The Art of Communication

Purpose and object of communicating is Truth*

“For many reasons in the course of human events, the truth is frequently kept secret, and most of the times these reasons are wicked. The accounts of actions are not very clear and neat, but more or less treacherous and insincere. We are constantly in search for truths that other people, and sometimes circumstances, have wrapped in the rags of falsehood. But truth, which is light, can’t remain hidden or imprisoned, as it is the essence and purpose of communicating, which is in itself a divine activity. The temporary concealment of truth only succeeds on the physical level, and only for earthly, mundane trifles. We think we can, and we try to, hide our emotions, feelings and thoughts, but it’s a short-term deceitfulness, that convinces and dupes only the one lacking direct understanding… It is paradoxical, still commonly known, that in the century of the most important mechanical achievements in the field of remote communication, the human ability to lie, misinterpret and cheat has established itself as never before. But the so-called victories and illusory advantages of deceiving are meant to fall miserably, despite the demanding waste of energy necessary to hold up its unfounded framework.

Hence, it is good to ponder over and discover the pervasive value of truth … Revealing and spreading truth are great acts of service. It hurts only the one who would like to hide it, it is dangerous only for the one who has a reason to fear it. It is a burning fire, but in order to purify, not to incinerate.

To bring truth, that is to say, to communicate it, demands caution. No one is that genuine to manage it fully, but only partially, in co-measurement to his pureness. And this is valid also for the one who receives it and brings it inturn. Therefore communication is a risky service, as many had to learn, and we have to learn to screen the powerful light of truth, without indulging in falsehood and hypocrisy. It sounds like a contradictory action: it is not. The divine virtue of the true can be veiled or lessened without distorting it and always and only for the receiver’s good…”

From all of this, the Art of Communicating of the new Culture emerges, which can wisely reveal the sacredness of beauty while spreading the seeds of truth; it can constantly look at what is higher; it can connect the hearts to the world of ideas and assure the true quality of exchanges; it can nourish the communion and the foundational work of establishing the new Civilization.

And this is the very last function that relates to the most powerful action of the Art of Communication: the diffusion of thought in a subjective way:

“… When a thought doesn’t contain anything regarding one’s personal advantage, actually nothing at all (neither the desire to better ourselves, not even to be well-known, nor to be able to perceive the results of our activity)… When no personal advantage, even unintentional, is caught in one’s thought, this thought has no force any longer that could catch it back. At that time, it goes and goes…

Everybody could conceive oneself as an invisible, imperceptible, nevertheless present, active and powerful force, which gives off its scent, its perfume into space. If the flowers can do this, why shouldn’t we be able to, too? Wouldn’t it be a wonderful work to simply let the best of us, our most heavenly and tender, fairest aspirations to spread around and represent our contribution? … A very beautiful and attractive idea… This leads us to the great Master who… even if He didn’t have any of those means of communication (which, by just a Latin / English word we now call the media), was able to spread His teaching everywhere.

… We live as fools in an enchanted castle, where everything looks real and where everything is an illusion: this is a common experience. Yet, we are now able to perceive that this castle is illusory… We have understood that it isn’t real… And the ultimate act to get out of it, is to drop off our identity card, to free ourselves… The move that seems impossible for us, will be definitive one day… From that moment on, we won’t know what distances mean… Any kind of communication will be possible, any kind of knowing will be at hand…”

“The future of human relationships, nowadays pressed by the prejudice of separation, will progressively see the isolating power of distances lessen and the unifying one of directions increase. It is an already on going process, moving quickly in the physical world of communications. Everybody knows and benefits from it, still the energy of spatial directions has not yet been discovered, needing nothing but the instrument of the heart, and transmitting not only writings and images, but also feelings and thought.

Moreover, directions, being unlimited, overcome the planetary space and set the human being in a conscious relation with the entire Solar System and beyond.

Today the human being who runs, flies, comes and goes, is a nomad physically, whilst spiritually is sedentary. Yet he is outlining a forthcoming life as a spiritual nomad, half sedentary in a physical sense. In fact, the forthcoming seventh epoch**has great revolutions set aside, in this sense.

But is it possible to think to live without any distances; without any separations and isolations?

It is possible when we discover the supremacy of the Infinite, the power of spatial directions, the communion with the Whole, the never-ending richness of Light. In this way we’ll avoid any egocentric points of view, any egotism, any boundaries and ignorance.

In fact the Infinite destroys quantities and distances as well: it is a Reality annihilating deceits… Instead, directions remain which, purified from the quantitative concept of distance, fully display their energy. Today the modern human being doesn’t even suspect it, yet he is unconsciously preparing himself to such an elevation, which awaits him in a not too distant future. He is already able to communicate “remotely” without a step, and he is improving very quickly. Development is there for all to see, it is the great, widespread and overwhelming revolution of these days, preparing the consciences to free themselves from the separative concept of distance.

By cybernetic means making it extremely easy to communicate countless trifles everywhere, the human being is learning that directions persist whereas distances are losing all sense. From this point of view, the introduction of this method, of this system of communication, is extraordinary and is a real sign of great hope. Just where it seems more difficult to overcome the barrier of distances, the latest breakthrough of the internet has taken on a big value.

Certainly, in order to go anywhere we need a great quantity of operations to cancel distance, but it is already obvious that by a simple click we can go everywhere. Just think about what this could mean… about the time we will finally overcome this idea of distances… we can already make it out now… by addressing our thought to the Master or to the Real Government: this thought must not be accompanied by the idea of distance, separation or remoteness, but simply that of direction; because whilst distances divide, directions join. If we think in a specific direction, that is to say to a given entity, we join that entity… and by this plain exercise, which we can all make by ourselves without any great difficulty in itself, we can overcome many obstacles and primarily we can learn the magic, the reality of super mundane contacts. We can start this way, without any need of particular teachings, complicated schools or physical exercises… It is enough to abandon our prejudice of what distances bring with them, that is to say, separation. Once this prejudice is removed, directions remain, connecting us: because a direction is established when there is a contact between two entities that activate it and both arepresent all along it.

The stars too, such elevated heavenly conscious beings  seeming distant from each other, thus disjoined, are not really isolated, as they master spatial directions which, rather than separating them, connect them all. The Cosmos is in a perfect communion with itself. Well, it is then difficult to see why a human being, who is a center, and thus emitting a bright energy of his own, could not be able to do the same, towards sources of equal power.

Hence, when we think about, or we communicate with, someone, we can do it in two ways: either we think of ourselves as distant, or connected. This is subtle, but if we think of ourselves as distant, the message won’t get through. It can get through when we assume we are connected and therefore can destroy in us this concept of distance. The mind can’t accept this concept, but the heart can. Therefore we’re talking about a heart exercise, it is an exercise which develops intuition… The heart is the abode of higher knowledge and thus is the center aware of every relationship in the Infinite. It is this center, indeed, the very Guardian of the net of connections existing through the infinite, real and living space, and destroying quantities… ; eternity, the communion of all beings, the transmission of Truth itself, are indeed possible because the Infinite exists, and if this absurdly wouldn’t be the case, we would exactly be unable to communicate anything…

Therefore if we don’t intend to remain any longer, discouraged and aching, in the barren and absurd world of quantities, which obstructs true progress, it is necessary to struggle with the tyrannical dominance of physical quantities: it is a step that humankind must take in order not to remain isolated, alone in a world where everything communicates with everything.”

Here is outlined the image of the Man–Artist who will be able to express the Art of Communication in the New Culture and, knowing the numerous means at hand, he will be able to light up infinite bright directions to scatter the Beauty of the True. The powerful notes of his thoughts risen from the Centre of Truth will spread around, carried by Love, as a music played with the Heart, in order to move, to touch deeply, to transform and exchange those bright impulses that will carve and embellish the manifestation of the new Future.

“Later, when the race sees its problem with clarity, it will act with wisdom and train with care its Observers and Communicators. These will be men and women in whom the intuition has awakened at the behest of an urgent intellect; they will be people whose minds are so subordinated to the group good, and so free from all sense of separativeness, that their minds present no impediment to the contact with the world of reality and of inner truth. They will not necessarily be people who could be termed “religious” in the ordinary sense of that word, but they will be men of good will, of high mental caliber, with minds well stocked and equipped; they will be free from personal ambition and selfishness, animated by love of humanity and by a desire to help the race. Such a man is a spiritual man”. (Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology – Volume I, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, p. 94)

“… The keynote of the Lodge [of the Great ones Which watch over the human and planetary evolution] is not attainment or degree. It is stable relationship, unity of thought, plus diversity of method, of effort and of function and its quality is friendship in its purest sense. The Brotherhood is a community of souls who are swept by the desire to serve, urged by a spontaneous impulse to love, illumined by one pure Light, devotedly fused and blended into groups of serving Minds, and energised by one Life. Its Members are organized to further the Plan which They consciously contact and with which They deliberately cooperate.” (Alice A. Bailey, Discipleshipin the New Age, chapter I, p. 17)

These thoughts and commentaries (in quotes) are translated from some unpublished writings by E. Savoini. They are sown in alignment with the heliocentric entrance of Jupiter (2nd Ray: the Solar Master of Love) in the Sign of Sagittarius, the dynamic fire which teaches one pointedness, the mastery of Direction, towards the truths and wisdom of the “distant worlds”.

** See the chapter “The synthetic cycle” in the text “From Linear to Cyclical Time” in TPS  Documents page.

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2 Responses to The Art of Communication

  1. tom mcnamara says:

    Thank you. So well said, and the song and symphony/synopsis of our beautiful discovering heart of truth.

  2. Rinus Vlaar says:

    Faith Hope Love and Trust

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