Directions of the Cosmic Temple: Taurus – Pleiades

On the day of the full moon of Taurus (Wesak Festival*), in the light of the Pleiades**, let’s direct the gaze of the Heart to the Centre, in the place of fire, where everything is golden Light, creative force, Unity, Beauty.


According to the indications of Esoteric Astrology, the irreproachable thrust towards solar Evolution comes from 3 celestial Wagons: from the Chariots of the Pleiades and of the two Bears, the Triad of primary Constellations of the Great cosmic Being in which we live, move and have our being, “He about whom naught may be said”.

It is the original and driving force of the Pleiades that underlies the central power of Taurus (4th Ray), the Divine Incentive and the Eye of Revelation: [1]

“The entire secret of divine purpose and planning is hidden in this sign [Taurus], owing fundamentally to the relation of the Pleiades to the constellation, the Great Bear, and to our solar system [cosmic throat, head and heart Centres]. This constitutes one of the most important triangles in our entire cosmic series of relationships and this importance is also enhanced by the fact that the “eye of the Bull” [the star Aldebaran] is the eye of revelation. The underlying goal of the evolutionary process — “the onward rush of the Bull of God,” as it is esoterically called — reveals steadily and without cessation the stupendous and sublime plan of Deity. This is the subject which light reveals.
There is at this time, owing to the influx of the Shamballa force [the solar Government of Earth], the establishing of a peculiar relation or alignment between the constellation, Taurus (with its own specific alignment with the Pleiades and Great Bear) the planet, Pluto, and our Earth [Vulcan, ruler of Taurus, has a first ray Soul, Pluto a first ray Personality and our Earth a first ray Monad/Spirit]. This produces much of the present world difficulty and one which the modern astrologer would do well to consider. It constitutes a major cosmic triangle at this time, conditioning much that is now happening.
This Shamballa force is that which “fans or intensifies the light by the removal of obstructions and proceeds from far distant places, pouring through the eye of illumination into those spheres of influence upon the sorrowful planet, the Earth, impelling the Bull upon its onward rush”. So speaks the Old Commentary. The import of this is that the energy of will — newly released by Sanat Kumara [the Entity representing our Logos or planetary Lord] upon our planet — emanates, via the head centre [Shamballa] of the planetary Logos, from the Great Bear; it is stepped down in vibration via one of the Pleiades (hence its influence upon matter and hence also its pronounced Taurian effects upon humanity) and so enters into the solar system. It is there absorbed by that major centre of our planetary life to which we give the name, Shamballa”. (Esoteric Astrology, p. 376)

“The bull or cow is the symbol of this sign, and in the celestial chart it will be observed that the little group of stars called Pleiades are represented just as the shoulder of the bull. Now, in Egyptian sculpture, or painting, the Pleiades are sometimes represented by the figure of a dove with wings outspread over the bull’s saddle. The dove as we remember, is the bird sacred to Venus, and as the Pleiades are parte of the constellation Taurus and, as we shall see, more Taurian in nature, if possible, than Taurus itself, the dove becomes a specially appropriate symbol for this little star-group” (The Labours of Hercules, p. 22). [The New Testament begins with a dove, symbol of the Holy Spirit, Third divine Aspect].

“The seven stars of the Pleiades are the goal for the seven [human] types, and this is hinted at in the Book of Job, in the words, “Canst thou bind the sweet influence of the Pleiades?”. In the mystery of this influence, and in the secret of the sun Sirius, are hidden the facts of our cosmic evolution, and incidentally, therefore, of our solar system”. (Initiation, Human and Solar, p. 188)

The Pleiades are to Sirius as the Earth is to Venus:

“… in a peculiar and esoteric sense the sun Sirius and the Pleiades hold a close relation to each other. It is a relation analogous to that which lower mind holds to higher mind. The lower is receptive to, or negatively polarised to the higher. Sirius is the seat of higher mind and mahat (as it is called, or universal mind) sweeps into manifestation in our solar system through the channel of the Pleiades. It is almost as if a great triangle of mahatic energy was thus formed.  Sirius transmits energy to our solar system via that “… sevenfold brooding Mother, the silver constellation, whose voice is as a tinkling bell, and whose feet pass lightly o’er the radiant path between our worlds and hers“. [The Wagon of the Pleiades lies on the radiant path of the Ecliptic. The Pleiades are therefore that lower Manas or concrete Mind that manifests in the solar system the higher Mahat-Manas principle emanating from Sirius, as well as the Buddhi/Love-Wisdom principle emanating from the constellation of the Dragon and from Sirius]. (…)”

“A limitless striving of harmony brings evolution forward” could be the Formula that translates the Law of Necessity (Karma) that flows from Sirius, Heart of Orion, and enters the solar Plane through the Pleiades (Throat), counterpart of the Great Bear (Head), and the Eye of Taurus, the cosmic Firstborn of the Zodiac. Through the rulers Vulcan and Venus, then, it reaches the Earth and its planetary Centres.

Taurus-Pleiades is indeed the cosmic Origin and pivot of the solar system:

“Taurus is regarded as the central group of the Milky Way.
The Pleiades as the central group of the Bull and Alcyone, one of the 7 pleiades, is supposed to be the star around which our universe revolves. (The Secret Doctrine I, 720.)

1. The Pleiades are the supposed wives of the seven Rishis of the Great Bear. They are also the nurses of the God of War, Mars, the commander of the celestial armies. (SD II, 579.) [one of the Pleiades, Maia, is the mother of Hermes-Mercury]

2. The Pleiades are the central group of the system of sidereal astronomy.

a. They are found in the neck of the Bull, the constellation Taurus.
b. They are therefore in the Milky Way.
c. They are thus considered (Alcyone, in particular) as the central point around which our universe of fixed stars revolves. (SD II, 582.)
… The Sun (i.e. the solar system) has Alcyone in the Pleiades for the centre of its orbit. (SD I, 545.)”
(Esoteric Astrology, Appendix)

“No constellation has ever excited the universal fantasy like this little cluster of stars [Pleiades]; wherever temples have been oriented towards them, great nations have worshipped them and peoples very distant from each other have thought of the Pleiades as the centre of the universe, the place of origin of souls … The precessional year [egoic cycle], calculated by Hipparchus in 25,765 years, was originally given the name of “Great Year of the Pleiades” but then, when astronomy became fashionable again in Renaissance Europe, it was called the Platonic Year … The vernal equinox, which occurs today at Alpha Andromedae, 4,000 years ago passed through the Pleiades”. [2] [Age of Taurus]

According to the hypothesis of our investigation on the cosmic Structure, the Great cosmic Man ORION produces His manifestation by emanating a creative Ray, through the Dragon-Bears (head and base centres) in the cosmic Heart Sirius, then retransmitted from the throat centre of the Pleiades/Alcione and projected through the central Eye Aldebaran/Taurus, door and pivot (with its opposite Antares/Scorpio) towards the Plane of the Seven Solar Systems of which ours is a part (as the cosmic Heart Centre) .

The Seven Solar Systems receive from the central Origin in the Pleiades that Light of Life which emanates from the Great Bear and is split into 7 Colours, those Seven Rays which through each central prism (for us Sun/Vulcan, the solar Taurus) reverberate as 7 sacred Luminaries, and in each of these as 7 planetary Centres, and in our human Earth Center as 7 human types/races, or in each living and conscious system as 7 etheric centres.


On such a Day, in such a Direction, sacred to the cosmic Light, we therefore affirm:

I am the Voice of divine Will, I am the splendour of Truth


* The full moon of Taurus, a sign of Light, is associated with the Buddha, the Enlightened One, and coincides with the Wesak Festival, an anniversary in which, according to tradition, the great Master approaches the Earth every year, together with the Hierarchy of Masters, to bless Humanity, ‘appearing’ in a valley on the slopes of the sacred mountain Kailash. The Buddha embodies the Principle of Light which has the power to radiate the minds of men – “in that light we will see the Light”. The Buddha and the Christ, who according to the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom form a triangle with Sanat Kumara, our planetary Lord, since the Wesak Festival in 1900 have impressed upon humanity the energy of the New World Religion: the united power of Light and Love – a perfect unity that these two great Beings embody.
The Wesak celebration is therefore an event in which aspirants and disciples of the world, regardless of religious affiliation, take part, thus intensifying the invocatory power, and which is increasingly spreading among groups that work for the common Good. All the people who resonate with this call unite as a single Magnet, as a human Group, to attest to the new covenant of the world Servers (see Signs of Heaven, year 2021 – second quarter of cycle).

** In this liturgical and solemn year, the seventh of the fifth seven-year period, we intend to celebrate the Full Moons as dates or directions of connection with the supreme stellar sources, rulers of our local universe, our cosmic Abode, the Entity in which “we live, move and have our being”.
To nourish this inner, rhythmic and powerful rite, we present at each ‘celestial appointment’ some extracts from the text The Order of Orion, “an astrosophical investigation of the solar and cosmic essence of humanity” (only available in Italian at the moment), to trace the possible infinite paths between the Moon and the One.
For today’s full moon, see also the association, from the galactic point of view, of the constellation of Taurus to Auriga, the celestial Pentagon dominated by the Star Capella, the source of solar fire, nourishment and growth, a cosmic Venus capable of procreating and moulding forms and protector of abundance and beauty.
[1] “TAURUS (Lat.) – A most mysterious constellation of the Zodiac, one connected with all the “First-born” solar gods. Taurus is under the asterisk A, which is its figure in the Hebrew alphabet, that of Aleph; and therefore that constellation is called the “One”, the “First”, after the said letter. Hence, the “First-born” to all of whom it was made sacred. The Bull is the symbol of force and procreative power — the Logos; hence, also, the horns on the head of Isis, the female aspect of Osiris and Horus. Ancient mystics saw the ansated cross [the Ankh of Venus, the enlightened Mind], in the horns of Taurus (the upper portion of the Hebrew Aleph א) pushing away the Dragon, and Christians connected the sign and constellation with Christ. St. Augustine calls it “the great City of God”, and the Egyptians called it the “interpreter of the divine voice” [the Light that reveals and unveils the creating Sound, the Logos, the Word incarnate], the Apis-Pacis of Hermonthis”.
“The God Horus [Taurus-Solar Logos] standing as conqueror upon the Serpent of Evil [Scorpio], may be considered as the earliest form of our well-known group of St. George (who is Michael) and the Dragon, or holiness trampling down sin”. (H. P. Blavatsky, Theosophical Glossary)
[2] From “The Glorious Constellations: History and Mythology”, by G. M. Sesti – p. 454-456.


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2 Responses to Directions of the Cosmic Temple: Taurus – Pleiades

  1. Adrian Wilkinson says:

    Thanks for all that. I am trying to reconcile HPB’s comment that: “The Sun (i.e. the solar system) has Alcyone in the Pleiades for the centre of its orbit. (SD I, 545.)” and the Sun’s orbit according to astronomy around Sagittarius which is at the centre of our galaxy.

    • TPS Editor says:

      Yes Adrian, we can think that there is an intermediary cosmic center (Alcyone/Pleiades, distanced ‘only’ 444 light-years) for the 7 Solar Systems to which ours belong, more ‘local’ than the galactic one (in the direction to Sagittarius A star).

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