Government and the Service of Politics

In these pages we have cyclically talked about Government, starting from the statement with which this primary human activity has been described:

“Base and purpose of governing is Freedom”

In order to build a founding thought-form in view of a new Culture / Civilization, in this fifth seven-year period of the Plan, dedicated to the Manifestation, we are selecting the first stones and tracing the lines of the ways in which the seven main human activities could be carried out in the upcoming Age of Aquarius, which would register an expansion of consciousness in Humanity. The prodrome of this “initiatory passage” will be 2025 (see here), about which much has been written[1].

In a nutshell, as far as Governing is concerned, so far we have said that:

  • Freedom, the power of Being and the universal common Good, is bestowed from on High and at the same time it must be conquered from below. Who governs gives his share of Freedom, acquiring a greater one and therefore the more we are inwardly free the more we are able to govern.
  • Governing is accomplished from the Centre, the place of the supreme sacrifice, the place of Fire where all the currents unite and where a very deep and powerful silence reigns. Hence directions can be traced, fiery arrows of thought can be shot and other centres lit up, through which to spread increasing doses of Freedom in the Field.
  • The action of governing is essentially occult, even though it manifests itself through precise indications or decrees, and it must be carried out in coherence with the Purpose of the Real Government of the planet, that “Centre where the Will of God is known”, which in turn refers to the Purpose of the planetary Logos.
  • The future worldwide Government, whose main task will be to free consciousnesses by making them autonomous and cooperating, will also have to take into account the salvific role of Humanity towards the other kingdoms for nature of which it is responsible.
  • This planetary Government, which already exists on the subtle levels just as our mind can imagine it, cannot be elected from below or imposed from Above, otherwise it would not be free. Those who work for the common Good, through Service projects pursued without any personal ambition are already applying for it with their commitment. They will recognize themselves by the value of their work and will be recognized, observed and tested by the higher Government, and they will form, integrating themselves in a natural way, the first prototype of that Entity which will manifest itself in due time.

If the Government must essentially be the transceiver of Humanity, seeking to capture, understand and interpret the Purpose of the Real Government to pass it on, make it usable and pour it in right doses into the minds of human thinkers, then Politics, which descends from it and of which it is an integral part, will be that Organ which will elaborate a Plan through which this Purpose can be translated, step by step, into impulses and coherent evolutionary goals.

The Plan for Humanity, part of the planetary one, must therefore be intuited and formulated in response to the hierarchical one (see Asserting the Planetary Plan), as it must be for the Purpose of the human Government in relation to that of the Real Government. It will however be constantly updated and more and more precisely defined, taking into account, on the one hand, the progressive understanding of the higher Plan (which is also subject to cyclical updates) and on the other the need to comply with solar dates and the capacity of responsiveness of consciousness, respecting human free will and the law of karma.

The new Politics will evidently no longer be managed by parties which, being precisely “partisan”, try in every way to make their point of view prevail over that of others. As well as the governing Entity, the political Service will in fact be unitary and devoted to the common Good, that is to the maximum Freedom that can be attained at any point of the cycle.

Since political operativity mainly concerns the modalities of civil cohabitation, having to translate governmental directives as precisely as possible into proposals and laws, every decision or measure must be supported by a broad consensus and therefore by a vision that combines all points of view, defined by the seven creative Rays that recompose the essential and inherent unity of any issue and at the same time represent the wonder of the One which spreads Itself open in all Creation.

All nations, seats of their minor Governments and Politics, clearly inserted into the world ones, by reproducing within themself this same Model, will see as their guides enlightened men and women, determined and moved by the Will-to-Good. Each nation, moreover, being a living Entity whose personal and spiritual nature is the expression of one of the seven Ray qualities, through its representatives could contribute to the common work by bringing out the constructive aspect of each question through its specific quality, an integral part of the overall vision. In this way, there could be groups of nations essentially voted to preside, in a world context, over the Purpose (1st R.) of any considered topic, others over the Service Field (2nd R.), others over the Planning and Programming (3rd R.), and so on. Considering the fact that each Ray holds within itself all the seven facets of its identity, it is clear that a dense network of luminous relations, interactions and sound connections of thoughts would be created.

It is clear that this hypothesis of re-founding of the Art of Government, although very fragmentary up to now, intends to substantially reproduce the reality of the invisible Government of the world and of the planetary Hierarchy that govern the destiny of Humanity and of the Planet. Consciously conforming to them and collaborating on a human level to this government action, and strengthening it, should be the most logical path to follow. In this way the gap between Humanity and its majors would be filled.

It is true, however, that this vision, even though it represents a Model that has already been drawn up and is only waiting to be recognized, can today seem utopian and unattainable. Certainly it foresees a significant expansion of general consciousness. It is nonetheless necessary to take into account also the fact that, if its foundations are right and the thought-form that will descend from it will be constructed in a workmanlike manner, well nourished and made mentally attractive, it will only be pursued in lightness and emerge with a broad thought support. On the other hand, inevitably, together with the Government, all other human activities will be re-founded with similar criteria and therefore, in a simple but powerful way, a great wave of change will precipitate also on the manifest plane, radically transforming the way of life of Humanity, which will be based on the concepts of Unity, Cooperation, Brotherhood.

The new ones will come!

Man, who lives on the Planet and in Heaven, must find his models on high and build a future in keeping with his planetary and solar role. It is no longer time for theories and self-complacency, now it is necessary to engage, each one in his own field, in a common action, giving life to a powerful thought-form from which experiments and prototypes of the new world can descend, stimulating the consciousnesses and creating the foundations for the future. Thus we work under the signs of Light and Beauty, and we are already on our way.

“The guarantee given by the Forces of Light is the most powerful foundation for the New Life. I can assure you, the dark ones have a dreary road ahead. I am affirming the Light of the future, which through various voices will kindle fires all over the world. I am affirming that the Teaching is a manifestation of the New World. I am affirming that the most precious concepts are steps on the path of life. I am affirming that there is no darkness that could extinguish Our signs. I am affirming that something beneficial can be obtained from the turmoil. I am affirming that the forces of the Subtle World are striving to approach the earthly plane. I am affirming that this difficult hour is a clarion call. I am affirming that everyone who follows Us will attain salvation. I am affirming that the many scattered members will be united. I am affirming the path to the sunrise, a path on which there is but a single decision. I am affirming the date of happiness, a date that brings a promise of salvation to the world”. (Agni Yoga – Heart, 214)

This article is published while the apparent Sun transits in Leo (1st and 5th Ray) related to the first human activity: the Government.

[1]The Seven Steps towards 2025” – still in Italian: “I Sette passi verso il 2025” (in translation).

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3 Responses to Government and the Service of Politics

  1. NancyC. says:

    “Man, who lives on the Planet and in Heaven, must find his models on high and build a future in keeping with his planetary and solar role. It is no longer time for theories and self-complacency, now it is necessary to engage, each one in his own field, in a common action, giving life to a powerful thought-form from which experiments and prototypes of the new world can descend, stimulating the consciousnesses and creating the foundations for the future. Thus we work under the signs of Light and Beauty, and we are already on our way.” YES!

    Thank you Marinella, for these thoughts, both practical and inspiring!

  2. Be great to have an English version 🙂

    • TPS Editor says:

      Steven, if you mean of “The Seven Steps towards 2025” mentioned in the footnote, it will be done in next months.

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