Scorpio Full Moon: Construction of Ideals

5.6 – Construction of Ideals
31 October 2020 – 14.51 (GMT)

Scorpio Full Moon: the Ideal of Harmony

LORENZO … Look how the floor of heaven
Is thick inlaid with patens of bright gold:
There’s not the smallest orb which thou behold’st
But in his motion like an angel sings,
Still choiring to the young-eyed cherubins;
Such harmony is in immortal souls…
(William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice – Act V, Scene 1)

Urusvati knows that harmony in life refines human feelings. Indeed, harmony is the only thing necessary; with it all will be subtler and loftier. Harmony is a great concept! Yet people seek it in external conditions and overlook it in the essence of things. For example, a primitive man may live in natural beauty, yet be far from harmony. The city dweller may be oppressed by the bustle of his surroundings, and be unable to think about a harmonious life. Even a refined philosopher can be crushed by the cares of supporting himself. Thus the fundamental law of harmony is forgotten. People do not understand that the way to harmony is in the art of thinking. Deep contemplation is needed for the realization of harmony. Truly, only the art of thinking can refine one’s feelings. But how does one acquire this art, which can sometimes be possessed by an illiterate person, yet elude the most learned? How can We teach man the art of thinking? Many will take this to be a clumsy aphorism. How can We explain to people that Our philosophy is based upon thinking about Infinity? With such ideals, earthly tribulations become bearable and manageable. Do not fear the lofty concept of harmony. It can be applied in all aspects of life, and every human being can develop a sense of it within himself. This state can be called by different names, yet it is the property of all. Everyone sooner or later will achieve harmony if the art of thinking is cultivated. The Thinker stressed correct thinking. He wanted His disciples to feel themselves to be artists who could create new kinds of harmony. (Supermundane II § 341 – Agni Yoga Series)

In boundless harmony is contained the whole cosmic creativeness. Only harmony can reveal to the planet the higher spheres. Only harmony can establish the chain of aspirations to the far-off worlds. The conception of the far-off worlds should be applied to all which strives toward perfection. Therefore Our harmonies are so powerful. The fire of the centers is harmony; the fire of the spirit is harmony; the fire of the heart is harmony. (Infinity I § 269)

Urusvati knows the balance between harmony and evolution. These correlative concepts are often taken as being contradictory, but, in reality, can evolution ever be inharmonious? And how can harmony be created without evolution? Yet people prefer to understand harmony as an immobile and inactive state, and use it as an excuse for their irresponsibility. While the world is in convulsion people prefer to sit in sweet oblivion, and call their benumbed condition by the lofty word “harmony.” However, the strong chords of harmony are tensed, and as they expand they contribute to evolution. Similarly, the benefit of evolution is in its continuously accelerating motion. It is beautiful to realize that the world is perpetually evolving, in ever-increasing striving and motion… Every evolving thinker must transmit his understanding of Truth while on Earth. If he does not apply Truth in life, man is not worthy of being called a thinker. Thought is life, and life is moved by thought. Thus you realize the two foundations of Our Life. We live in harmony for the sake of evolution… (Supermundane I § 97)

… We, your Brothers, know that page of life wherein is inscribed the oneness of Cosmos. We affirm that the manifested evolution is created not in dissociation but in a limitless striving of harmony. The more beautiful, the more high. The more powerful, the more high. Why manifest conflict between spirit and matter when they issue from one Source? Why not intensify the power and feel the psycho-life of Cosmos within oneself? … (Infinity I § 71)

Urusvati knows how people reveal themselves in everyday life. Biographers make the mistake of thinking that the value of a person can be measured only by exceptional deeds, and because of this they miss the truth. Celebrities are often characterized by the glory of their activities, their sparkling eyes and powerful, eloquent speech, but entirely different personalities are revealed by these people in their everyday life. They should be observed in their routine work and in the company of their near ones. Their true mentality, as manifested in thoughts and dreams, should be properly understood. Above all, We value the achievement of harmony in everyday life. Most of human life passes in such routine, and people should be evaluated by how they stand this test of daily life — whether they can preserve harmony in their domestic environment, resist petty irritations, and rise above boredom. Many unseen circumstances are hidden in daily life, and one must find in them the joy that elevates one into the Supermundane. May you all remember that you build your human dignity amid daily turbulence. This awareness will make your achievement permanent. We rejoice at the builders of harmony in life, and every day should become a stone in the foundation of this beautiful structure. If you love work, understand it as a substitute for time. Can Our Life be imagined without total harmony in its daily routine? Not days, not years, but a succession of joyous works can provide the exaltation and strength to live without concern for time. We also have other joys, which the toiler can partake in. The intensity of Our labor brings Us closer to the music of the spheres; ordinary people usually do not notice when such a harmony occurs in their labor… (Supermundane II § 324)

Harmony among you brings results most cherished by Us. For missions of importance We bring together harmonious persons — their current is the most powerful. (Leaves of Morya’s Garden I § 68)

… If everyone understood more deeply the foundations of the Supermundane World, they would be able to apply them in their earthly life. The schools should teach an understanding of harmony. The manifestation of balance can improve the health of all of life… (Supermundane IV § 904)

… Are there perhaps certain invocations or physical exercises that can intensify this harmony? Certainly there are many such aids, but in the end they act like narcotics, producing only an imagined harmony. Such attainments are not beneficial and are not suitable for the Subtle World. Since the object of self-betterment is to become perfect for our future existence, We advise the use of the more natural methods of spiritual development. This is the new message. People are either skeptical or they indulge in artificial methods and ignore all natural ways of broadening the consciousness. Yet such ways are the true treasures for ascent in the Subtle World, for those who dwell there have no artificial methods, and act only according to the fundamental laws of Nature. We strongly advocate both labor and thought for self-perfectment. These will bring sublime accumulations that do not evaporate in the Subtle World, but, on the contrary, will lead to further knowledge. Thus We lay the foundation of harmony.
The Thinker pointed out, “Not the outward appearance but the power of thought will open the Sacred Gates.” (Supermundane II § 349)

… People should develop a desire to think about the Supermundane World in a state of solemn joy. Let the most beautiful images accompany such thoughts. Let the highest harmonies help to elevate one’s vibrations. The Thinker ordained, “Beautiful Images and Harmonies will be the Beacons of the Supermundane.” (Supermundane IV § 750)


(Alice Bailey – The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 204)




Suggested listening (click on the pics for the relevant videos):

BEROWNE … For valour, is not Love a Hercules,
Still climbing trees in the Hesperides?
Subtle as Sphinx; as sweet and musical
As bright Apollo’s lute, strung with his hair:
And when Love speaks, the voice of all the gods
Makes heaven drowsy with the harmony.
(William Shakespeare, Love’s Labour’s Lost – Act IV, Scene 3)

The Thinker constantly reminded others about harmony in music.
He hoped that this awareness might help establish harmony in life.
(Supermundane II § 289)

Graceful, charming and sweet is the sound
Of our life’s harmonies,
and from a sense of beauty arise
Flowers which eternally bloom.
Peace and joy advance in perfect concord,
like the changing play of the waves.
All that was harsh and hostile,
has turned into sublime delight.
When music’s enchantment reigns,
speaking of the sacred word,
Magnificence takes form,
Night and tempest turn to light:
Outer peace and inner bliss
Reign o’er the fortunate ones.
All art in the spring’s sun
Lets light flow from both.
Greatness, once it has pierced the heart,
Then blooms anew in all its beauty.
Once one’s being has taken flight,
A choir of spirits resounds in response.
Accept then, you beautiful souls,
Joyously the gifts of high art.
When love and strength are united,
Divine grace is bestowed upon Man.
(from Beethoven’s Choral Fantasy, op. 80 in C minor)


… Therefore it has been said so firmly about the Golden Path:
Everything in proportion, all in harmony
— let us remember. (AUM § 594)


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2 Responses to Scorpio Full Moon: Construction of Ideals

  1. … listening… a whole new world of harmony and joy… elevation of Words… and Worlds

  2. NancyC. says:

    Bellissimo! Such beauty, such harmony!

    Brotherhood (1937) – 296:
    296. Solemnity should be proclaimed when Infinity is realized. Some are surprised at the fact that the book Infinity was given before succeeding books. But how would it be possible to understand Heart , Hierarchy , Fiery World , and Aum if the concept of Infinity were not sent in advance? All the aforementioned concepts cannot be in a finite state. Man cannot assimilate any of them, if he does not breathe in the call of Infinity. Can the human heart be considered as a lower material organ? Can Hierarchy be located in a limited space? The Fiery World begins to shine only when its flames flash out in Infinity. If Aum is a symbol of the higher energies, can they possibly be limited? Thus, let us pronounce Infinity with solemnity.

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