Signs of Heaven year 2021 – Fourth quarter

We are at the September equinox, the 4th discontinuity of the annual cycle: the final season (fourth quadrant) of the Cross in the planetary circle harvests the fruits and brings back to the Principle the essence of the work done in consciousness.

What have we understood this year, as humanity, as groups, as individuals?

Many answers as many are minds and levels, and a single answer in the common Heart. This essence, perhaps unspeakable in words, now saturates the Space and penetrates with itself the future steps.

In this Aquarian year par excellence (see previous discontinuities: Solstitial beginning, March equinox, June solstice), it has been understood that in order to advance towards the New, towards Freedom and Brotherhood, towards the Culture of the Infinite, Humanity must recognize itself as One, and as such it must coordinate by functions at the Service of the global planetary Organism. Unity in Diversity is the motto of the current 5th race, indicated by the esoteric Teachings, and this ideal Formula is precipitating in myriads of involutionary and evolutionary forms, yet in the direction of systemic or right relations between the kingdoms.

In particular, for the Workshop of Thought of TPS this is the last cardinal step that closes the fifth seven years (2015-2021), or five seven years of Work (since 1987) on the Idea of a Plan and of a systemic Group, to inaugurate the Sixth Seven years from the next solstice, dedicated to the New World Religion, which “leads back to the Culture of Heaven”.

From this 5-pointed Star (5 seven years of the first Cycle of 49 years of the Evolutionary Plan) the model and vision of a Prototype of a human Planetary Order were born, and some experiments to substantiate it are in progress.

It is understood that: we order in freedom, liberating with order, and this is the hierarchical modality to realize right relations between the kingdoms, the planetary Communion, Unity in Diversity, the One Humanity.

So let’s look at the signs of Heaven of the last discontinuity 2021, to close and reopen in beauty and power, according to the rhythms and motions of our solar Masters.

The impulse of the September equinox, sacred to the Aries-Libra axis (1st-3rd-7th Rays), sees the Master of spatial Love Jupiter (2nd Ray) leaving the Sign of Aquarius (5th R.) to enter, on a heliocentric level,[1] in the saving Waters of Pisces (2nd-6th R.), one of His Houses or Fields of elective affinity.

The solar Savior leads to the Mystery of Unity, while the other Builder of the solar Plan Saturn (3rd Ray) from Aquarius continues to activate the power of Brotherhood.

Heliocentric chart 4th quadrant 2021

Inner wheel: Equinox 22 September 2021 h 7.21pm UT – Outer wheel: Solstice 21 December 2021 h. 4pm UT

Saturn in Aquarius is now joined by Mercury (4th Ray), to intensify the conflict and the yearning for a harmonic solution of the lasting quadrature (culmination on October 19, 2021) with Uranus in Taurus (7th R. in the 4th R), the most important aspect or direction of 2021. It “reveals the ongoing battle: the constructive or destructive sparks of the general conflict between immature free will (based on attachment to a partial good and to the already acquired) and responsible wisdom, that sees and works for improvement in all senses, increasingly discriminating the potential and resources in the field. On a subjective level, of the inner causes, it resounds powerfully the Call to a harmonic synthesis between the Group of world servers (the planetary Ajna Center ruled by Taurus) and the Executors of the Plan at the inner guidance of humanity and the planet (the Hierarchy or the Planetary Heart Center, Jupiter as the esoteric ruler of Aquarius)”.

Their heliocentric trines to Mars (6th R. not sacred) in Libra provide a middle way, or exit, to the conflicts between the opposite fronts: the balance is in the center and in the harmonic alternation of the motion, in the golden equilibrium between the parties.

Also significant is the powerful conjunction between the 1st liberating Ray of Pluto in Capricorn and our solar Angel Venus (5th R.), in double sextile to Neptune (6th R.) in Pisces and to the Earth (3rd R. non-sacred) at the incipit of Aries, to attest the Will for perfection possible only through the tension of the many towards the One, or through golden unions, those fiery relationships based on the intellect of love that ensure the harmonious circulation of the saving force and the New Beginning.


Following the signs of Heaven of the solar Plan, here are the causal Formulas intuited by the “group consciousness” for the 4thquarter cycle of 2021.[2]

 May these seven Directions guide our steps towards the New Humanity, beyond inhuman pettiness:

  1. Sun/Vulcan-Earth in Libra-Aries

May the Planetary Order assert the Culture of Infinity

  1. Jupiter in Pisces

     The solar Savior leads to the Mystery of Unity

  1. Saturn in Aquarius

The solar Light activates the power of Brotherhood

  1. Mercury in Aquarius

The Creator of Beauty traces stellar networks

  1. Venus in Capricorn

The golden Union is the Will to perfection

  1. Neptune in Pisces

The Lords of Compassion unite with the solar Christ

  1. Uranus in Taurus

The solar Master of Ceremonies initiates to the liturgy of the cosmic Temple


In order not to miss the dates of energetic accentuation of this fourth quadrant 2021, see the following video accompanied by invocative/evocative Formulas for each heliocentric conjunction between the Luminaries for the next 3 months.

Every moment, like every day, is unique and unrepeatable, but some days are like flowers among leaves:

Yoga of Heaven – 4th Quarter 2021


At the reverse geocentric level, the one pertaining to the precipitation of energies on the Planet down to the individual level:

Geocentric Chart – Equinox 22 September 2021 h 7.22 pm UT

At a geocentric level, the difficult quadrature in Fixed Cross between Saturn and Uranus, herald of battles and often drastic resolutions, is suspended until November (and also around March and April 2022, due to the retrogradation of Saturn) but resumes at the end of the year 2021 and from August until December 2022.


– Pluto, square to Mercury and Moon opposite between Libra and Aries, stages the struggle between reasonableness and instinct, which sees the only solution in the understanding of the essential Brotherhood between all beings (sextile and trine to Jupiter in Aquarius), a solution which will be ‘slow’ in formal terms but inevitable, in due time (in the 2nd decanate of the Aquarian era, about 700 years from now);

– Uranus opposed to Venus between Taurus and Scorpio, quintile to Pluto: it is necessary to fight undeterred to transform the heresy of separativeness into the truth of the golden relationships between worlds;

– Sun and Mars in Libra, trine to Saturn in Aquarius and Pluto in Capricornus: it is necessary to take fair actions, “at any cost”, that is, necessary and rebalancing according to the evolutionary Law (karma), not for the points of view of the parties. Heaven is conquered by force, and Earth by loving kindness: we conquer Unity through the force of loving kindness.

Jupiter will definitively enter Pisces on 29 December: let’s therefore use this ending phase of the year to powerfully evoke the newenergy of Aquarius (through the solar Heart and Mind Jupiter and Saturn in the Sign), the infinite Brotherhood.

May the Planetary Order assert the Culture of Infinity 


[1] Jupiter (1 Earth year in a Sign) passes from Aquarius to Pisces (2nd-6th Rays) on 20 September 2021 (and geocentrically on 14 May until the end of July, and then retrogrades into Aquarius until 29 December), while Saturn (2.5 years in a same Sign) will remain there until 2023.
[2] The 4 Formulas of the Causal Cross of 4 Impulses of the Circle 2021 (solstices and equinoxes) are:
  1. Incipit Vita Nova! (A new life begins!)
  2. May the new alliance of the World Servers be affirmed
  3. May human consciousness ignite in the Great Service
  4. May the Planetary Order assert the Culture of Infinity

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One Response to Signs of Heaven year 2021 – Fourth quarter

  1. NancyC. says:

    Brilliant! May the Planetary Order assert the Culture of Infinity, and help us to do our part!

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