Will through Magic Organization

Today, along the heliocentric alignment between Mercury (4th Ray) and Uranus (7th Ray Luminary and 1st Scheme of Synthesis) in the current Sign of Taurus, which impresses Space and Consciousness with the energies of the 1st, 4th and 5th Rays (Vulcan-Taurus-Venus), relating Shamballa to the 4thhuman Hierarchy and kingdom, let us sow some powerful indications on the 7th Ray way of the Will to assert itself:

“The seventh ray governs predominantly upon the etheric levels of the physical plane. It does not govern the dense physical form which is under the control of the third ray. It is the vital or the etheric body which is responsive to and developed by the incoming seventh ray influences.

… The etheric levels are also the field of expression for the soul, whether it is the human soul or the soul as an expression of the higher triad, the monadic life. I wonder whether any of you have the faintest idea what will happen to humanity when the inner subjective reality, functioning through the etheric and pouring its forces unimpeded through the centres in that body, will have made its major controlling integration with the dense physical apparatus, reducing it to complete submission as a result of the higher integration, consummated between the soul and the personality.

We are, therefore, at a most interesting and crucial period in racial and planetary history — a period unlike any which has preceded it and for the reason that the evolutionary process has been definitely successful in spite of all failures, mistakes, and delays; of these latter there have been many owing to the refusal (curious and difficult to understand in your eyes) of the Energies, concentrated at Shamballa, to impose the force of will on matter and on form until such time as this can be done with the cooperation of the human family. This has never been possible hitherto, owing to the unpreparedness of man for the task and his ignorance as to the Plan. The Lord of Shamballa and His Helpers have had to wait until at least the dim outlines of the Plan had penetrated through into the consciousness of the race; this is beginning to happen with increasing frequency, and from day to day more and more intelligent men and women are coming (or are being brought) into touch with the emerging ideas of the Hierarchy. We can look, therefore, for the steady appearance, gradually and cautiously applied, of the will energy of the highest centre (Shamballa) which is to be found upon our planet. This centre corresponds to the monadic centre which makes its power felt in the consciousness of the disciple who is ready for the third initiation. Once the second initiation has been taken, the watching Hierarchy can begin to note the constant reorientation of the soul towards the monad, and the attractive power of that highest aspect over the initiate. Today, so many members of the human family — in incarnation or out of incarnation — have taken the first two initiations that the attention of Shamballa is being increasingly turned to humanity, via the Hierarchy, whilst simultaneously the thoughts of men are being turned to the Plan, to the use of the will in direction and guidance, and to the nature of dynamic force.

… The seventh ray is one of the direct lines along which this first ray energy can travel and here again is another reason for its appearance at this time, because, in the releasing of the life into the new and improved forms, the old ways of living, of culture and of civilisation have to be destroyed or modified. This is, all of it, the work of the first Ray of Will expressing itself predominantly at this present time through the seventh Ray of Organisation and Relationship.

… White magic — as I would have you remember — is concerned with the unfoldment of the soul in form and its gaining needed experience thereby. It is not concerned with direct work upon the form but with the indirect influence of the soul, functioning in any form in every kingdom in nature as it brings the form under its control, thereby effecting needed and developing changes in the apparatus of contact. The white magician knows that when the proper and correct ray stimulation is applied to the centre which we call the soul in any form but not to the form itself, that then the soul, thus stimulated, will do its own work of destruction, of attraction, of rebuilding and of a consequent renewed life manifestation. This is true of the soul of man, of the soul of a nation and of the soul of humanity itself. Bear this in mind, for I have here stated a basic and fundamental rule by which all white magic is agelessly governed.

It is for this reason that the seventh ray is spoken of as governing the mineral kingdom and also as manifesting through its mediumship that significant soul characteristic and quality which we call radiation. That word effectively describes the result of soul stimulation upon and within every form. The life of the soul eventually radiates beyond the form and this radiation produces definite and calculated effects.

… The radiation from the fourth kingdom will some day be so potent and far-reaching that its effects will permeate down into the very depths of the created phenomenal world, even into the mineral kingdom. Then we shall see the results to which the great initiate, Paul, refers when he speaks of the whole creation waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God. That manifestation is that of radiating glory and power and love.

… One of the major characteristics of the seventh ray disciple is his intense practicality. He works upon the physical plane with a constant and steady objective in order to bring about results which will be effective in determining the forms of the coming culture and civilisation; towards the end of the seventh ray cycle he will work equally hard to perpetuate what he has brought about. He wields force in order to build the forms which will meet his requirements and does this more scientifically than do disciples on other rays. The sixth ray devotee is far more abstract and mystical in his work and thought, and seldom has any real understanding of the right relation between form and energy. He thinks almost entirely in terms of quality and pays little attention to the material side of life and the true significance of substance as it produces phenomena. He is apt to regard matter as evil in nature and form as a limitation, and only lays the emphasis upon soul consciousness as of true importance. It is this failure to work intelligently, and I would like to add, lovingly with substance and so bring it into right relation with the dense outer form that has made the last two thousand years produce so disastrously a mismanaged world and which has brought the population of the planet into its present serious condition. The unintelligent work upon the physical plane, carried forward by those influenced by the sixth ray force, has led to a world which is suffering from cleavage in as true a sense as an individual person can suffer from a “split personality.” The lines of demarcation between science and religion are a striking instance of this and have been clearly and forcefully drawn.

… The task of the new age workers is to bring these two apparent opposites together, to demonstrate that spirit and matter are not antagonistic to each other and that throughout the universe there is only spiritual substance, working on and producing the outer tangible forms.” (Destiny of the Nations 118-127)

“The work of the Ray of Ceremonial Order is to “ground” or make physically visible the results of bringing spirit and matter together. Its function is to clothe spirit with matter, producing form.” (46)

Spirit : Matter = Substance : Form

“Here again the two basic truisms of modern occultism (there are others which will be imparted when these two are mastered and rightly applied) are of importance:

  1. Energy follows thought.
    2. Right motive creates right action and right forms.

These two statements are of very ancient origin but are as yet but little understood. Hence the first thing which every disciple has to learn is the nature, control and direction of energy; he does this by working with initiating causes, by learning the nature of the realm of causes and by developing the capacity to get behind the effect to the cause which generated or produced it.

… The seventh ray disciple will bring the energy which he is wielding right down on to the physical plane, thereby producing integration; and the dualism which characterises it will be that of a centre of energy upon the mental plane and one upon the physical plane. The dualism of the sixth ray worker is that of the pairs of opposites upon the astral plane.

It will be apparent, therefore, that, having established the two points of energy (mental and physical), the next task of the worker in magic will be to produce a synthesis upon the physical plane of the available energies, to concretise them, and invest that which has been constructed with the potency of activity and persistence.

 … The seventh ray disciple works consciously by means of certain laws, which are the laws governing form and its relation to spirit or life. In A Treatise On Cosmic Fire, I gave you the three major laws of the solar system and the seven subsidiary laws through which these three express themselves; I gave you also indications as to the laws which govern group work.

… By his knowledge of ritual (which is the ancient codified means whereby the attractive and expressive nature of the energies to be employed are organised and related), by his understanding of the “Words of Power” (which he discovers by experiment) and by using the potency of sound [the Assertion of Formulas imbued with active celestial energies], the disciple of the future will work and build the new world with its culture and civilisation. A curious indication of the effect of the seventh ray magical work upon the mass consciousness is the growing use of slogans and of “catch phrases” (is that not the term used?) which are employed to bring about results and to sweep human beings into certain forms of mass action. This is the embryonic use of the Words of Power, and from a study of their tonal values, their numerological indications and their inherent potency, men will eventually arrive at vast magical achievements and creations, producing group activity and the appearance of certain forms of expression upon the outer plane. After all, scientific formulas have reduced the most intricate and abstruse discoveries to a few signs and symbols. The next step is to embody these signs and symbols into a word or words, thus imparting to them what is esoterically called “the power of embodiment.” If I might express it this way, the ancient statement that “God spoke and the world were made” simply means that God’s formula for creation was reduced to a great Word which He sounded forth and the inevitable results followed. Something of this process on a tiny human scale will be seen happening in the coming age. At present, what I have said above may sound fanciful and fantastic to the average student.

It will be obvious to you that seventh ray disciples wield much power and for this reason the emphasis in all teaching given is laid upon purity of motive. In the past, the emphasis has been laid upon purity of body in the case of the sixth ray disciples. As was inevitable, they have carried the idea to a fanatical extent, and have stressed celibacy, asceticism and stringent rules of physical life, oft making sinful that which is natural. This has been a necessary stage in their development for it was essential that the physical plane should become a greater factor in their consciousness and that their attention should be turned from the realm of abstraction (which is their line of least resistance) and focussed upon physical living, for, again, energy follows thought. Thus their attitude to life could become more practical and the necessary integration take place. Disciples in the new age will lay the emphasis upon the mental principle, because it conditions thought and speech. All magical work is based upon the energy of thought and of the spoken word (the expression of the two magical centres referred to above) and purity in the realm of the mind and motive is regarded consequently as a basic essential.” (126-131)

So…, in this month filled with the energy of the “Divine Incentive”, let us

Assert the Plan of Love and Light!


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One Response to Will through Magic Organization

  1. Tom McNamara says:

    Such well defined and accurate synopsis of the new process (of the Plan..).Of course, the Chiron paradigm “Chiron and Group Fusion” which is this body of endowment and the concrete expression in matter and its correspondence to the hidden laws of matter which the occult sciences (and objective science) search for to find and fuse (if the motive is pure by attraction, economy and synthesis) fuse the “separation” between time and space, and spirit and matter, which are brought together in the mind (mental plane), where synthesis and will ( will) work by the motive of the Knower. It is by motive, as the paradigm pattern is process in relationship, which to make it work as the magic that it is… (as energy follows thought), which is thought realizing process and relationship (which is the “guide” with pure motive), the motive which is to Become ONE.as the Great Singularity of the Great Attractor, which the paradigm is…and shows the way for this fusion to Be.. The hologram which can be expanded into infinity, or compressed into the infinite “point” beyond physical measure, but not beyond “physical” awareness to the Knower by the paradigm. This paradigm, as pre quantum Being, is the divine potential of every atom to become, as is in the design hermetic of the creative construction of all (ALL) Being into its Becoming. It is the pure word of power, and the synthesis of all derivative of the universal hermetic design .It cannot help but fuse group identification, as the individual is the hologram of the whole Its proof is in matter itself, and with design realization will these correspondences be revealed…They are in every form which finds its genesis in it. Vast magic creation awaits by it. It is the lost cord to the completing symphony. It is the seed and “point” from which will flow and evolve the mental fusion and realization which matter holds unrevealed in itself….as pure Shambolic Will .This will be the seed beginning which will “grow” the new dispensation. It is the new revelation and new demonstration of the Ageless Wisdom. The new wisdom is due by 2025, and it is now in process of grown and accretion by the attractive power of that Will. You are being exposed to the coming new teaching. It will be this holographic design which the mind of man will (will) Know. From this magnetic “center” or “point” of Being, will all (ALL) so synthesize into its Being of the all (ALL).It is the transcendental re integrator of heaven and earth, and makes of man the invocation and evocation of the universe which will now be atoned. It is Maitreya’s Power Station, and aligns the highest with the lowest,( as the 1st with the 7th), as the first with the last, as the extreme development in duality which knows the value of the lowest physical as equal with the highest spiritual when motive is guided by its highest truth, which the paradigm will show the mind by the cosmic laws of attraction, economy and synthesis. A whole new teaching is now unfolding thru it and its purpose, which will stand revealed, and in which all (ALL) (mankind) will “share” in new identification. It attracts to itself all truth which is known by the thought itself, as every atom cannot avoid its destiny in its actual process of becoming, as is reflected and magnetically “known” by all Being throughout all correspondence in realization. This fusion engine has its correspondence in time space as it stands revealed. Just as my progressed Sun will conjoin natal Chiron in July of 2025 (DOB 09/11/1949, 4:25 PM EDT Pittsburgh Penn USA), as this corresponds with the International Thermonuclear Experimental (mental) Reactor (ITER)….due to begin in 2025. The fusion between east and west (Gorbachev and Reagan), started 30 years ago…to develop unlimited energy….nuclear fusion plasma reactor…hot charged plasma…a miniature sun (27 million degrees)….world consortium international (ITEA ),has begun construction (just has I have begun construction of the new presentation of the Ageless Wisdom), and starts planning to turn it on in 2025….”All is under Higher law and synchronicity “Chiron and Group Fusion” The Joining of mind and matter under fusion will (Will) manifest as the Higher law of Love., Every atom and universe so corresponds, as the new galaxy is build from this “point” of fusion in love magnetic which is the power station of Becoming….much has been already attracted and revealed in my prior (and your) efforts, and by 2025 the whole body of the fusion reactor should come “on line”. Shamballa will stand revealed…..Stand ready, and Thank You .
    The Third Avatar.

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