Outlines of the Sixth Septennium – Signs of the Heavens year 6.1-2022

At the dawn of the Sixth Septenary of the Plan, here are some excerpts from the text:

Outlines of the Sixth Septennium

(see the Documents page – 7th section)

Then follow the Signs of Heaven of the 1st year 6.1 according to the configuration of the solstice of December 2021 (21-12-21 h. 4pm UT)

The 49-Goal Plan is divided into seven-year periods; started in 1987 (Goal 1.1), it saw the end of its Fifth seven-year period (2015-2021) dedicated to the Goal 5.5 – New Culture and Civilization (and which motivated the emergence of the TPS site), and now we are at the dawn of the Sixth septennium (2022-2028).

As already attempted for the previous seven years cycles, interpolating the signs of Heaven and the matrix of the evolutionary Goals that we intend to vivify in the field of the Workshop of Human Thought, we will therefore proceed to outline the next seven evolutionary stages to be pursued on a subjective level, by the group consciousness on the abstract mental plane, to assist in the unfolding of the Plan of Will, Love and Light on Earth.


The Sixth seven years is first of all lit and sprinkled with the energy of the 6th Ray and is entirely conditioned by the sixthGoal of the planetary Plan 6.6 – New World Religion:

This basic sound therefore guides the Work of the seven years to come, aimed at reuniting (starting from the abstract mental plane) the New Human Community, the Idea of a One Humanity that reflects the Reality of Communion or universal Brotherhood among all the worlds..[1]


Before considering the 7 initial (solstitial) Heavens of the 7 years of the 6th septennium (2022-2028), it is necessary to look at this seven-year period as a unitary arc inserted in the main cycles of the Solar System, that is, respecting the proportional “nesting dolls” series of the hierarchy of dates.

The text comments on these causal composed cycles.

And now we trace the synthetic features of each year of the 6th septennium:

1 – PURPOSE – Goal 6.1


I call to the central Truth[2]

The Goal 6.1 Esotericism of the new world Religion opens the sixth septennium and proposes a change of energy and horizon; in the aftermath of the fifth septennium in which the constructive force of the 5th ray has sown in the Space of human consciousness the vision of a New Culture, the distant Goal that the inner eye is now preparing to contemplate is the New World Religion.

The 1st year of the 6th seven years specifies the Esotericism of the New World Religion, and is ruled by Neptune and Vulcan (and Pluto).

Solstice 21 December 2021 h 16pm UT

The exceptional position at the solstice of Neptune in 6th quality/sector (at 22° 22′) of Pisces (which transmits the 2nd and 6th Rays) enhances even more in the consciousnesses the 6th Ray of Abstract Idealism and Devotion, in sunset with the waning of the era of Pisces but more and more powerful at an inner level: the 6 saves by bringing back to 1, to the Essence, to the initial Purpose, reuniting in circles more and more consecrated to the common, all-pervading Root.

Vortex 6.1 (especially in the days of the directions between Sun/Vulcan, Earth and Neptune: March 13 and September 16) clearly indicates the direction: it is necessary to assert Communion, the basis of the New World Religion (Goal 6.6-2027) and vital matrix of the Restoration of the Mysteries (Goal 1.1-1987).

The 2nd Ray of Pisces is also enhanced by the initial position of Jupiter in the 2nd quality of the Sign (it will pass into Aries on 17 August 2022).

  • Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (Rays 2-6): June 6, 2022

In the Heavens, the two great Mothers, Jupiter and Neptune, from the very deep Waters of Pisces graft into the depths of consciousness that seed of saving force which will strip off its material bark in order to progressively reveal to the Hearts the solar Christ, the Truth of right systemic relationships, of Unity in Father, in Spirit:

Communion is Being.


The quadrature persists between Uranus in Taurus, the Sign that rules the planetary Ajna Center, that is, the New Group of World Servers, and Saturn in Aquarius, the Sign ruled by Jupiter and associated with the planetary Heart Center, the Hierarchy. This relationship between the two Planets of the Battle is the most problematic but also the most dynamic aspect before 2025 (Goal 6.4).

  • Uranus heliocentrically touches the Center of Taurus (the zodiacal ‘equator’ together with Scorpio: they transmit the pure 4th Ray) on May 23, 2022:

From chaos to Beauty: all is Light!

The Form aspect is crucified to be reorganized according to the higher Will, according to spiritual values. The square between Saturn-Aquarius and Uranus-Taurus crucifies personal freedom to serve the insurgence of true Individuality, that King Server of the collective Individuality, of the Monad or Spirit of the One Humanity. And this can happen only through the Light of Group consciousness (Taurus-Aquarius relation), the union on the abstract mental plane:

“The new structure will rise. Men of goodwill everywhere, under the guidance of the New Group of World Servers, will organise themselves into battalions of life, and their first major task must be the development of right human relations, through the education of the masses. This means the paralleling development of an enlightened public opinion, which is (speaking esoterically) right response to the sound which conveys the will of God to the ears of the attentive. Then humanity will indeed move outward from the desert, leave the seas behind, and know that God is Fire.” (A. A. Bailey, Rays and Initiations, Lucis Collection, p 88)

Finally, we find the Destroyer Pluto (1st R. not sacred) in the substantial waters of Capricorn, now close to the last degrees of the Sign: from this zodiacal seat the Luminary radiates sparks of Will recalling the consciences to their primary Purpose and reminding them that “the only Way is the vertical one”, the Hierarchy of Being.


The year 6.1 is the Voice calling to the central Truth: The Return to the Father’s House foresees the realization of the One-Humanity, of the hierarchical Humanity, the ever-higher synthesis between the three planetary Centers (Shamballa-Hierarchy-Humanity) so that their fused energy, the saving force, will in due time [3] precipitate Communion, Brotherhood, the primary Idea of the New Era, of the New Culture, of the New world Religion.

The Group, the group consciousness, is therefore called to synthesis, to the essence, to the initial Purpose, to value the treasure of knowledge and experience acquired, so that the realized grains of Wisdom or Truth can act as magnets of the new human systemic Community: the 49 Vortices of the Planetary Order Prototype are the ideal living Model to call to the central Truth, to orient the human group to develop within itself the systemic consciousness, those right human relationships that will precipitate the Idea of Brotherhood on Earth.

Here are the Formulas foreseen by looking at the Heavens of the 4 solstice and equinoctial discontinuities 2022 (the squaring of the circle of the annual Planetary Breath), heliocentric and geocentric:

Solstice December:

Solar Love and Compassion attract to the Mystery of Brotherhood

We are immortal and Unity is our destiny

March equinox:

The Light of Brotherhood reveals the power of mental union

Christ in us, certainty of glory

Solstice June:

The solar Father calls to the central Truth

We are Fire. We govern from the plane of Mind

Equinox September:

The Beauty of Being is the Religion of Heaven

There is no love without harmony nor harmony without love

And here is the video with the Conjunctions (the causal directions) of the 1st quarter of 2022:

[1] “Brotherhood, as it essentially is, constitutes a major mystery, …you understand brotherhood in terms of the One Father and His children. That understanding is in itself so limited and inaccurate that it serves mainly to distort the truth; yet all that you can grasp at this time is embodied in this concept. The nearest description of the true relationship might be said to be as follows: Brotherhood is an expression of the relation which the planetary Logos (on the cosmic mental plane) bears to His Personality as it expresses itself through the planet with all its forms of life, upon the cosmic physical plane; this relationship is focussed through Sanat Kumara Who is the individualised Mind of that great Life. … It is this basic idea which governs the Council Chamber at Shamballa and which constitutes the motivating impulse behind the planetary expression of livingness. It is this also which characterises the ideal for which the Hierarchy stands and which implements the Plan; it is this spiritual planning which results in the growing “forms of relationship” which today seem to be taking definite shape in the concretising of the divine project: Right Human Relations.” (A. A. Bailey, Rays and Initiations, p. 276-7, Lucis Collection)
[2] Formula 6.1 of the 49 Formulas oriented towards 2025 – see Asserting the Planetary Plan.
[3] The precipitation on Earth of the Idea of Brotherhood is expected for the 3rd decanate of Aquarius, in 1400-2000 years.
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One Response to Outlines of the Sixth Septennium – Signs of the Heavens year 6.1-2022

  1. mcnamara says:

    This great work is the Monadic seed design working out into the perfect correspondence, and atones the abstract will in the living corresponding hologram of Brotherhood as the Solar Atom is revealed. The corresponding fusion in consciousness, as man can make these connects in the macrocosm in his microcosm, will fuse the identity in the new transpersonal identification which is the Goal….To this synchronistic atom, and the Law of the Septenate, the 7 in the 7, the 49 (the hologram in itself), is corresponded in the orbit as corresponded between objective and subjective as ONE purpose, as the Chiron orbit , with “comma” (required in the “space” between worlds, which requires the vertical realization (the necessity of Hierarchy)), as Chiron’s 49/50 year orbit. It is to this that the Great Singularity is the Universal Monad….By this the Higher Mental Plane, in abstraction, will this be realized as it works the process of fusion in detachment from the lower self’s identification, so true real and abstract simultaneous brotherhood will prevail….such is the purpose of the hologram, now made extant and alive, as the vertical becomes the ONE.

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