Saturn enters Aquarius

Saturn in Aquarius:

The Solar Light directs to universal Brotherhood

The Light of Saturn heliocentrically bursts into the Sign of Aquarius on September 3, 2020 (until April 29, 2023), concluding its 2.5-year transit in Capricorn (geocentrically It will enter Aquarius on December 17). A new incipit invests the solar system.

The solar light, with Its rhythmic movement of fire, directs the evolutionary spiral towards new initiatory occasions. The Servers gather together in the Joy of Service and like an army of the Light advance to defend the bastions of Brotherhood, the cosmic support of Life.

The Air Element of Aquarius is the substantial quality bearing Expansion, which will guide Humanity towards universal Service through group consciousness.

Humanity can glorify its future by implementing the teaching of the Christ (the Second Aspect, the Buddhi Principle, the spiritual Soul or “group consciousness”) in Aquarius, “He Who shows the light and gives the water” and increase the power of the Principle of Love through a common action carried out for the will-to-Good.

“In Aquarius, Christ put His disciples in touch with the “man, bearing a pitcher of water,” Aquarius, and in the upper room introduced them to union and unity under the symbolism of the communion feast. For that feast, humanity is today preparing … The astrological significance of the New Testament is as yet little understood. Christ was born in Capricorn, fulfilled the law under Saturn, initiated the era of intelligent brotherhood under Venus and is the perfect example of the Capricornian initiate who becomes the world Server in Aquarius, and the world Saviour in Pisces, thus completing the round of the zodiac and able to say triumphantly in Pisces “It is finished.” (A. A. Bailey, “Esoteric Astrology”, p 167-8) 

The exchange between Capricorn and Aquarius, as a new quality of the impulse in-forming the solar Plan, appears emblematic: what before was simply a horizon towards which to tend (Aquarius), contemplated from the Summit (Capricorn) is now the Service ground from which to start, on which to rest “hands and feet” and build the human and planetary Temple.

“Saturn, through which energy flows from Leo [coming from the Great Bear], via Shamballa, to Humanity, governs two decanates in Capricorn. Hence its extreme potency today in the triangle of Humanity. Saturn breaks up existing conditions by the force of its energy impact, thus enabling the influence of Mercury to be more fully expressed. The vision can then be intuitively perceived when obstructions have been removed”. (A. A. Bailey, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, vol. III – Esoteric Astrology, p. 442)

“Aquarius.—The expression of this influence has been beautifully given to us in the story of the Last Supper. Christ sent His disciples into the city to find the man “bearing a pitcher of water” upon his shoulder. This is the symbol of the sign Aquarius—the sign in which the universality of the water of life will become a factor in human consciousness; then we shall indeed all sit down eventually to the communion of bread and wine. He referred indirectly to the same idea when He spoke of Himself as the “water of life,” assuaging the thirst of humanity.” (A. A. Bailey, “Esoteric Astrology”, p 566) 

Christ, our supreme Model to be imitated, opened us the Way that leads to the essential unity pulsating in all creation (Buddhi).
The influence of Active Intelligence, radiated by Saturn (3rd Ray), therefore appears necessary to allow consciousness to become aware of its own creative destiny and assume ever greater responsibilities to collaborate in the evolutionary process. We were created to become “liberators” and to cross the “door” that allows the way towards unlimited Communion with all worlds, in a “timeless” time.

It tolls the bell of the Group consciousness that brings us to the Distant Worlds: Aquarius introduces into a new Culture, based on ancient yet updated values and methods to be unveiled and “precipitated”; a “Cult of Light” already creatively imaginable, in a Communion with the solar and cosmic Luminaries recognized as Big Brothers: as models and profound ‘motors’ of every brotherhood and collaboration on Earth; as powers or causes of all our functioning, vital process and cyclical development; as the royal road to liberation:

Hail Brothers, and his ego dissolved…

On September 3, 2020, the solar advancement (according to the heliocentric vision) is also marked by the joint Light between Venus (5th Ray), the interpreter and realizer of the divine Plan dictated by the architect Saturn, and Uranus (7th Ray), Lord of Cosmic traction, the solar Hierophant who fuses Spirit and Matter. The power of the constructive force that makes all things new pulsates and pushes consciousness and form with rhythm and wisdom into the luminous substance of Taurus, so that the Eye that gazes into the infinite abysses of Heaven can draw a clear and powerful vision of it, full of abundance of Life and such as to stimulate a new longing in humanity for Harmony.

“Venus, Uranus and Saturn … with Libra at the point of balance, create one of the six-pointed stars of evolution and also bring into relation with them three planets which are peculiarly concerned with the expression of the Christ consciousness in the world. These three planets are (through the rays of which they are the medium) all to be found upon the first major line of force, the line of will or power and of purpose and visioned goal.

1. Uranus.—7th Ray of Ceremonial Magic. God the Father. He who relates. The Source of Duality. He who perceives the end from the beginning. Spiritual consciousness.

Intuition to Inspiration.

2. Venus.—5th Ray of Mind. God the Son. The Son of Mind. He who includes. Egoic consciousness.

Intellect to Intuition.

3. Saturn.—3rd Ray of Intelligence. God the Holy Spirit. He who knows. Mind. Human Consciousness.

Instinct to Intellect.

… It is only now that the full purpose and the work of Saturn for humanity can reach a point of group usefulness, for it is only now that humanity has reached a point of general and widespread intelligence which can make any choice a definite conscious act, entailing responsibility. Prior to the present time, only a few pioneering disciples and a handful of intelligent people could be regarded as freely choosing at the “point of balance” the way that they intend “to tip the scales.” Today, there are countless numbers and hence the intense activity of Saturn as we enter into the first decan of Aquarius and hence the same activity because humanity itself now stands upon the probationary path.” (Ibidem, 247-9)

Everything points to the idea of Brotherhood: the community of Love, surrounded by the greatest sacredness.

The Servers, driven by Love Wisdom (Jupiter – ruler of Aquarius for the disciples) and by the Active Intelligence (Saturn) which as Will to evolution leads to the Summit of Capricorn, prepare themselves, like a large common chalice open towards the Heaven of Causes, to welcome the new arriving energies and to pour them, well oriented, into the body of Humanity.

While the world is in convulsion everything focuses on and points towards the conjunction between Jupiter (who will pass in Aquarius on October 12th 2020) and Saturn on November 2 (heliocentrically, and on December 21 geocentrically), their first conjunction in Aquarius after the last in 1404, now decidedly at the turn of and in support of the upcoming Age of brotherhood and universality (see The seven steps towards 2025 and From linear to cyclical time, p. 24-6).

May the Dream of the Future, of the New Covenant with Heaven, guide the will to trace the features of the New Culture and Civilization, as a manifestation on Earth of a general Plan of Evolution and a new human planetary Order (see Asserting the Planetary Plan).

Saturn in Aquarius directs to universal Brotherhood

“The fusion of many minds into one direct activity is today of supreme importance… Unity of directed thought and purpose is the guarantee of inevitable and future success. The power of massed thought is omnipotent. The potency of focused and direct mental activity is unpredictable. If you accept this premise and this statement, then act upon it.” (A. A. Bailey – The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 173)

“… The Brothers of Humanity outline the plan for human evolution, working with cosmic energies and in conformity with all courses of the luminaries. Revealing all the chosen ways of progress, We, Brothers of Humanity, confirm the best interweavings. … Thus, the Brothers of Humanity are those Propellers of evolution who teach humanity the conscious attitude toward the Karma of the planet. Therefore, one should understand that there is a uniting power in operation between all manifestations of the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, let us regard the Brothers of Humanity as the link binding us with the universal manifestations. Thus, let us accept the Covenant of the Lords!”  (Infinity I § 303 – Agny Yoga Collection)

” When the spirit is able to strive to the understanding of the purpose of Existence, the torrent of creativity of Our Brotherhood can be shown…” (Infinity II § 207)

“…The Brotherhood. No greater concept can be named, none which could so crown human relations and correspond to the essential nature of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. Therefore the Brotherhood is called threefold. It extends between the three worlds as a firm bridge. It is almost impossible to imagine the contact of the earthly with the Fiery World, but under the panoply of Brotherhood such confluence is made possible.”  (Brotherhood § 8)

The “Brotherhood is conceived in the depths of the consciousness. … brothers will sense each other precisely according to consciousness. Brothers may not be working together outwardly, but their thinking will be strongly knit together. They will be united freely; their unity will not be a burdensome yoke or a bondage. But precisely these brothers will understand unity as a powerful motive force for the good of the world. It is impossible to place limits upon such unity, for its basis will be love…”. (Brotherhood § 166)

“The proper condition of the Brotherhood is the perfect co-measurement between thought and expression this is the backbone of true beauty…” (Illumination § 208)

“In conceiving of Brotherhood the science of thought has enormous significance. When concordance is based, not on conventional agreement, but on heart cooperation, the manifestation of thought is especially intelligible and authoritative. One need not be surprised that the concept of Brotherhood requires so many consonances. These vibrations are joyful ones.” (Brotherhood § 338)

“Great beauty is contained in the acceptance of full responsibility. The vouching of the heart will be that feeling of pathos which will uplift the primary energy. It will often be asked, How to increase this power? By the vouching of the heart. Conscious responsibility will be the beautiful impeller of energy. Thus does the Brotherhood teach.” (Brotherhood § 579)

“The Brotherhood is not a shelter, but a beacon of Light, it is as a Watchtower; thus must the manifestation of the Brotherhood be understood. … As a Beacon on a lofty peak, the Brotherhood applies its knowledge for the salvation of humanity.” (Brotherhood § 461)


The Solar Light directs to universal Brotherhood

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2 Responses to Saturn enters Aquarius

  1. Thank you for your wonderful article, it gives much faith and hope for the future.

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