Uranus in Taurus – Earth in Scorpio

In this date the alignment takes place between Uranus (7° R), the apparent Sun (2° R)/Vulcan (1° R) in Taurus and the Earth (3° R) in Scorpio, thus freeing between Heaven and Earth the whole power of the 4th Ray transmitted by this central zodiacal axis.

The Taurus/Scorpio axis is indeed the balancing pole (both Signs transmit only the 4th Ray) that the tightrope walker-Humanity can use to learn the art of leading life: “Like crossing an abyss upon a taut string—Beautifully, carefully, and fleetly.”

Taurus pushes to pursue the divine Plan by facing the trials and victories of Scorpio, the opposite Sign.

In the current Sign Taurus“: “The vital force, having heard the command given by Aries, rushes towards the goal and overwhelms each obstacle. Its propulsion is impetuous. A rushing current of energy is born and hastens to the goal: it is the incentive to live in form envisaging fulfillment.”

Also called “the divine incentive”, Taurus irreducibly impels the conquest of consciousness and to dispel the illusion through the bursting of Light. In Taurus the Work desired and initiated by Aries on the mental plane, is articulated through the Relationship between Desire and Mind (Kamâ-Manas) and the duality of Light, daughter of Spirit and of Substance: rays and waves, masculine and feminine, delimit and qualify Space (Vulcan – esoteric and hierarchical ruler and his wife Venus – exoteric ruler), allowing the Construction of the Work.[1]

Aldebaran, among the brightest visible stars in the sky, is placed right in the eye of the Bull, indicating the superior Vision, the direct knowledge given by the Ajna center, the Third Eye, the intuitive vision.

Taurus is closely related to the Pleiades who are the mothers of the seven aspects of formal life, “the wives of the seven Rishis of the Great Bear.” “The Pleiades as the central group of the Bull and Alcyone, one of the 7 Pleiades, is supposed to be the star around which our universe revolves”. The Pleiades are thus the symbol of the origin around which the wheel of life turns.

“The entire secret of divine purpose and planning is hidden in this sign, owing fundamentally to the relation of the Pleiades to the constellation, the Great Bear, and to our solar system. This constitutes one of the most important triangles in our entire cosmic series of relationships and this importance is also enhanced by the fact that the “eye of the Bull” is the eye of revelation. The underlying goal of the evolutionary process—”the onward rush of the Bull of God,” as it is esoterically called—reveals steadily and without cessation the stupendous and sublime plan of Deity. This is the subject which light reveals”.[ii]

The heavenly scene, the place where events are created, presents in this month of Taurus 2019 almost all the Qualities of the seven Rays exalted and vivified by the encounter in heliocentric conjunction between the Luminaries. Jupiter, second Ray, is not affected by any conjunction, but the ‘deep’ square that It forms with Neptune, sixth Ray, culminates this very month (May 5), magnified also by the presence in Pisces (2nd-6th R.) of both Mercury and Venus.

Let us tune our hearts to the great beat of solar rhythms, driven by the disruptive Light of the divine Bull.

First of all, the today powerful direction set up by Uranus-Sun/Vulcan-Earth.

Vulcan, the Lord of solar Will, in Its Sign Taurus heightens the power of this Direction: from the point of view of the Earth, Its ‘conjunction’ in this Sign with Uranus, the Hierophant to the solar Mysteries, ignites impetuously the 1-4-7 axis, the vertical axis or “backbone” of the Seven Rays, correspondent of the initiatory rod of Power. It intensifies in high degree the Light of the Field, through the “Eye of illumination”, destroying the densest obstructions and penetrating the darkest recesses of substance to elevate its forms to Heaven and radiate their divine essence.

The Humanity-disciple on Earth – non-sacred planet – in Scorpio, is flooded by the Light of Taurus and is powerfully urged to respond to the evolutionary appeal of the two sacred Planets 1-7 that are in front of It, thus awakening to the idea of Unity in the inner vision and seizing the initiatory opportunity, through the harmonious solution of conflicts: Man can learn to acquire a wider or brighter consciousness, facing the trials that lead to the liberation of himself and of the lower kingdoms.

May the solar Lords of Will and Rhythm reveal the Light of cosmic Life to the consciousness of the Earth.

By spirit retain the spiritual Teaching; only spirit can bring the Kingdom of God onto the Earth. As simply as My Words will the Kingdom of Spirit approach. As simply as last winter’s dry leaves will be swept away.

There is no past, there is the light of the future—by it walk! I summoned you from the gulf of life. I sharpened your teeth. I set before you the color of the banner. Understand the Teaching with a full sweep of wings. To Me leads only the upper path; by the lowest path one cannot come. Hold My Commandments under sagacious locks. Ascend by the most valiant thoughts, for I have lifted the flap of your tent with lightning. In spirit forget about insignificance. The predestined Light is great.

So walk!” (Leaves of Morya’s Garden II § 55, Agni Yoga)


Wishing to use this ‘propitious’ time to well orientate the Sowing of the Formulas for a New Culture/Civilization (see the text Asserting the Planetary Plan), we align ourselves with the celestial energies of the 1st Ray of Vulcan, the 2nd of the Sun, the 3rd of the Earth and the 7th of Uranus and sow the Formulas of the following polarities of Goals in human hearts:

1.7 “Ordering the vital stations of the new Culture”

7.1 “Liberating through Order”

2.7 “Integrating the World Group of servers”

7.2 “Teaching the mastery of Space”

3.7 “Giving rhythm to human actions according to celestial Cycles”

7.3 “Innovating the guidelines of evolutionary advancement”

This Senarius of Goals answers the synthetic question: “How is the Purpose (1), the Field (2) and the Project (3) of the new Culture organized?

May the vital stations of the new Culture be ordered in freedom,

May the World Group of Servers integrate itself to teach the mastery of Space,

May human activities be rhythmically measured according to the celestial cycles to innovate the guidelines of the evolutionary advancement.

[1]“Maximum activity of the construction. The joy suffuses everything.

In the light of the Sun, the Work grows and takes shape.

The Builders and the Warriors join.

It is the feast of the luminous work, of advancement, rhythm and victory.

The divine Bull charges and attacks.

The walls that surround the sacred space arise. Lights and shadows.

Inside and outside.

The builders work with dualism, since they know the Rules.

Everything is two-fold, many times two-fold. The Builders continually

trim the opposites, and thus describe the unchanging Reality.

They close to open and open to close.

One of the openings, in the Levant, is high, very large and circular.


[2] From A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 679, 376.

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8 Responses to Uranus in Taurus – Earth in Scorpio

  1. tom mcnamara says:

    The Electric Bridge, the quantum “spark’ as electricity (from the capacitator of God), goes from the 5 of mind as idea (and the Chiron paradigm “Chiron and Group Fusion” as a “pre quantum”, and the 5 points of the pyramid), to the 6 hexagram of the manifested pattern of life. As the pyramid as 5 ‘points”, 4 of those points have opposites, whereas the 5th point (apex) does not….As it “descends into matter to pattern and evolve it, it must have the opposite “point” to the apex (as the other four have opposites), and that opposite (as “seen” in the mirror pyramid), is the place of its opposite (which is the 6th point…now manifest), so now as creation pre quantum, thru “electricity” and the need for polarity, as polarity is necessary for manifestation, is “found” in this 6th point, and the circuit is completed, as “current” or spark now has its flow to its opposite pole, and thru this electric realization is consciousness made “real” in form as electricity now can flow, which is now energy made manifest, and from such does the physical become into Being……and as this process completes and repeats throughout the universe, does all come into Being. The physical is not a principle, as it is the result, not the cause, and it is this “bridge” on which all Life must form…..Polarity, the basis of all the universe in effect, as the etheric is the fluid of the physical into which the quantum of Being can now flow as manifestation…and be “visible”. That is why the mind is the place of genesis (as Idea), and the etheric is the place of “birth” to the form as duality is needed for form to be.. That is why the Chiron paradigm is not visible to the etheric, as when it manifests, it is the 6. This is why this remains invisible to the physical sight, even at its highest “form” in the etheric…..so this is now the place of effect, and cause is before the eye can “see”.

    • TPS Editor says:

      Thanks to all for your comments. Tom, please, do you have a link to understand what is the Chiron paradigm you mention?

      • tom mcnamara says:

        I am looking forward to exposing this. The original article was written in 1978 and published in the Mercury Hour Magazine. Publisher Edith Custer. It is long out of print, and is in archive. I did get it recently from archive, and will have available. When first written, Chiron had just been discovered. It has remained true since. It was the basic outline, and much has been added to it as it was a magnetic template needing further addition, as I knew it would as time and truth progress. It has and continues to be the basic outline to a whole new cosmology. I have had a struggle to explain, and only by this effort is more and more added to it …the Cosmic information is given as it progresses, and tests my efforts. I have found that it is not accepted so far, as I wait till the audience is ready. The audience is etheric, and only believes that which they see etherically…and I work only on the higher mental plane. It has been a dilemma to show the relationship of the higher mind to the etheric, as the etheric is a plane of form or effect, and ideation is pre form as cause, and is invisible to those who yet do not understand or work there. I know its truth, and it has irrefutable proof by correspondence astrological and cosmological, but remained invisible etherically, and now I realize, as form takes the 6 from the 5 of mind. It is the mental pre quantum idea/form as thought before manifestation, but with this new information about the “bridge”., it now fits together…I have written about it on FB pages…. Resonance, Reappearance of the Christ, and others. If you read back from there, they will link and take you back to get a better picture….It is time to expose, as Saturn and Pluto retrograde on my Ascendant. South Node and Jupiter. As Chiron has just entered Aries, and Uranus now is in Taurus (giving form to the new)…..My DOB is 09/11/1949 4:25PM DST Pittsburgh Penn US. A
        sc. is 14Cap42 conventional tropical.

        • TPS Editor says:

          Thanks Tom for your reply and research, the wider is our vision the simpler and more integrated our comprehension of reality and the ways to present it. Good common work!

  2. NancyC. says:

    We are on our Way…some seeds have already been planted a very long time ago, with many new seedings occurring since then. The Harvest is already starting to happen in places and will eventually create a veritable Garden of Heaven covering our earth.

  3. Jo Garceau says:

    On waking this morning, I found myself wondering about the course of Uranus through the signs over the past 84 year cycle, a kind of blueprint for the cycle now going forth. This culmination of Sun and Uranus in Taurus may give us profound indicators of what we can expect as the age of Aquarius emerges. Your article is marvelous.

  4. tom mcnamara says:

    They open to close, and close to open….continue to trim and compress the opposites into/unto the infinite point. This recapitulation and reciprocation is the movement back and fourth in the fusion process which powers the Chiron paradigm, “Chiron and Group Fusion”….forward into/onto the cosmic path and initiation….reveal the cosmic light to the consciousness of earth…as Chiron synchronizes from early Aries. Taurus is the 5th sign to the building of the temple, which is the pyramid fusion engine of Maitreya as cosmic archetype and the Great Singularity….and the balancing pole for the fusion of all opposites, and the potential quantum of infinity.

  5. This is an important overview of the dominate astrological influences of the times and the creative tension all White Magicians must utilize to impel themselves and humanity forward onto the Path of Initiation and the construction of the New Spiritual Civilization and culture that is attempting to emerge.

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