rays and Initiations, p 443)
“The sumtotal of the highest phases of human thinking along all lines, materially affects what appears on the physical plane in all the kingdoms of nature, what precipitates civilisations and cultures, and which expresses the best response at the moment of human sensitivity to cosmic impression.
This is all that can be said as we attempt to sum up the fixed desire and the pattern or purpose of divine activity down the ages. We know it to be profoundly inadequate as yet to express or to produce in manifested form the beauty of that design and to create in conformity with God’s thought; but—age by age—the thinking capacity of man and his creative imagination have wrought out the slowly unfolding design, and will continue to do so; every great world cycle sees the emergence of greater beauty, and sees the subtle effects of man’s thinking upon the subhuman kingdoms in nature steadily bringing the unknown to the surface, altering the nature of the flora and the fauna of the planet, and preparing the way for that time of wonder when the Hierarchy will again be exoterically directing the Plan upon the earth and aiding mankind to work with a fuller understanding of the divine design.” (Ibidem, p 244-5)
So, as heroes, let us imitate the unknown, that Olympus made up of Thinkers or celestial Men, whose igneous Weapons twirl in the “here and now” through the Bodies of the Luminaries, the Zodiac, the Stars and Constellations.
Those Forms or Appearances, the veil and signature of real Principles, were immortalized as Archetypes on the plane of Mind from the wisdom of the Beings Who guide our Planet and Its Evolution, since the time of Atlantis.
The apparent Sky, with all its Asters, spatial Relationships and Forms, can thus be revealed as the Model, Image and Figure of the involution and evolution of cosmic Consciousness.
Thus we do not just raise our eyes to Heaven in order to worship or recognize the wonderful immensity of our infinite Home, but we raise our eyes to assume the responsibility as co-creators of the future and to initiate ourselves, as humble yet audacious apprentices, to the solving power of the celestial Weapons.
The current protagonist of the celestial Saga, Saturn, the divine Architect and the much feared God of Justice, is indicated as that Principle and Force which leads into the manifested solar System (through the King of the Zodiac, the 5th Sign Leo – 1st-5th Rays) the power of the Great Bear, the Weapon or Constellation of the Seven Rays and cosmic Prototypes of our solar Evolution. This septenary Energy of Life is attested in Shamballa, the solar Government of the Earth, and from this central spiritual Presence guides the head centers of all human initiates and personal wills.

Esoteric Astrology, p 427-8
Thus, from Center to Center, the planetary Power, Will and Purpose are affirmed in all the worlds of our manifestation.
Saturn, therefore, so powerful in Capricorn (from December 2017 to September 2020) is our trusted Guide which guards and regulates the next gap and discontinuity of the planetary Purpose at the equinox of March, when the Sun-Earth axis (Soul-Personality) is squared (90°) or in ‘creative contrast’ with Saturn, while intercepting the Aries–Libra axis (1st-3rd-7th Rays), the 1st and 7th Sign of the evolutionary wheel, the alpha and omega.
Aries-Libra, cosmic Thinkers and Constellations Whose energies are conveyed by the relevant equinoctial cardinal Direction, insert into the 12-stage cycle of consciousness evolution, right through the Sun entering Aries, the cosmic Impulse of the Great Chariot of the Heavens, the Great Bear.[3]
Hence the three Signs transmitting the First Ray (1st Aries, 5th Leo, 10th Capricornus) are now so powerfully active in human consciousness, due to
– the relationship between Great Bear – Leo-Aries/Libra – Saturn-Sun – Shamballa-Humanity,
– the presence of Saturn (3rd) and Pluto (1st) in Capricorn (1st, 3rd, 7th R.), ‘electrified’ by the fire of Resurrection irradiated with extreme intensity by Uranus, the Initiator of the Heavens (7th Ray) on the edge of Aries (1st –7th R.),
– the equinoctial Direction.
As already mentioned several times in these readings, the climax of this ‘initiatory hall’ will be in 2020, when Saturn will join Pluto, with the presence in Capricorn both of Jupiter and later again of Mars (Its cycle of revolution is in fact about 2 years).
In the light and from the ashes the phoenix will rise again …, ‘represented’ by the long-awaited conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius (5th Ray) of November 2020 (the first since 1404!) which will constitute a truly decisive step for the entry of human consciousness into the new Era.
For now, the Master of Love Jupiter (2nd Ray) is in Scorpio (4th R.), the Sign of the Guardian of the Threshold and of the Angel of Victory, to teach the Art of harmonic construction – to teach that “fighting is like building”.
In such an atmosphere of ‘struggle’, ‘brave’ and ‘luminous’ (Mars and Mercury as rulers/carriers of Scorpio energy), the Heart (Jupiter) of the Man-hero can face and destroy the emerging obstacles (sextile Jupiter- Pluto), sustained by the saving force that increasingly overwhelms the Waters of events (trine to Neptune 6th R., the solar Christ in Pisces, 2nd-6th Rays).
The Heart-Jupiter is also in tension due to the opposition to Venus (5th R.) in Taurus (4th R.), the Light through knowledge, and for the square to Mercury (4th R.) again in Leo as at last solstice; to stimulate the work of the Light, it is necessary to stand at the Center, so as to accord the intents to the higher Will.
It is necessary to “occupy the place of Fire“.
Or with another sound Formula:
It is time for heroes, when flames unite …
The Great History of the Heroes is written in characters of fire in the Great Rite of Heaven, if only we unveil the eyes capable of feeling and seeing! If only we remember to be Heaven, if only we live as immortal, still as fragile creators but potentially invincible!
Wonderful is the Book of Life!
Hence today it is another great Beginning Time.
“Here the Sun rises in Aries, and we solemnly place the First Stone
as a basis on the Northeast edge, where the East merges with the polar axis.”[4]
The Heart rises once again, every year, in Aries and conveys the electric fires of the New, now so imbued with cosmic creative power, supernal Light.
In the solar Book of Life, its 1st chapter Aries is the Alpha of the 12 Knights of the Round Table, of the solar Saga which teaches Their deeds to the enchanted and listening Heart.
In Aries, the Heart raises its eyes to Heaven, “comes forth, and from the plane of mind, rules”: It wields the Weapons (Luminaries) whirling in the skilled ‘hands’ of the cosmic Knights and darting through Their Eyes. And, at the center of the Heart, a Sun is lit, an entrance door for other worlds, in the dazzling Mystery of the Unknown.
And then It smiles, in the certainty of the common and final Victory, here and now, everywhere and always.
Thus, it is up to us, apprentices of the celestial Men, to exercise ourselves better and better in following the solar Plan, so that the higher Purpose may be revealed (see: Asserting the Planetary Plan).
The following synthetic formulation of the “signs of Heaven” of the second impulse and season of cycle 2018 can fix in “seven rays” this next flow of the solar Plan and its creative Energy (to follow the flux of the entire annual cycle see 2018 Solar Rituality and Ephemerides).
These Seven active Formulas tend to fix, from the causal plane (higher mind/manas) the Directions impressed by the Building Rays of the solar Plan, those Sounds and Lights that rule the solar evolution of the Planet and Humanity:
1) Sun/Vulcan in Aries – Earth in Libra:
The solar Initiator carves paths of initiatory Light
2) Jupiter in Scorpio:
The Solar Guide teaches the Art of harmonic construction
3) Saturn in Capricornus:
The supernal Light initiates into the hierarchical Plan
4) Mercury in Leo:
The solar Canon accords the intents to the higher Will
5) Venus in Taurus:
The solar Builder incentivizes the work of Light
6) Neptune in Pisces:
The solar Christ infuses saving force into the human hierarchy
7) Uranus in Aries:
The solar Initiator irradiates fire of Resurrection
At the reciprocal geocentric level, concerning precipitation of the energies on the Planet down to the individual level,
Geocentric Heaven – 2nd Quarter 2018
Inner Wheel: 20 March 2018 h. 16.16 UHT – Outer Wheel: 21 June h. 10.08
Aries and Capricornus, 1st and 10th Signs, emerge decisively in this ‘more human’ perspective. As indicated, the presence of Mars in Capricorn, in addition to Saturn and Pluto, seems to anticipate the solsticial heliocentric configuration, as a drill on the field before the Battle.
Sun/Vulcan, Mercury and Venus conjunct, and Uranus, are all ‘switched on’ in Aries, in tension (square) or support (trine) relationships to the initiation Agents in Capricorn.
Thus the strongly initiatory climate is also confirmed at this more ‘formal’ level.
Finally, the Moon[5] ‘exalted’ in Taurus, trine to Saturn and sextile to Neptune, underlines the theme of formal construction, in the saving joy of the Work for the Light of Life.
A page consecrated to the supernal Light begins.