Saturn Venus conjunction in Aquarius

Immersed in the creative Liturgy of the solar System, let’s celebrate the combined Light of the greatest agents of illumination: Saturn and Venus, in the Sign of Aquarius, the Sign of the rising Age, which takes us into the New World of the One Humanity, of the human planetary Order.

Revolving and flying on the Ecliptic Plane, around the Sun/Vulcan (the central Will-Power – 1st Ray), Saturn, the motive Intelligence of the solar Project (3rd Ray, flying on the 5th Orbit), prepares the Plans of evolution and Venus, the executive Intelligence (5th Ray, in flight on the 3rd Orbit), realises them in forms and consciousnesses, according to the golden canon of harmonic beauty.

Saturn and Venus “are the intelligence of the System, a celestial device of sublime and all-powerful creative ability, on which the processes of birth and growth of all forms, of any level and world, and even of those subtle formations that permeate interplanetary spaces, depend”. [1]

The greatest agents of enlightenment are and will be conjunct in Aquarius on: February 15, 2021 – October 3, 2021 – May 20, 2022 – January 4, 2023. Dates/Directions that will see the unstoppable creative and operative energy of Their art activate the evolutionary Plan on Earth and all the planetary Projects under the banner of the Aquarian ideas of brotherhood and universality.

From the electric and shining waters of Aquarius (5th Ray), Saturn, the solar Light, with His “rhythmic motion of fire” designs and directs the evolutionary spiral towards the universal Brotherhood and Venus, the Intellect of Love, unfolds in 4 impulses the project of Light and builds the golden basis of the hierarchical Work.

The constructive sound of the 5th Ray (conveyed by Aquarius and Venus, the elder and wiser Brother of the Earth) pushes on the evolutionary process of consciousness, starting from the 5th mental plane. Venus is in fact “the mental force that builds forms” and is “the principle of relationship”: therefore it governs the mental energy of humanity and establishes the relations between man and man, between peoples and nations, between the different kingdoms, between personality and soul.

In Aquarius it establishes new relationships based on the golden canon and distributes the energy of Knowledge as the Water of Life, teaching the Science of Service and inspiring all Servers to advance in the Project of the Initiation of the human Group: the new science and art of living in golden relationship with the solar Hierarchy.

“Venus was the planet which we are told was responsible for the appearance of the individualised consciousness in man — this in combination with other influences and forces. In the Aquarian Age, Venus will again have an analogous influence only with this difference that the emergence into manifestation of an increased individualism and self-conscious realisation will be subordinate to the appearance of the first stages of an expanded consciousness throughout all mankind — the consciousness of group responsibility. It will be perhaps better expressed as a form of group individualism”. [2]

Understanding, through group consciousness, a fragment of the evolutionary Plan and knowingly participating in the solemn march, engraved on the ecliptic by the “rhythmic and magnetic Vortexes of light” of the solar Order, is the basis of the Construction of the future.

The dates marked by the solar Clock are propitious and initiatory for the new Group of world servers which can, in accordance with the forces of Heaven, intensify the common Action and through the Will-to-Good carve the Seven steps towards 2025, a Date which is sacred to the Externalisation of the Hierarchy and to the reappearance of the Fourth Ray of Harmony through conflict, that is of the Fourth human Hierarchy guided by the buddhic or christic Principle.

According to the esoteric Astrology, Aquarius is currently the One who determines the future.

Humanity can glorify its future by implementing the teaching of Christ (the Second Aspect, the Buddhi Principle, the spiritual Soul or “group consciousness”) in Aquarius, “He Who shows light and pours water”, and it can increase the power of the Principle of Love, with a common action carried out through Will-to-good.

Christ, the supreme Model to be imitated, opened to man the Way leading to the essential Unity that pulsates in all of creation: at the centre of each atom buddhi, the Christ principle, Love, the universal Motive, pulsates.

The influence of Active Intelligence, radiated by Saturn, is then necessary to anchor Love (2nd Ray) through wisdom, to allow consciousness to become aware of its own creative destiny and take on ever greater responsibilities to collaborate in the evolutionary process. “Creating is our destiny”, and creating the Good in Beauty and Truth is the Golden Way that leads to unlimited Communion with all worlds, in a “timeless” time.

The sonic beauty of the unstoppable creative work of Saturn-Venus is connected to the double symmetry of their Rays and Orbits (Venus 5th Ray on the Third Orbit and Saturn 3rd Ray on the Fifth Orbit). To understand the resonance of the divine qualities of these extraordinary magnetic Vortexes of Light, some reflections presented in “The solar System in Space” (a book on Heliocentric Astrology by E. Savoini, at the moment available only in Italian), are here reported.

“The fifth Luminary [Venus] is on the third Orbit, which, by its spatial nature and therefore as a Wave, is the cosmic reaction to the Plane of the third Lord, Saturn. It acknowledges by resonance those great projects that Venus reads and accomplishes. We increasingly understand the pure beauty of the solar order and admire its divine quality. Venus plays the music composed by the third Luminary [Saturn] now in a major tone, now in a minor. She arranges the actors on stage. With countless signs she writes the truth. She talks, and dances”.

“Saturn therefore elaborates and arranges its project which is always updated and new, yet inflexibly aimed at the Goal: but the vehicle, spreading its inventions, is the fifth Orbit. (…) In fact, the fifth Orbit, by its nature and by resonance, communicates to Venus, the fifth Ray, the continuous variations of that stupendous, flexibly rigid Plane, and Venus in turn carries out its phases with the consent and concurrence of the general will”.

“The state of continuous resonance taking place between Saturn and Venus ‘informs’ the fifth Luminary of the innovations designed by the third. The magic of the fifth emanation acts through Venus, that is the mysterious ability of creating dualism: the Formulas precipitate as Forms and these begin to manifest their content. (…) It has been said that the various planetary celestial bodies (dense and visible or not) are the proto-Forms that house the infinite evolutionary processes.

Venus is then the builder of the worlds. Its first executive act is the formation of a Planet. This considered, Venus was the first planet. The fifth Luminary is the only one able to give shape to itself, due to its double belonging to the realms of Ideas and Forms. (…) Venus therefore gradually manifests the solar Plan. Remember that, according to a theosophical theory, the third subplane of the fifth Level (the mental) is the antechamber of Forms: we find the same Numbers that define the work of this Luminary.

Let’s keep in mind that Saturn manages thought, the solar one and of any lesser thinker, like man. Following this track, it is then assumed that Venus nurtures not only the execution of the Forms descending from the Formulas, but also human mental constructions. (…) Venus is the only one of the Luminaries equally active in the two worlds, of Being and Becoming, of Ideas and Forms, and perhaps the mystery will be clarified only when it is realised that those two are actually one. Venus is the key”.

The continuous resonance between Saturn and Venus builds the energetic welding between the two Triangles of the Solar Star: the major and causative Triangle (Vulcan/Jupiter/Saturn) and the lower and reflected Triangle (Venus/Neptune/Uranus, regulating the immutable law of changes.

“The two Triangles are in a continuous state of reciprocal exchange: energy that descends, energy that rises. And all this happens without the need for physical contact or complex mechanics, and also without the need for special alignments between the Luminaries”.

Seeing the Luminaries of the solar Star “as a true constellation of radiating centres in motion, helps to understand their immense importance in the interplay of causes that govern all events and changes in the physical and psychic world. (…) The solar System is unitary! And therefore we must always consider it in its entirety, and compute every phenomenon in relation to all the others and as the result of perfect collaboration”. 

“The Earth, which moves between Jupiter and Venus, is certainly conditioned and perhaps guided both by Saturn, since they’re governed by the same Ray, and by Venus, for the resonance with the third Orbit. In other words, it draws vital fire from Saturn and space fire from Venus. The whole set constitutes a ternary and therefore a triangle that deserves to be considered. Assuming the period of terrestrial revolution as the unit, the cyclic ratio between the Vertices of that triangle is the least common multiple between 8/5 (ratio with the cycle of Venus) and 1/30 (with Saturn): it is the number 48, which is to be understood as the rhythmic coefficient between the three planets. The harmonic analysis of this interval, after the usual octave reductions, indicates:

48/2 = 24/2 = 12/2 = 6/2 = 3

which is the number of divine Light, the third Ray!

(…) It must be added, however, that the divine relationship between Saturn and Venus is an instrument, a cosmic lever that acts in every site of the System, on every form and intelligence that it hosts and nourishes, not only on Earth; nonetheless, this planet, due to its inner nature, is in a position to learn and observe very well their creative and operative art. Men on Earth grow up through the severe tuition of Saturn and are pushed to work by Venus, who then diverts them and frees them, one by one, for other – higher – tasks”. 

From the School of the solar Community we can learn the art of the “creative Liturgy of the group and of the work” and, in our terrestrial community, offer a service that certifies the sacredness of the art of living.

May the radiance of the new creative arts rise in hearts and minds and write the page of the future.

“If the spirit reaches out to the future to learn and prepare, in service, the lines of the new human civilization, it collaborates with the Cosmos. Statements like this are frequent in the Teaching and become increasingly clear as understanding improves. The idea of ​​working for the Common Good, together with the majestic general tendency of the Universe, of losing oneself in the fullness of creative action, of lastingly building for the future is so lofty and attractive that little by little it conquers the human spirit from within. [3]

May the Dream of the Future, to work consciously with the Hierarchies of Light, guide the will to trace the outlines of the New Culture and Civilization, as a manifestation on Earth of the general Plan of Evolution and of the new human planetary Order.

The Glory of the Eternal Being calls! Incipit Vita Nova!

The Solar Light directs to universal Brotherhood

The Intellect of Love is the basis of the hierarchical Work


[1] “The solar System in Space” by E. Savoini (only available in Italian).
[2] Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology – p. 448
[3] Enzio Savoini, Comments to “Infinity part II” § 436
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2 Responses to Saturn Venus conjunction in Aquarius

  1. gillchris1 says:

    A very interesting post, thank you.

  2. NancyC. says:

    An Awe Inspiring post which clearly presents the opportunity and the means and methods which exist for cooperation with the greater Plans and Purpose! To The Glory of The One.

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