The Fifth Aspect of Light

Today, according to the heliocentric vision, Venus is in conjunction with the Earth in the sign of Sagittarius, Lord of directions, therefore in the sign of Gemini according to the geocentric vision, the sign of which Venus is the ruler at an esoteric level (it is Pollux, the solar Angel and immortal Brother of Castor, the lesser self, the Earth). While the upheaval and reconversion led by the many luminaries in Capricorn still rage (in particular by the conjunction of Mars and Saturn, which today becomes exact), the “older sister” guides the blue planet to look far away, at its task and its destiny, illuminating the Way with the light of the higher Mind.

The seven-year period that goes from 2015 to 2021, according to the Table of the Plan, (1) is pervaded by the energies of the fifth Ray, the agent of Manifestation, of which Venus is a full expression, Guide and Master.

Let’s celebrate the sparkling Light of the higher Mind, by reflecting on its fifth aspect:

The fifth aspect of Light is, by its very nature, apparent and manifest: it showcases the infinite variety of forms.

Light expresses it by splitting into the seven colours of the rainbow. This aspect, so intimately connected to the function of the intellectual mind, is its analytical characteristic; it is its capacity for an increasingly differentiated and manifold partitioning; finally, it is the first manifestation of an inexhaustible creativity that is never identical or repeated. Light maintains its unity unaltered, yet it is multifaceted: in this the fifth aspect is revealed. A world without colours is not even imaginable: it would be an indecipherable enigma devoid of interest. The seven fundamental colours with their countless combinations are qualities that are inseparable from life and manifestation for the eye and the mind.

By revealing its fifth aspect, therefore, Light expresses and unveils the colours and makes the world visible, knowable and accessible to reason which, also an expression of the Fifth Ray, responds by resonance.

Sight, which in itself has an analytical action, is made possible and effective by the divisibility of Light into the seven colours: it is perhaps the most immediate and sensory example of the fifth quality.

Unlike the first three aspects, the fifth, like the fourth, is always present and has no evident rhythmic qualities. Light is always able to break down its components, without there being dominance over each other. A drop of dew is enough for a ray of light to express the rainbow. The entire infinite realm of forms, field of conquest of the intellect, is colourful and each one of them, by covering itself with colours, appears in its own free individuality. So, with its fifth quality, light objectifies all forms, reveals itself and with prodigious simplicity shows that the one and the multiple are the same. The human mind, analytical and intellectual, if left to itself sees only the way of differentiation, which leads to separate and delude.

But a drop of water, which reveals the seven coloured lights, teaches the way back to the unity of Light.






(1) The year 5.6 – 2020 witnesses the lighting of the Goal “Construction of Ideals” of the Table of the Plan, a goal that follows, and carries on, our focus on the New Culture and Civilization (5.5 – 2019), the ideal summit of the Fifth Seven year Period (2015-2021) of the first cycle of 49 years (1987-2035): the “solar sowing” of TPS carves a new path of “collective creative imagination“, aligned with the pulsation of the planetary, solar and cosmic Elder Brothers.
In particular, in this year of triadic synthesis and ideality (5.6 – presence of Pluto 1st R., Jupiter 2nd R. and Saturn 3rd R. in the initiatory sign of Capricorn), the main conjunctions between the solar Principles/Luminaries will see the publication of the 7 aspects of Power, Love and Light (taken from “Il Quinquennio” (The Five Year Period) by Enzio Savoini, in “The Group in Star Formation“).
The year 5.6 is truly “fiery” and initiatory for the Ideals of the new Age, oriented to instill the Idea of cosmic Brotherhood: Synthesis and Transfiguration seem to be the key elements of this time, a process of progressive Abstraction that finds its crowning achievement in the opening, with the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on the 2nd of November (heliocentric conjunction; on December 21 from a geocentric point of view), of a new planetary vision, precisely in view of the Summit of the Decision of 2025.
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