Alignment Earth-Sun-Alcyone

On May 21 of each year, the Earth receives the energy of Alcyone through the splendor of the Sun/Vulcan, along the ecliptic meridian: similarly, the Personality (Earth) receives, through the mediation of the Soul (Sun), the very high and profound energies of the Spirit (Cosmos). It is a propitious day for the invocation and evocation of the cosmic Energy of the other “central Sun” Alcyone of the Pleiades – for the Ancient Wisdom the Origin and central pivot of the Seven Solar Systems (the cosmic Septenary) of which ours is part.

The Vibration that runs through the Alcyone-Sun-Earth alignment directs a seed of substantial Light or intelligent cosmic Creativity on the Ecliptic (the ideal matrix of all events, concrete and otherwise, of the solar, planetary or human system).

Tomorrow, therefore, the generative power of the cosmic 3rd Ray pervades the worlds, Its sparks illuminate and push the Plan of common advance infallibly to the Goal, to the rise of the Age of Light; the Servers of the Good, the Beautiful and the True respond in harmony to the impulse of the heavenly Fire and proceed with a united breath and a unified rhythm.

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth

In response to this fiery impulse, let us impress together in Space the word of power of the third aspect of the Divine:


the rhythmic motion of Fire.

– Each force has its own tensions, which call forth creative strivings from the source of cosmic fires that gathers Light and spreads Fire around itself. Verily, thus is the Cosmic Focus affirmed, and life must be built around a focus. Creativeness is limitless!

– When the arcs of consciousnesses are blended, Light reigns, and the highest ordainment is affirmed. Only thus is the highest Law attained. Thus We create!

(Agni Yoga Collection – Hierarchy § 69- 209-128)

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One Response to Alignment Earth-Sun-Alcyone

  1. jeanw5 says:

    “Life must be built around a purpose” seems to express an answer to my lifelong seeking to understand what Life is all about, and why.

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