Aries Full Moon – 2014


Here the light rock, Adamas, is reached.

On its gleaming, ordered solidity we will erect the Work.

The descent into the deep ends.


The motion is going to be reversed. It is a feast, but not a rest.

Joyful and vibrant balance.

It is the first youth of our work.

Here, in the depths of the abyss, midnight joins noon.

Here the Sun rises in Aries, and we solemnly place the First Stone

as a basis on the Northeast edge, where the East merges with the polar axis.

The action resumes. The Stone is on site.

With its measures it controls all other measures.

“And here you remain, Foundation Stone,

and burn in secret.

You are the beginning and the end.”

(Aries is the fourth Sign/phase of the Building of the Temple).

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