Ascending to the solstitial Summit: towards Orion, Draco, Polaris

Starting today, the 12 days that lead us to the Summit of the Summer Solstice: in this Round Table of 12 terrestrial rotations (from June 9 to 20) our Sun aligns itself with the Stars of the Orion Constellation (see here for the details of the alignments to the individual Stars – in Italian), finally looking at the Solstitial axis Cancer – Capricornus (this year June 21 h. 3:54 UT).

Orion, the X or great oblique cross of Heaven, for the Egyptians and for the Ancient Wisdom is the “heavenly signature” of the Soul, of the Christic Principle (cosmic Buddhi), Source and guarantee of Resurrection. He is the Hunter of Light, Osiris, and is the “figure of the Lord”.1

Orion is the Sign of Resurrection, the constellation of Sacrifice and Liberation of the ‘Christ in us, certainty of glory’.

The 10th day of these 12 days of resurrection sees on one side Orion ‘veiled’ by our Sun/ Vulcan, and on the opposite side the Earth aligned to the Galactic Heart (June 18): on one side, the radiant Sun (the solar Soul) joined to the cosmic Hunter of Light Orion (the cosmic Soul), on the other the Earth (the Personality) united to the ‘dark’ Source of the cosmic Light, the Galactic Center (the cosmic Spirit).

Along this radiant Way, of ascent to Heaven, the Earth is united (June 19) to the Star Eltanin of the Draco Constellation, indicated by the esoteric Cosmology as the Heavenly Guardian of the cosmic kundalini, and associated with the center of the base among those Seven Centers that constitute the ‘backbone’ of the Great cosmic Man (the Big Dipper being the center of the Head), the sublime Entity at the helm of the local universe “in which we live, we move and have our being”.

On the 12th day, June 20th, a stupendous, sacred way to Unity is traced in the Sky between the Heart of Orion (the star Betelgeuse, joined on the ecliptic meridian to the Sun together with the North Star, the current pivot and cosmic fire that directs the terrestrial ‘point of view’), the Heart of the Sun (Vulcan), that of the Earth and the Heart of the Galaxy.


From the point of the evolution of consciousness, we are currently under the influence of the 6th Sign, Gemini (apparent Sun) and of Sagittarius (Earth).

The pure 2nd Ray, ‘the divine love that sustains everything’, flows through Gemini, the two-spiralled breath that envelops the countless pulsating lives between the two Columns, Heaven and Earth, preserving their magnetic exchanges, holding them in itself, and resolving the dualities in a fluid synthesis. Its power recalls the centrality of the Love of Space, the great shining mantle of the Mother of the World, the Light of Heaven.

Against the backdrop of the cosmic Temple in which “we live, move and have our being”, Gemini is the entry point for the cosmic energy coming from Sirius, Who with the Great Bear and the Pleiades composes a powerful triangle.  It is that of the cosmic Christ, or the sublime Entity at the head of our local universe, the Galactic Arm of Orion (the celestial Osiris, represented ‘locally’ by Sirius-Isis).

As can also be seen from the motto, Gemini is the Dyad that leads back to the One, to the power of Being, to the sole uni-versal Heart, to the Center of the centers, the goal and target of the divine Archer, Sagittarius, the polar opposite of Gemini / Orion-Sirius in the direction of the galactic Center.

… the Space, so powerful in Gemini, is the final and essential communion that cancels  out any difference, it is the basis of absolute affinity and therefore of brotherhood. The Center of the centers pulsates, launches life towards the periphery and recalls it. The motion of the perfect Heart is the synthesis of all the other movements, and with each beat the quality of life improves as the whole spirals towards the Summit “. (The Solar System in Space, E. Savoini.)


Hence the Gemini-Sagittarius Cosmic Polarity leads to the Solstice Peak and brings to Earth the Power of Christ, witnessed by the tumult of sounds and lights that form the splendid embroidery and music of the spheres of the current month, those cosmic, solar and planetary dates that well orient our vision to the supernal Light of the Far Worlds, to the most subtle and fiery realities of our being and existence.

We are navigators of the Heaven and we go from light to light.


To love that moves the sun and the other stars.

All’amor che move il sole e l’altre stelle (Dante, Paradiso, XXXIII, v. 145)

The Power of Christ is the Light of the New Culture

1“… in the West the X was the representative sign that astronomers had adopted for the constellation of Orion,” whose stars … arranged in the shape of an X seemed to inscribe in glowing points of fire – in the sky itself – the figure of the Lord “… the monogram of Christ was formed by a symbol where an I, initial of Iesous, was superimposed on an X, Greek initials of the name of Christ.” (A. Cattabiani, Planetarium, Ed. Oscar Mondadori, 2007, p. 149).
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3 Responses to Ascending to the solstitial Summit: towards Orion, Draco, Polaris

  1. one spark says:

    Dear Draco,
    how I marvel
    at your presence,
    you sit with us as a comfort,
    giving prospective on the dynamic sky,
    the treasure you guard,
    shared through the spark in our chest,
    shines through our human eyes,
    as the golden steps of the path,
    to the slowly shifting axis of Polaris,
    as the great and present pole star,
    pulses with a new rhythm,
    growing ever brighter.

  2. Rickard (Rich ard) (Nilsson/Hansson)Anderholm. R says:


  3. NancyC. says:

    Thank you for this marvelous offering. Am reminded of the quote in Rays and Initiations by Alice Bailey “When an embodied Christ in time and space reaches [Page 89] His goal of achievement, recognition of this comes to Him at the time of the June Full Moon, for in that sign of Gemini the complete victory of life over form, and of spirit over matter, is consummated and celebrated.”

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