Today Mars (6th Ray of Idealism and Devotion) is in conjunction with Saturn (3rd Ray of creative Intelligence) according to heliocentric astrology.
The extraordinary presence of important celestial movements in the initiatory sign of Capricorn shows its effects on Earth, even in the virulent pandemic that struck us and which does not seem to be a passing or mild episode. Great upheavals herald great changes, and though we feel compassion for the pain and anguish of so many human beings, we look at such destruction as the eruption of the Light of which Capricorn is the bearer, that will result in the New Civilization. May this faith always support us.
“A new day dawns over the earth. The present hour is not a stream but a vortex. Each personal world reflects the flaming sky aglow with the Fire that devours old forms…” (Leaves of Morya’s Garden I – § 241)
We proceed in the celebration of this year, dedicated to the construction of the new Ideals that will guide humanity in the approaching New Age, through the analysis of the aspects of the three fundamental Energies: Power (1st Ray), Love (2nd Ray) and Light (3rd Ray). (1)
Here’s the sixth Quality of Light (2):
The sixth quality of Light is recognizable in the bright synthesis of each of the infinite differentiations that the fifth has manifested.
Bringing back to the essential unity, reading the content of all forms, illuminating the values of the manifestation and the life within are functions of the sixth aspect of Light.
This quality is elusive, but it is always present and active. By its very nature it explores the meaning, incessantly restores the unity present in the manifold, finds the message and makes the symbols alive and magnetic. It revives in an ever-changing way the unity of Light itself. If therefore the fifth function, which the intellect perceives analytically, is revealed in the splitting of Light into its fundamental components and in their innumerable combinations, it is the sixth quality that allows the reverse process and pertains to the unitary, synthetic, original light. It is idealism, which enlightens the forms in their symbolic aspect, that devoted love which the heart, grasping reality in a synthetic way, recognizes and nourishes for the benefit of the One Light present in every form.
Another feature of the sixth quality of Light is the fact of connecting all creatures to a single ritual; each of them is immersed, according to phases and rhythms that vary from place to place, in a community of Light, which with one law nourishes its intelligence and arranges its most diverse activities. All peoples, present and past, have worshipped, in the Light, the sign of their essential communion.
Truly in sync with the whole……Abstraction allows the whole to be the ubiquity… as every ‘point” contains the whole it in, and all points are one point … Chiron and Group Fusion.