Power, Love and Light: the Seventh Aspect

Today the heliocentric alignment between Uranus (7th Ray), Moon (4th Ray), Earth (3rd Ray) in Taurus, in conjunction with the Star Hamal of Aries, and the apparent Sun (2nd Ray)/Vulcan (1st Ray) in Scorpio, takes place, thus radiating between Heaven and Earth the constructive and organizing Magic of Unity — and all the power of the pure 4th Ray transmitted by this central zodiacal axis.

The Taurus/Scorpio axis is in fact the barbell (both signs convey only the 4th Ray) that the tightrope walker (Humanity) can use to learn the art of traversing life: “Like crossing an abyss upon a taut string — Beautifully, carefully, and fleetly”. [1]

“… This fourth ray is, in the last analysis, the ray which teaches the art of living in order to produce a synthesis of beauty.  There is no beauty without unity, without embodied idealism and the resultant symmetrical unfoldment.  This ray is not the ray of art, as it is often claimed, but is the energy which brings about the beauty of those living forms which embody the ideas and the ideals which are seeking immediate expression”. [2]

From the ‘most high’ Heaven, the head of the celestial Ram (the Homeland of Ideas, the Sign of the Beginning), comes the power to advance and lead from above and upwards, to the One —that the disruptive charge of the Divine Bull brings into manifestation, and the organizing and sublimating power of Uranus makes it effective on Earth, the sphere of experience.

The vital force, having heard the command given by Aries, launches itself towards the goal and tramples every obstacle. Its impetus is vehement. An impetuous current of energy is born and rushes to the purpose: it is the incentive to live in the form, while looking to completion”. [3]

The Seventh Ray, conveyed by Uranòs, is the energy of fulfilment and perfection, of the Initiate and Initiator to the Mysteries of Heaven, Lord of rhythmic Order and Magic, of Solar Cycles and of the harmonic organization: the Divine Server of the solar Ritual and of the future human planetary Order.

“It aids and inaugurates the appearing of a new world order, based on a spiritual drive and on aspiration, mental freedom, loving understanding and a physical plane rhythm which provides opportunity for full creative expression. To bring this about, energy from Shamballa (embodying the will-to-good) is fused and blended with the organising energy of the seventh ray and then carried to humanity along the stream of love which emanates from the Hierarchy itself”. [4]

This is therefore a new propitious day to attest to the perfection of Heaven, to intensify the meditation or the realization of spiritual unity, despite and beyond the lower forces [5], inspired by the impulses of the seven aspects of Power, Love and Light, focusing on the Seventh one. [6]


The energies of seventh Ray, ordering and ceremonial magic, and the characteristics of Will appear inseparable and complementary. The will is ordering and in turn the order is the expression of a will that overshadows and supports it.

The seventh aspect of Power can therefore be understood and deciphered in the higher concept of Magic, intended as the ability to organize the forms of creation structurally and hierarchically, from the simplest to the sublime.

Where there is a relationship of values ​​and power, the seventh Ray is active and operative, under the impulse of the Will. This leads to the relationships and hierarchies that govern life.

The seventh quality of Power is therefore an inevitable need to express all relationships according to formulas, to the laws that organize the Universe. Man knows them to a very small extent; they are nevertheless that set of general Decrees that make up the great Cosmic Law, which all forms obey according to their rhythms, their cycles and the ability to resonate in harmony with divine Will.

Power therefore chooses to operate and carry out the Purpose according to a Plan – a set of Rules, relationships, rhythms and implementation times regulated and coordinated by the seventh Ray.

In every relationship – hierarchical expression of power – the seventh quality of life is operative and in every liturgy an aspect of the Will is manifested and expressed.

The first and the seventh mirror and complement each other, reconstructing the original Unity of life, unfolded and spread over time and space in all its multifaceted variety.


From ancient times men know that in Space nothing is lost or forgotten. Therefore the highest human expressions have assumed ritual or liturgical form, thus recognizing and affirming the spatial sensitivity to gestures, thoughts, rhythmical and geometrical expressions.

Religions are the most immediate example of this, from the primitive ones to the Christian.

Space – universal, living and divinely intelligent container to which we give the name of Love – thus manifests its seventh quality.

Geometry in its highest aspect is the goal of every form that evolves in the search for perfection.

Space nourishes and supports every form and makes it magical, identified with the life it contains, in the perfection of the geometry and rhythm that are latent in it.

Human creations “impress” space: the more rhythmic, geometric and orderly they are, the more powerful and magnetic, and their effects are amplified by the energy of the seventh aspect, to which they respond by congruence and resonance.

Such are the gestures of the priest, who expresses an interior attitude to which human hearts acknowledge liturgical power. Thus, even more so, a group of men acting in ritual and solemn geometric formation evokes the correspondence of the seventh divine quality of space, and its work will be powerful, magnetic and effective.

The heart recognizes the magic and rhythms of Space and is responsible for every human action and its co-measurement.

The solemnity of the gesture or thought, the geometry of actions are assessed by the heart, capable of recognizing their spatial correspondence and therefore of understanding their magical and ritual power.


Also the seventh aspect, like the fifth and the sixth, is constantly present in the phenomenon of Light and we can see it in action in the geometric rigour of the laws that govern its manifestations.

Everything that refers to Light appears synthetic, rigorous, organized, and the laws of optics in general, and of refraction and reflection of the rays in particular, reveal the most perfect obedience to the laws of geometry.

This ability to act in such a precise and orderly way is already a guarantee of rituality, therefore it is a quality of the seventh ray.

If we consider moreover what has been said so far about the rhythms and the cyclical trend that Light proposes on a day-to-day basis and annually, we recognize the seventh quality in the simple, majestic, respected and endlessly renewed ritual that light has celebrated since the world of forms began, a world that light feeds, stimulates and reveals. Every day, every year, a single cosmic celebration involves the creatures of the planet, which are free to profit from it or neglect its value. On closer inspection, it is a real liturgy of intelligence, organized, manifest and transcendent at the same time; it is an order rhythmically recreated at every bar, never equal to itself and yet generated by a single ritual law.

Every day, therefore, divine intelligence magically illustrates and illuminates, manifests, veils and discloses, celebrates and elaborates the synthesis of understanding. The psyche of all creatures recognizes it; modern man neglects it, but deep down the action of Light will brighten him.

The basis and purpose of Organizing is Unity

Let the One Humanity irradiate the perfection of Heaven

[1] Leaves of Morya’s Garden I, final paragraph
[2] Alice Bailey — The Destiny of the Nations, p. 143
[3] Enzio Savoini — The Solar System in Space (unpublished text)
[4] Alice Bailey — Esoteric Astrology, p. 445
[5] On the occasion of today’s initiatory direction (Sun-Earth-Uranus) and the Scorpio full moon, there will be a meditation/global assertion for the epochal conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius (2 November – heliocentrically and December 21 – geocentrically).
[6] The year 5.6 – 2020 witnesses the lighting of the Goal “Construction of Ideals” of the Table of the Plan, a goal that follows, and carries on, our focus on the New Culture and Civilization (5.5 – 2019), the ideal summit of the Fifth Seven year Period (2015-2021) of the first cycle of 49 years (1987-2035): the “solar sowing” of TPS carves a new path of “collective creative imagination“, aligned with the pulsation of the planetary, solar and cosmic Elder Brothers. In particular, in this year of triadic synthesis and ideality (5.6 – presence of Pluto 1st R., Jupiter 2nd R. and Saturn 3rd R. in the initiatory sign of Capricorn), the main conjunctions between the solar Principles/Luminaries will see the publication of the 7 aspects of Power, Love and Light (taken from “Il Quinquennio” (The Five Year Period) by Enzio Savoini, in “The Group in Star Formation“). The year 5.6 is truly “fiery” and initiatory for the Ideals of the new Age, oriented to instill the Idea of cosmic Brotherhood: Synthesis and Transfiguration seem to be the key elements of this time, a process of progressive Abstraction that finds its crowning achievement in the opening, with the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on the 2nd of November (heliocentric conjunction; on December 21 from a geocentric point of view), of a new planetary vision, precisely in view of the Summit of the Decision of 2025.
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