2022 Solar Rituality and Ephemerides

Here is the complete document of the next ritual and rhythmic Sowing, complete with the heliocentric Ephemerides for 2022:

2022 Solar Rituality and Ephemerides

Here are some extracts:

The TPS solar Sowing intends to “carve a new path” of collective creative imagination “with a united breath and unified rhythm” with the causal and causing cyclic pulsations of the higher Creators, the planetary, solar and cosmic Entities: the conscious Dream of a New Culture and Civilization (nourished particularly in the past seven years or 5th septennium), together with that of a New World Religion (the primary Goal and theme of the coming Sixth seven years 2022-2028), as manifestations on Earth of the evolutionary Plan and of a new human planetary Order.[1]

In particular, directing the sowing of future Forms to the encounters between the ideal celestial Formulators tends to substantiate our conscious understanding as well as to assist in the harmonic precipitation of their energies, or rays of Ideas, the causal powers of all things.

The substance of the Fire of Space directs the human consciousness. Since it is acknowledged that even the rays of the moon help the growth of plants and affect inanimate objects, one may go a step further and admit the creativeness of the rays. Certainly the sun—the life giver—saturates the entire Universe; but the realization that the streaming rays impart a conscious force of energy will afford the most fiery attainments. Cosmos demands uniformity of striving in all things. Sensing the vibrations of the currents, humanity will discover the multifold creative transmissions of the rays. Thus does Cosmos bestow its treasures. The substantiation of these treasures is inevitable. Spiritual application should be accepted equally with the wondrous powerful impulse. Cosmic creation is built upon the foundation of spirit. A discovery comes in a harmonious fusion with a cosmic ray. The rays from heterogeneous elements bring immeasurable revelations to humanity.[2]

Starting this year, the first year of the sixth septennium, in resonance with the energy of the Sixth Ray of abstract Idealism,[3] the Workshop of Thought and the Sowing of TPS tend to assume this unifying, synthetic, abstracting quality towards the Essence, proper to the World of Ideas or Causes, invoking and evoking the values and ideals of a new Culture and Civilization and of a New World Religion.

“The unifying power of the 6, without impeding the upward force of Ideas and their productions, guarantees unity of everything and thus the access to any of them. (…)

World of Ideas

= world of Intervals

= world of the Soul

= free consciousness

= intuitive level

= infinite

= harmony achieved

= centrality

= universal communion.[4]

The Evolution proceeds, in the source Era of Aquarius, towards the primary Idea and the conscious realization of universal Brotherhood, towards the Communion between all worlds, towards the world of the Soul, bases of the world Religion and of its essential Truth: the Unity of the Whole.

Also the way of proceeding of the Sowing, in accordance with the solar and cosmic rhythms, therefore intends to follow this supermundane Magnet and lead back to the Heaven of Ideas, to the Sources of Truth, of Good and Beauty, of real Power.

Rulership is not in crowns nor in crowds, but is in the cosmic expanse of ideas.[5]

Ideas are real energies and living Entities, they are the powers that produce precipitates, and turning our contemplation and reflection to these Sources of events and things can only raise our vibration and vision of existence, a very necessary and urgent act in these times of confusion and blindness.

“Everything is Proportion and Co-measurement in the World of Ideas governed by the Rule of Art. Exactness illuminates it. Everything, including joy and bliss, is ruled by Number. Therefore, every Being shines and the Law leads in all its regions. The World of Causes does not encompass any chance, nor disorder or doubt. There is nothing there created by man, yet he has his causing reason.

The World of Ideas does not tolerate violence nor oppression, which are contrary to Harmony, its natural law.”[6]


(…) The unifying score of our annual Canto is the Lambdoma generator of Ideas, a ‘mathematical’ attempt by consciousness to ‘square the circle’ of Reality: following the Cosmogenesis presented by Ancient Wisdom, the Genesis of absolute Life in Space has Seven primary Principles or Ideas and 42 secondary ones.

This Genesis of Manifestation is therefore at the basis, as presented in many pages and documents of TPS, of the formulation of the Hierarchical Plan and of the systemic Model of Evolution:

“The Table of the Plan is to be understood as a Table of right relations between the Vertices, their Functions and the Ideas of the Plan, and between the System and the greater Systems and between all the internal operations.” (Ibidem)

The systemic ordering of Thought in Lambdoma, or the Pythagorean and harmonic matrix at index 7 (the Seven Rays or Energies of Life), is therefore a scientific and magical tool to penetrate and uncover, in an integrated system of relationships, the energetic core and mystery of any Idea.

From the Lambdoma of the Genesis of the Ideas of Absolute Life, in the last seven years there have been derived seven other Lambdomas and relative Genesis, placing the Ideas and Formulas of its Seven columns as new central axes from time to time, and from each of them we have tried likewise to extract 42 systemically connected Ideas and Formulas (see the 7 + 1 Genesis on the Italian Documents page, 4th sector).

What makes this philosophical presentation of the Genesis of Life new is precisely the use of the mathematical and sound matrix represented by the Lambdoma, to try to embrace and understand the system of spatial relationships between infinite entities such as the Ideas, the Model of ordered unity of the Universe.


(…) In conformity between Above and Below, the seeds for a New ideal Religion are directed and oriented by and towards the creative Powers and psycho-geometries of the solar and cosmic System, in order to set up, in imitation of the builders of the megalithic alignments and sacred temples, some vital channels for the beneficial accomplishment of the Work.

These are not sacred temples or places in stone, yet these orientations to Heaven serve the same function, as qualified space resonators, but informed by subtler matter: by the fiery, creative and evolutionary Thinking of the heavenly Formulators, whose Sounds and Directions ignite innumerable other fires, centers, beginnings, orienting the ‘crops’ and seeds of the New to the Reality and evolution of the solar Unity.

Anchoring the foundations in the Elysian Fields, connecting and directing the Work towards the Sources of Life, its realization will follow in due course, according to the progressive resonance power of us-humanity to the celestial energies or Ideas, to the Fiery World.

With such a humble attitude, humble as adherent to the service of the Earth to Heaven, burning with ignorance and joyous dedication, let us work as if we were builders of the Future (and we are co-creators), as active units of life of the Solar System and infinite Space, such creatures driven by the unstoppable will to collaborate harmoniously with the macrocosm.

Who is well oriented is the Way.”


[1] For the reference text see: The Distant Goals; to pursue further its relationship with the Teaching by the Tibetan Master and the orientation to 2025, see the text Asserting the Planetary Plan in the Documents page of TPS.
[2] Infinity II § 11, Agni Yoga Collection.
[3] 6th Ray (Neptune, Mars): Communion, Community, Values, Ideals, Religion, Communication.
[4] From The Distant Goals, Goal 6.3.
[5] Community § 84, Agni Yoga Collection.
[6] From The Distant Goals, Goal 6.3.

[1] Per il senso e significato del coordinamento ritmico tra i segni del Cielo e la Semina di TPS di Idee, Formule e Forme per una nuova Cultura e Civiltà, si vedano i documenti presentati negli scorsi anni nella ‘direzione di lavoro’ chiamata Ritualità presenti alla pagina Documenti alla 7^ sezione ‘Ordinamento’.
[2] Nel Ciclo attuale di costruzione, o prima battuta di 49 anni (1987-2035) del Piano planetario a 49 Mete, Mete dedotte dagli Insegnamenti occulti e previste per l’avanzata evolutiva e cosciente dell’umanità e del pianeta nell’attuale terzo millennio, il 2022 corrisponde alla battuta 6.1 – Esoterismo della Nuova Religione Mondiale (ciascun anno corrisponde all’attestazione della Meta corrispondente e alla sua semina nella coscienza del gruppo umano)
[3] 6° Raggio (Nettuno, Marte): Comunione, Comunità, Valori, Ideali, Religione, Comunicazione.
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2 Responses to 2022 Solar Rituality and Ephemerides

  1. tom mcnamara says:

    Yes…To this let us all commit…Thank you! So true to the point of ONE. The Diamond body, the Center of the Lambdoma, the Genesis “seed”, the Hologram in the Hologram, expresses this “New World Religion in its Fiery Origination”….Has its Cosmic Center…ALL in ONE “point”, as point is abstract and manifest simultaneously, where life and truth are one in symbol and service as actual in the Whole Reality of its Realization. By Knowing this “point” can the Whole so become by its Truth, as this is the “hidden” Genesis “point” Universal. By the three primary and the four secondary are all so made in the ONE Septenate Universal. This the Grand Universal Prime, The Original Hologram of the Universal Cause of Infinity…..is the Great Singularity. The Great Singularity, the Original Causal Spark (point), the Generator of its OWN Perfection, and the perfection of all the “parts”, which all parts contain themselves as one part in the perfection of themselves. The primary laws, as the primary three, the Monad, the Triplicity of the one, attraction, economy and synthesis, each only in perfection in its perfection in the others, so the group fusion is the transpersonal Identification of the Genesis of Being it Its Realization…This Genesis is the Great Ubiquity, as it is in every “point” as abstract and real, as it is before and after time and space, as IS…..Containing all cycles of itself, and as cause to every point to its discovery, so includes all that was, is and will so BE. It is the Shamballa ‘point” Infinity….and by It is Shamballa now given to Humanity…It is the Great Attractor, as the truth by its truth becomes IT, and attracts to it to IT. This is the Genesis of Creation, and now to endow Mankind, as WE now Become the New, as is the Whole so known by the this. The satisfaction of this design, both in inner fusion and outer realization, in concomitant universal exchange, as portal inward and outward, as dualities purpose to be Single, does the Group Become the ONE…The Central Fusion Temple Engine of this Quantum Being is the resultant thought of the realization of the Chiron paradigm, the Great Singularity where all of this “seed” is the ONE SEED…This “planted” in the mind of man, will grow the brotherhood which will be the new religion, beyond “religion” which was in separation from its true Self…Such is given, and will be accomplished by the New Singularity as is the Chiron paradigm “Chiron and Group Fusion”….This level of Singularity, known at all levels of Singularity where creator logos IS, now shared with mankind, will establish our communion though out the whole, and in reciprocation, the whole must serve the part, as the part serves the whole .Now, this common mind, heart and will -Will the common identity Become, and the separation between man and God be overcome…to the Divine Planet as Mankind “becomes” the New Galaxy of Being…Esoteric Psychology (see DK and Eso Psy 2) has now Become…..Maitreya’s Power Station…the fusion engine of infinity…the Genesis Atom of the Atomic Christ …all number and sound, all parts hermetic, all rays in the Whole are ONE Ray in “point” and purpose….such is accomplished in the paradigm….now extant in the world. I have arrived as Center IS.

  2. njc1008 says:

    In trying to understand human life in the context of the unity of the Whole, thus practicing the Yoga of Synthesis and assisting with bringing the Life Aspect into our planetary life, we will first attempt to reason from the Universal to the Particular. This is meant as a simple outline and could be developed with a myriad of detail, but in order to not get lost in detail, it is being deliberately kept to a broad outline.

    PARABRAHMAN is in process of creating a body suitable to eventually perfectly express all that is within divine intent for a particular cosmic cycle of manifestation. Perhaps a Universal Diamond Body. We might surmise that HE is, and provides the Ultimate and Greatest Sacrifice on behalf of the Whole.

    To that end, the Cosmic Logoi which serve as His Seven Major Cosmic Centres, are being developed and perfected each to express one part of the Whole through the forty-nine solar systems which comprise His minor centers of force.

    We have been given the information that our Solar System is intimately connected to one of these Cosmic Centres. Some teachings hint that this Cosmic Centre is the Cosmic Throat Centre. And, as we know, our Solar System is part of the Heart Centre of this Great Being.

    So too, our Cosmic, Solar, and Planetary Logoi are sacrificing. Sanat Kumara is known as “the Great Sacrifice” on our planet, which allows the Planetary Forms including humanity (some of the unredeemed lives of cosmos) to move forward on the Evolutionary Path.

    In order to fulfill the Planetary Purpose, Humanity itself, upon becoming Enlightened and achieving a Diamond Vajra Body, will have created the necessary mechanism on earth to bring Heaven and Earth together by receiving and transmitting the sevenfold downpour from our Solar and Cosmic Parents. The Earth will have become a suitable vehicle or form for the Cosmic Logos that our system is directly affiliated with.

    The Plan on Earth implemented by the Hierarchy which will eventually bring Heaven down to Earth is to assist step by step down through the ages in the eventual achievement of Christhood and Enlightenment by Humanity as integral parts of a Planetary, Solar and Cosmic mechanism. For a Christed Humanity is necessary to what is to be not only our little planetary destiny but as parts of and effects upon the Universal Whole. Hierarchy is implementing those parts of the Plan which are suitable to the humanity of any given era, which will release the necessary energies to assist in leading them forward.

    Incidentally, it is no accident that the Externalization of the Hierarchy will be occurring in this fifth root-race, in which the Transfiguration of Humanity, The World Disciple, will take place. The Monadic center makes its power felt in the consciousness of the disciple who is ready for the third initiation. As we know, the 3rd initiation is the first from the angle of Hierarchy. Much later, as we continue to advance and evolve, the ‘true Transfiguration of the Seventh Initiation of Resurrection’ will occur.

    We can wonder why all this is? What Purpose does it serve?

    If Humanity is to eventually become an outpost of God in the solar system; to form a powerhouse that will introduce an interstellar activity; to develop a station of light that will serve not only the planet or solar system but also the 7 solar systems of which we are a part. [See Esoteric Psychology, II, p. 217 AAB] It is the Jewel in the Lotus of humanity as the “flower of the evolutionary process” which will make this possible.

    “…we have sought to express the wider possibility or occasion as the Hierarchy sees it today. Their plans and purposes are destined and oriented to a larger accomplishment than it is as yet possible for normal man to vision. If it were not so, the unfoldment of the soul in man would be a prime objective in the planet. But this is not the case. It may be so from the point of view of man himself, considering him as an essentially separable and identifiable unity in the great cosmic scheme. But it is not so for that greater whole of which humanity is only a part. Those great Sons of God, Who have passed beyond the point of development of those Masters Who work entirely with the human kingdom, have plans of a still vaster and broader sweep, and Their objectives involve humanity only as an item in the Plan of the great Life “in whom we live and move and have our being.” Esoteric Psychology II, p. 218

    We know that what happens to the Part also affects the Whole and the fruition of humanity’s task will have results not only on our planet, solar system, and cosmic center, but the whole of which all else is a part.

    So how do we share this information with all of humanity? The knowledge of Its stupendous task which lies a long way in the future nevertheless can be visioned now. Perhaps the restoration of the mysteries as to the evolutionary path and humanity’s part in it is essential to seed into the new culture. The ancient prayer “Lead us from the unreal to the real, from darkness (ignorance) to light (knowledge) and from death to immortality” can be and is being translated into modern terms backed up by the nature of energy and scientific discoveries to allow us to fashion a new way of seeing ourselves and all that we are a part of. so that we may begin to do our whole duty as we journey to the sacred feet of the ONE that sent us forth.

    Infinity – Book 1 (1930) – (Agni Yoga Collection)
    360. When humanity will come to understand the Cosmic Oneness, the cosmic construction will be affirmed. The chief task of humanity is to unite the world of matter with the world of spirit. The demarcation line between the spheres is very sharply drawn; hence, the correlation of the predestined with the mechanical world in which men are submerged is rare. When the planetary consciousness is directed toward unification of all factors, the manifestation of cosmic shiftings overtakes all spheres. Hence, the planetary consciousness establishes the cosmic energy. The striving of an Agni Yogi and the work of the centers help to determine the cosmic consciousness. Therefore, the most important affirmation of the energy is the broadening of consciousness. The creativeness of Our Brothers is directed toward the development of cosmic consciousness in humanity. Therefore is the cooperation of the centers so affirmed by Us.

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