2021 is the Aquarian year par excellence: the epochal conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius (5th Ray) dominates the scene (at the geocentric level it coincides precisely with the Solstitial Impulse, while at the heliocentric level it was November 2, 2020), and Jupiter, the Master of Spatial Love, transits for most of the year in this Sign[1] teaching its Lesson, thus spreading its globalizing and purifying quality to realize universal Individuality, or Brotherhood through right human relationships.
In particular, we want to consider here the year 2021 as one of The Seven steps towards 2025, and to frame in this sense the reading of its celestial potential or causal impulses to guide our human consciousness and responsibility to assert the Plan of Love and Light, to restore a human planetary Order on Earth:
Goal 5.7 Liturgy of the Group and of the Work
From the December 2020 Solstice to the December 2021 Solstice
Formula towards 2025: 4.4 From the place of Fire I contemplate and reflect the Model

Table of the Plan
The final year of the fifth seven-year period, 5.7 – Liturgy of the Group and of the work, sees the energy of Aquariusacting as a Model of every possible Group Construction and of the subsequent Work fielded by human forces.
The Liturgy, or Order and Rhythm that become scientific and choral Service to the Common Good, thus turns into the trace, or score, which enables the Planetary Order – as an evolutionary prototype of every future human Group – to stand firm in the Place of Fire and from this ardent and central site to contemplate the purity of the solar Plan and then reflect it into the hearts of every being that lives and breathes in the One Life.
Tropical heliocentric chart
Inner wheel: 21 Dec 2020 h. 10.02 am GMT – Outer wheel: 21 Dec 2021 h. 4 pm GMT
From the point of view of the major causal impulses or heliocentric perspective, Jupiter and Saturn at the solstitial outset are still in conjunction in Aquarius and at the same time they square Uranus in Taurus (squares that will culminate respectively on the 1st of February and the 19th of October), recalling the square of 2000 (Goal 2.7 of the Plan of 49 years from 1987 to 2035 – see the texts cited), when Jupiter and Saturn were in conjunction in Taurus, squaring Uranus in Aquarius.
After 3 seven-year periods (21 years) the Lords of the Plan and of the Order return in 2021 to preside over the pivotal Signs of the current solar Week (3130 B.C. – 2750 A.D.) and the principal influences respectively of the New Group of World Servers and of Hierarchy. Past and Future confront each other (square) and synthesize at the centre (Sun/Vulcan) a new rhythm of advancement, a new liturgy of the common Work (5.7 – 2021).
Humanity learns in its heart that the creative Liturgy of the common Work becomes possible only by following the Plan and the solar Rhythms, the Model of the ‘beneficial accomplishment and the Rule to plan Brotherhood with all the worlds.
This “squaring of the circle” irradiates into Space the new Rhythm of the Heart, whose sacred liturgy reinforces the solar Culture on the blue Planet.
The other signs of the Heavens support this progress on the path of Light:
Mercury at the December Solstice is in Capricorn, as it was at the beginning of the 5th seven-year period, to re-propose the highest Model, the supernal splendour of the Summit: the Mysteries as the driving force of Culture (5.1-2015) pulsate in the depths of every evolutionary rhythm, of every creative liturgy of life (5.7-2021) inscribed on the energetic score of the ecliptic, the Common Plane/Plan.
The Magister Musicae Mercury is in the configuration known as the “finger of God” with Mars and Vulcan, and the opposite Earth is that ‘trigger’ that fertilizes the Cancer Valley with such enlightened Ardor, starting the rhythms and cycles of the new Renaissance in human hearts.
Venus in sextile to Mercury is instead found in Scorpio and to serve these Heights She realizes the golden union of opposites, emphasizing the tension of the deep squares between Aquarius and Taurus (between Jupiter-Saturn and Uranus): once conflicts and opposing thrusts are emerged, they can (and must) be transformed from their common centre, in the Heart, the golden diamond of Harmony.
The trine between the Two Brothers Venus and Earth supports the construction of this central bridge (antahkarana) between spirit and matter, between soul and personality, in the direction of Synthesis.
Neptune in the 6th quality (20°-25°) of Pisces is very powerful: He “veils the Christ” Saviour and the Lords of Compassion (the Seven Rays), the supreme creative Agents of the Second Aspect of Life. Through Neptune, the House of the Father (Pisces) now attracts His “loved ones” immersed in the depth of manifestation with an irresistible attraction, purifying the plane of lower emotions and desire (sextile to Pluto and quintile to Mars), so that the human psyche can unite and bring back to the common, all-pervasive root: Being is Communion.
Uranus sets the pace of the solar Work according to the 2nd and the 3rd quality (from 9° to 13°) of Taurus, the constructive Light of the Heart and of the True, in very strong tension, as mentioned, to Saturn in the first half (from 3° to 14°) of the Aquarius Sign of group consciousness: the harmony between the world servers and the Masters at the inner Guide of humanity and the planet is revealed, at any cost.
A bridge of celestial Light and Love rises between the worlds, between invoking humanity and our evoking elder Brothers.
The Goal 5.7, therefore, instils in the consciousness of Humanity the organizational and operational modes that will shape the future starting from the Ideas/Ideals, which in their turn can be captured by the Heavens, “the Book of the future”.
The “future” is a subtle and malleable energy that becomes, falling into substance, form and event (visible and knowable) and as such it must be built with a mind “steady in the light”, based on the motions of the Lights that burn in the Sky: an activity that more and more members of Humanity are trying to carry on, no longer isolated but by organizing themselves in ever wider and more interconnected networks, since “the new Thought has a clear purpose: to realize the future by working together”.
The choral Work among kindred spirits dissolves fatigue, time, distance.
The Prototype of the Planetary Order has learned the choral nature of intent, order and liturgy. It has learned to Work, and its reward is Joy. It has acquired a dose of solar Culture, of supermundane Freedom, and radiates it for the benefit of the whole.
The treasure of the new Culture is well preserved in the Hearts, and from this secret, heavenly site, which is in every time and in every place, the hierarchical Brotherhood stands and governs human Civilizations.
Following the signs of Heaven, here are the Causal Formulas intuited by the “group consciousness” for the 1st quarter cycle of 2021. May these seven Directions guide our steps towards the New Humanity, beyond human pettiness:
Heliocentric Chart – 1st quarter of cycle 2020-2021
Inner wheel: 21 Dec 2020 h. 10.02am GMT – Outer wheel: 20 March 2021 h 9.39am GMT
1. Sun/Vulcan in Capricorn – Earth in Cancer:
Incipit Vita Nova! (A new life begins!)
The solar Love teaches the Culture of Joy
3. Saturn in Aquarius:
The solar Light activates the power of Brotherhood
4. Mercury in Capricorn:
The human Hierarchy inaugurates the new Renaissance
The solar Angel is the Center of the golden Construction
The Lords of Compassion unite with the solar Christ
The solar Master of Ceremonies initiates to the liturgy of the cosmic Temple
See also the video of the heliocentric conjunctions between the Luminaries in the 1st quarter of 2021 and related causal Formulas:
At the reverse geocentric level, the one pertaining to the precipitation of energies on the Planet down to the individual level:
Geocentric Chart
December Solstice 21-12-2020 h 10.03am GMT
This is an epochal solstice! Incipit Vita Nova, Incipit a new Age!
Jupiter and Saturn are exactly conjunct between 4.15pm-7.45pm GMT of the solstice 21-12-2020 at 0° 28′-29 ‘of Aquarius, conjunct the Star Altair of the Eagle, the Bird of the First Aspect or Spirit and living symbol of its supermundane superiority or Highness.
The symbolic value of this celestial direction, according to its Sabian degree interpreted by the astrologer Dane Rudhyar, is: “The need to adapt a new impulse of the Spirit to those who will receive it and who need it”, which therefore includes respect not only for the free will but for the true uniqueness of each individual (of individuality, not of ‘personality’) which, once free to express its inherent Harmony, can only yearn for and build ‘right human relations’, the manifest basis of universal Brotherhood.
The Sun conjunct Mercury at the Summit (0° Capricorn) really indicates an initiation time for the Fourth Human Hierarchy of Harmony through conflict (ruled by Mercury, 4th Ray).
On the level of Form, the squaring between the Destroyer Pluto and the Warrior Mars (absolute protagonist in Aries, from June until the epiphany 2021!) still puts the whole of humanity at loggerheads, with a point of ‘resolution’ between January and February, when it aligns with the revolutionary Uranus, squared to the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.
Truly unique and world r-evolution times!
May the mind stand firm in the Light and the celestial Harmony inhabit the Heart!