Signs of the Heavens year 2018 – 3^rd quarter cycle

As anticipated in the last equinoctial reading of the Heavens, now at the June solstice, the 3rd causal impulse of the 2018 annual cycle, a peak of crisis or karmic opportunity is being reached: in the heliocentric Heaven[1], revelator of the deeper evolutionary Causes of the human and planetary advance, a solar ‘court martial’ awaits the Earth at the threshold of the Gate of the Gods.

Heliocentric tropical Chart 3rd Quarter 2018

Inner Wheel: 21 June 2018 h. 10.08 UHT Outer Wheel: 23 September h. 1.54

The Lords of the Trial and Transformation dominate in Capricorn (the initiatory Summit, Source of the 1st, 3rd and 7th Ray: Power/Government, Plan/Economy and Order/Organization). In a subsequent configuration, the Earth (3rd Ray, the Sphere of consciousness) will meet:

  • Saturn (3rd Ray, Master of Creative Intelligence and Light),
  • Mars (6th Ray, the Prince and Principle of Desire and Conflict) and
  • the Destroyer and Reformer Pluto (1st Ray).

The resolutive tension created by these convergences in the Sign of Transfiguration, speaks of a change of pace, a decisive acceleration of the rhythms and habitual currents of the energies: the Initiator of the Heavens Uranus (7th Ray, the Lord of Reordering), in trine (120°) to our planet from the edge of Aries[2], commands it and makes all things new, reorienting them to their real function, the one according to the evolutionary purpose. The other Lord of the Deep Heavens Neptune (6th Ray, the Christ of the solar Waters in Pisces, 2nd-6th R.) constructively supports it (in quintile to the Earth: 72°);

The other luminaries also safeguard this revolution:

  • the ardor of Mars is tempered and conveyed in useful and beneficial directions by the right triangle formed by Mercury (4th R., the Bridge of Wisdom and Beauty) in trine from the Sign of the Mother of Cycles, Virgo (2nd-6th R.), and by the sextile (60°) to Neptune;
  • the Art of destroying obstacles to the evolution of Consciousness, which Pluto possesses, is also contained and gradually rewarded by the sextiles to Neptune and to the Master of Love Jupiter (2nd Ray) in Scorpio (4th R.), the Sign of the Trial now in constructive connection with Virgo through Mercury (in quintile);
  • only Venus (5th Ray, the Mind used with Wisdom), powerful in Libra (3rd R.) and maximum Distributor of the hierarchical or initiatory energies of Capricorn, dynamically confronts the ‘strong’ and regimental works of Mars and Saturn (through a double quadrature): to maintain the balance in this difficult climax, Venus traces the path to the world of Causes, or the “Middle Way”.

The solstice of June starts the second half of the annual cycle for the Earth and for humanity, the waning one, the full expression and harvest of the fruits resulting from the sowing of the first waxing part: how will this critical karmic meeting point[3] be put to use, what will be its harvest, general or local?

For each unit of consciousness, it will be the answer which is either more or less evolutionary – be it an individual, a group, a society, a nation, a continent, a race, a kingdom, humanity. For each entity, from its very position upon the evolutionary ladder of consciousness, it is to discern the right direction or to indulge in the old grooves of the material rhythms assigned by their very vehicles of manifestation.

The Sun-Earth celestial Axis corresponds to the polarity of Soul-Personality, Spirit-Matter, and at the solstice culmination, administered by the cardinal energies of Cancer-Capricorn (1st-3rd-7th R.: the Two Doors of liberation and incarnation into Form, the Valley and the Peak, which transmit the dynamic and initiatory energies of Sirius via Saturn, developing our spiritual sensitivity[*]), everything is driven to reorient itself between high and low, between evolution and involution, and intensified in such a planetary set.

As mentioned several times in these readings of the Signs of the Heavens, in the background of the Cosmic Temple in which “we live, move, and are”, the OrionSirius Polarity, the Great Cosmic Christ, through the Sun-Earth axis viewfinder reaches the greatest Heart at the solstices, the galactic Center – which happens every 13,000 years!

Earth and humanity are verily placed in a great initiatory chamber!

Great risks, great opportunities, great unexpected results.

To help this passage between the highest and lowest, there is but only one direct Way, the esoteric Teaching affirms: to stand in the Center, acting as a Unit from the soul or causal plane, there where the true common Heart pulsates, the real Love, our Sun of suns, source of hierarchical inspirationSirius in Heaven.[4]

Hiero-inspiration descends through a single basic condition. Neither concentration, nor command of the will, but love for Hierarchy produces direct Communion. We do not know how better or more precisely to express the guiding law than as a flow of love. Therefore it is so opportune to put aside compulsive magic, in order to become imbued with love in one’s entire being. As a result, one can easily approach the principle of Existence by a sense of beauty. Precisely, amidst the dissolution of the planet, one must turn to the most health-giving principle. And what can more strongly unify than the mantram —“I love Thee, O Lord!” In such a call it is easy to receive a ray of cognition. Observe this.[5]

In order to keep the rudder of ‘the Good, of the Beautiful and the True’ steady and balanced, let us invoke from our solar Centre the powers of the Elder Brothers and sow the possible ‘right directions’ of the celestial Seven Principles and Models:

1) Sun/Vulcan in Cancer – Earth in Capricorn:

The solar Will commands ascent to the Christic consciousness

2) Jupiter in Scorpio:

The Solar Guide teaches the Art of harmonic construction

3) Saturn in Capricorn:

The supernal Light initiates into the hierarchical Plan

4) Mercury in Virgo:

The solar Artist reflects the model of the One Humanity

5) Venus in Libra:

The solar Builder traces the path to the world of Causes

6) Neptune in Pisces:

The solar Christ infuses saving force into the human hierarchy

7) Uranus in Aries:

The solar Initiator irradiates fire of Resurrection


These synthetic formulas of the “Signs of the Heavens” of the third impulse and quarter of the cycle 2018 can fix into “Seven Rays[6] the next flow of the Solar Plan and its Creative Energy (to follow the flow of the entire annual cycle see Solar Rituality and Ephemerides for the year 2018).

It is for us therefore, as apprentices of the Celestial Men, to ever improve ourselves in following the solar evolutionary Plan, in order that the higher Purpose is revealed (see: Asserting the Planetary Plan).


At the inverse geocentric level, that which is pertinent to the precipitation of energies on the Planet up to the individual level,

Geocentric Heaven 3rd Quarter 2018


Inner Wheel: 21 June 2018 h. 10.08 UHT Outer Wheel: 23 September h. 1.54

it is noted that the energetic tension between the Centers of the inner and celestial Field is also present in the Fixed Cross of the Disciple (Mars in Aquarius, opposite Venus in Leo, squares Jupiter in Scorpio), but the struggle for Harmony is supported by the great triangle of Water between Jupiter, Mercury and Neptune, the Lords of the respective even Rays of Love, Beauty and Communion.

And Uranus the solar Initiator, at the beginning of Taurus in trine to Saturn, conveys the transfiguring thrust of Capricorn into the human consciousness, producing “undismayed struggles”, definitive oppositions for the ‘local’ triumph of either the spiritual or material forces, of Light or of Delay.

All this is synthesized by the Sun/Vulcan which is about to ‘descend’ into the Valley of Cancer, while Its ‘Consort’ the Moon[7] is in Libra, in the center between five lines of force stretched out by the other Luminaries, to indicate the balance of the incessant motion.


The solar Will commands ascent to the Christic consciousness


[1] The prospect of investigating these Heavenly Readings is both heliocentric, recognized as the Heaven of general Causes and Effects, and geocentric, the Heaven of particular causes and effects.
Being both tropical perspectives, they still concern the celestial energies in rapport to the Planet as well as to Humanity as the 3rd planetary Center. According to esoteric Astrology, these causal energies are transmitted by the Zodiac Wheel of the 12 Signs, the 12 Archetypes of the Evolution of Consciousness, respectively but not by coincidentally at the phenomenal level with the relative astronomical or sidereal Constellations. The Signs stand between the Constellations (understood as the Body of expression of the same Entities or cosmic Logoi that govern them subjectively) and Man, and are those “concentrated influences” that represent and transmit the Energies; The Wheel of the 12 Zodiacal Signs is the Motor and the Model of the Evolution of the so-called Fourth human Hierarchy.

[2] Aries transmits the 1st and 7th Ray: Fire of the beginning and end of manifestation – geocentrically Uranus is already in Taurus from May 15th.

[3] A similar ‘astral’ situation, but even more intense and decisive, will occur in 2020, when besides Pluto being united to Saturn and Mars, Jupiter will also be in this Sign of Initiation: an upward thrust for the exceptional human consciousness, which will be paid “dearly” by the forms resistant to ‘sublimation’, but that will announce the great conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius (5th Ray) of November 2020 (the first since 1404!) which will constitute a primary step for the entry into the Culture of the New Era.

[*]Cancer—Capricorn—Saturn (which are an expression of Sirian energy) enable the aspirant to tread the Path of Purification, of Probation. These energies focus and qualify the energy of the Great Lodge of the Most High in that distant Sun. They pour through the Hierarchy upon the mass of men and enable the unit in that mass to “isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel.” (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, Lucis Collection, p. 466)

[4] The plane of the Causes is for Humanity the higher mental plane (Manas), where the ‘Heart of the Sun’ or egoic Lotus of the human Soul is attested. And Sirius, the source of the cosmic Manas, is the egoic Lotus with respect to our Sun.

[5] Fiery World II § 296, Agni Yoga Series.

[6] Only the Seven Sacred Luminaries are considered, i.e. those Seven Solar Centers or planetary Logoi which for Their evolutionary level express the corresponding ‘soul’ and ‘monadic’ Ray, and not only the ‘personal’ Ray like other non-sacred Planets (Earth, Mars, Pluto and two other ‘veiled’ by the Sun and the Moon), which result as Their Pupils and subordinates (see Introduction to Astrosophy).

[7] The Mother of Form, receptive and generative, which represents the ‘lunar bodies’ or vehicles of the human and planetary Personality. Sun/Vulcan, in this map of the general geocentric Heaven, stands for the integrated personality infused by the Soul.

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3 Responses to Signs of the Heavens year 2018 – 3^rd quarter cycle

  1. stay in the center for all disciple(groups) and stand at the midway point for the inflow of Divine Adjustment for the initiating members.

  2. Zipporah Alperin says:

    Thank you so much, dear Antonella.

  3. NancyC says:

    Such excellent work! Let us prepare:

    “The solstice of June starts the second half of the annual cycle for the Earth and for humanity, the waning one, the full expression and harvest of the fruits resulting from the sowing of the first waxing part: how will this critical karmic meeting point[3] be put to use, what will be its harvest, general or local?

    For each unit of consciousness, it will be the answer which is either more or less evolutionary – be it an individual, a group, a society, a nation, a continent, a race, a kingdom, humanity. For each entity, from its very position upon the evolutionary ladder of consciousness, it is to discern the right direction or to indulge in the old grooves of the material rhythms assigned by their very vehicles of manifestation.”

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