The Seven Aspects of Gemini






The life of the annual cycle rises towards the climax. Driven by the impetus of Taurus, it reaches the maximum of tension. The will remains unitary, but the formal principle reveals the dualism. A door takes shape beyond which stands the illusion of the finite. Conscious beings that cross it and enter the concrete world are covered with veils; those that come out realize the infinite union.


Space is not yet populated with forms, but is fertilized and ready to generate them. It has held them in itself, it is pregnant, it feeds them. In this condition, all the sparks of the vital Fire are nourished by the spatial particle that has received them. Therefore, everything is light. Nothing can intervene to limit Space, which remains open and boundless, yet each of its particles, which still reproduces it in its entirety, constitutes a stand-alone field, where the law repeats itself, out of obedient love.

The slightly illuminated consciousnesses thus exchange the part for the whole and build a network of illusions, each thread of which separates a section from the others; and of that network they remain prisoners.


The second quality of Gemini is sovereign, and transmits its Ray. In the unlimited Space it rules with the magnetism of Love, which tolerates, understands, settles, illumines, remembers and reorders.


Creative power, or the third divine potency, manifests itself in Geminias pulsation. All life is animated and propagated by the rhythmic flow of the universal beat, which involves every creature and is differentiated and multiplied by the fifth energy, as will be seen.


In the silence of the third, the fourth quality is affirmed. Space reflects itself in infinite directions and each of its particles finds countless yet exact correspondences, similarities and analogies. By this general arrangement, all developments, and their laws and rhythms, have repercussions everywhere, even if they change direction and level.

For this divine property, every single gesture moves all Space and finds no limits that can stop its propagation. It is a dispersion, but it brings back to unity.


The generating principle of forms, that virtue that sets limits but never closes the doors, which separates only in order to concentrate and unveil the content, is very active in Gemini, though its fruits are not yet evident. But the fifth quality is the dominator of the field, charged with faithfully carrying out the Lord’s project. Its dualistic power places it as a source, from which life flows into the concrete world, and as an estuary, which gathers the conscious beings that flow from it.


The motion culminates at the top and touches the bottom of the abyss. The summit includes entities that wrap themselves in forms and those that disrobe themselves. The bottom is for those who, coming down to give service, are now preparing to return.

But Space, so powerful in Gemini, is the final and essential communion that nullifies any difference and is the basis of absolute affinity and therefore of brotherhood.

The Center of centers pulsates, launches life towards the periphery and recalls it. The motion of the perfect Heart is the synthesis of all the other movements, and with each beat the quality of life improves because the whole spirals up towards the highest Summit.


The seventh quality works in Gemini as the seventh Sacrament. Each pair of opposites must be resolved in unity. Therefore, in this sign, where everything is divided into pairs, each of these, which is an octave interval and contains a microcosm, rediscovers the reality of the One.

Separation and union are both acts of sacrifice. The first gives rise to the lineages, to the species, to the propagation of forms; the second recovers and consecrates the real union.

In this way, the Heart pulsates in the universal Space.

* From E. Savoini, “The Solar System in Space”, in translation from “Il Sistema solare nello Spazio”, 1993.
For an introduction to the 7×12 aspects of the Zodiac see here.
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One Response to The Seven Aspects of Gemini

  1. Have never heard such a beautiful expansion in the teachings of the Rays. Thank you.

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