Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

Today in the heliocentric Sky resounds the powerful accord between Venus (5th Ray), the Mind illuminated by Love that, for love, builds, and Uranus (7th Ray), the Lord of Rhythm and Order, He who accelerates evolutionary rhythms and pushes with power to the ordered construction – an accord generated by their conjunction in the Sign of Taurus, Light of knowledge, of wisdom and of Life (governed by Venus and Its Consort, Vulcan).

The harmonizing Power of Rhythm and Order and the Force applied for Love by the enlightened Mind instill an intense impulse to the construction of the new Thought, able to assert and irradiate the Ordering of the New Culture. (See article Natural Solemnity and Spiritual Exactness).

“Verily, thought is infinite. The domains of the Cosmos are revealed to it. There are no limitations where the spirit rules. Is not thought, which pervades all and manifests the beauty of the Cosmos, miraculous? Thought, emanating from the Depths of the Cosmos, revealing all sources, is the most fiery of the manifestations of space (…) The source of creative power is inexhaustible when life is filled with thought. Therefore, to think means to construct life. To think means to affirm the forms of life ….” (Agni Yoga, Fiery World III § 150).

Wishing to “well orient” our Sowing, let us turn our gaze to the Heaven of Causes and celebrate this event together. In aligning ourselves with these celestial energies, let us vivify, for a New Culture/Civilization, the formulas of the Goal 7.5 “Applying the septenary order of Energies” and its mutual 5.7 “Organizing the new planetary Civilization”:

By applying the septenary order of Energies we organize the new planetary Civilization

and thus, driven by the Will of Good and the Light of Beauty, we give life and expressions to the Thought of the new Culture.

“… The culture of the spirit and thought are to be followed, thus manifesting an unconquerable devotion to Hierarchy. Only thus is the spirit uplifted; only thus can one be affirmed in the evolution of the spirit. Hence, the beauty of Service is contained in the blending of consciousnesses. When the arcs of consciousnesses are blended, Light reigns, and the highest ordainment is affirmed. Only thus is the highest Law attained. Thus We create!” (Agni Yoga, Hierarchy § 128).


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