Full Moon of Aries – The Mystery of Life

Today we celebrate the fourth of the 12 Festivals of the new world Religion, the Full Moon of Aries, the festival aimed at asserting the Will to initiate into the fiery power of Ideas and at grasping and understanding, through the consciousness of the Disciple-Humanity, the Mystery of Life, since Life is and it represents the ardent impulse to move of the primary energy that pervades every atom of the universe. [1]

In this Date the Idea of ​​Life resounds powerfully, innervating Space, the container of Life, and fecundating it; the two supreme principles, the two sacred Origins of the Manifestation, are the image of that Mystery which generates the blazing of the Light and sows in the substance those sparks of fire which, in turn, will be the igneous seeds of all that is.

Aries, zodiacal vector of this vital impulse, is the “will or power as it expresses itself through the great creative process” [2]; through this we acquire the will to do, the ability to create, the union achieved with the strength of the will; through this, Life cyclically pours out to fill everything that exists, so that Life is ever more abundant and pulsating in every fragment of the Real.

Also through Aries, as far as humanity is concerned, is triggered the initiation process, which forces the soul onto the burning ground and purifies it through the incarnation; its most ardent secret is that “of beginnings, of cycles and of emerging opportunity. At the third initiation, the initiate begins to understand the life of the spirit or thehighest aspect; until that time, he has expressed first the life of the form and then the life of the soul within that form”. [3]

Finally, Aries is the “homeland of divine Ideas” and leads from the formal plane, in which the soul immerses itself at the beginning of the evolutionary cycle, to the domination of these same forms through the ruling power exercised by the higher mental plane; through the clarity of “pure reason”, Ideas are captured in their essence and reflected without distortion, becoming the fiery impulse that underlies the urge to manifest and  be manifested.

To teach us the use of the will and of the enlightened mind is the winged Mercury, the esoteric ruler of the Sign (for disciples and initiates), who, initially supported by the impulsive force of Mars (exoteric ruler of the Sign), guides man along his path around the Zodiac wheel and “through the medium of conflict enables him to achieve harmony. Mercury illumines the mind and mediates between the soul and the personality… This mediatorship, in the first instance, produces an inevitable opposition between the pairs of opposites and a long drawn out conflict. This conflict finally works out into victory and the dispelling of illusion through the illumination of the lower mind”. [4]

His transit through the Signs of the Zodiac is very rapid and apparently unnoticed, but with the power of his light He allows us to ascend to the plane where the Ideas dwell and to glimpse the fire of Vulcan, the source of Life, which He hides from those who are blind to the Mystery and which He reveals at the same time to those who have been able to “hold the mind steady in the light”.


Today, therefore, on the day of the Full Moon, empowered by the thunderbolt struck in the initiatory flash of lightning of the Equinox, ideally united with all those who in every time and in every place work for the common Good, we invoke and evoke as the One planetary Server the:

Will to initiate into the fiery power of Ideas

Ideas are real Energies and living Entities, they are powers that produce precipitates and pervade the fourth spatial level (buddhic).
In order to contemplate the Ideas and “be thought” by these supreme creative powers, a simple yet sublime act is necessary: ​​“We look up to Heaven, which is the first Idea. It is the world of Ideas, that live there and feed on it. The study of Forms leads to Ideas, which are their Causes and Models. The study of Ideas, due to the need for balance and symmetry, reveals the process through which all Forms appear. Ideas and Forms are not contrasting entities, they’re symmetrical, and both belong to the divine Reality of the Cosmos. The first ones are unity and essence; the second ones multiplicity and becoming. Those act out of direct will, these out of desire. There is the Idea of ​​Form and there are mental Forms called Ideas or Ideals. (…) Heaven, then, in other words, is the proto-Idea. If we did not accept them, Ideas would not exist. Pure solar Ideas live in its boundless regions (such as the Idea of ​​Beauty, Justice, Truth, Energy…). These have no parts, but are co-present in the eternity of the solar Being. We can affirm that as a whole they are Heaven itself, the indifferent spatiality, or that they are aspects of a single Reality. According to Plato’s lesson they are absolute, perennial, luminous and immutable; they are relative, however, to this solar System. Other sublime Thinkers (other stellar Logoi) exercise their directing power in other space Systems, but nothing can be said or thought about their activity, as the children of the Sun will be able to transcend Him and look out onto the external Cosmos only when they are equal to His splendour”. [5]

“In the solar System, seven great Musicians (the seven Luminaries) compose and play following the general score and juxtapose eternal Ideas to form living and absolute tonal intervals. This dynamic, but regular, innovative and creative vision, if welcomed in the heart, gradually opens the treasure chest of Heaven’s secrets”. [6]

Rulership is not in crowns nor in crowds, but is in the cosmic expanse of ideas.” [7]

The Will to initiate into the fiery power of Ideas and their inherent creative might, which is expressed in Aries through its esoteric ruler, Mercury, expands into the consciousness of the Disciple-Humanity

The Mystery of Life


Life is

“Men and other creatures live, but very few ask themselves what Life really is. The most important of the questions, on which everything depends, is almost never asked, so that days and years pass by without living beings knowing and wanting to know why. Life is the Mystery, yet it is the most evident and precious energy, the most common and widespread.
Here is the theorem: The energy that generates itself is called Life.
The theorem is high and simple, and demonstrates the eternity of Life, its omnipresent divinity, its cyclical and perennial growth. It was not written, or even discovered, by this author, who recognises himself incapable of such mental vigour. It is better to consider it as a gift from above. What matters is to launch it into Space, for the benefit of self-conscious creatures: “Life generates itself.

“It is the ONE LIFE, eternal, invisible, yet omnipresent, without beginning or end, yet periodical in its regular manifestations — between which periods reigns the dark mystery of Non-Being; unconscious, yet absolute Consciousness, unrealizable, yet the one self-existing Reality; truly, ‘a Chaos to the sense, a Kosmos to the reason’. Its one absolute attribute, which is Itself, eternal, ceaseless Motion, is called in esoteric parlance the Great Breath, which is the perpetual motion of the Universe, in the sense of limitless, ever-present Space […]” [9]

“Eternal Fire fills all bodies, and through them is unified with the higher fiery energy. In such a manner is the Universal sap worked over and over. This mysterious, ever self-regenerating substance cannot be named otherwise. Thus everything manifested serves for the renewing of the Eternal Substance.” [10]


In this Full Moon where Life and Fire radiate their creative power and transfigure all forms raising them in the glory of the Light, vibrating in harmony with the pulse of Life that eternally manifests itself and eternally remains equal to itself and reaching out to catch the rays of light that emanate from the Ideas, we walk, with ardent trust and perfect harmlessness, the celestial bridge that connects the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, an image of that concordant union capable of tracing luminous paths in space.

“Creativeness of the unified heart will effect the salvation of the planet and affirm a New Cycle. Therefore, Our Heart is so tensed in unison with the impetuous current of Fire — thus the essence of life manifests its Fiery Right. The tension is great; in the World a great World Mystery is being made manifest. I affirm Great Cosmic Truth. This Mystery is Be-ness itself.” [11]




[1] In this year 6.1, the first of a septennium dedicated to the Idea of ​​a New World Religion, we intend to celebrate the dates of the full moons, the sacred “doors” of alignment and synchronization between the three celestial symbols of manifestation, human (Sun/SoulEarth/PersonalityMoon/Bodies) and planetary (Planetary HierarchyHumanitylower Kingdoms), associating them with 12 Mysteries and Ideas/Formulas, corresponding to the causal energies of each Sign of the Zodiac, by virtue of the fact that, according to the esoteric perspective, the Heart of Heaven is the Great Master of Masters.
The sequence of the Mysteries which each of the signs of the Zodiac embodies will be clarified for us by the Christ, because the public consciousness today demands something more definite and spiritually real than modern astrology, or all the pseudo-occultism so widely extant.” (A. A. Bailey, The Reappearance of the Christ, p. 127).
[2] Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 92
[3] Ibidem, p. 387
[4] Ibidem, p. 100
[5] Primo Vertice, Man on the planet and in the Heavens (available only in Italian)
[6] Ibidem, p. 25
[7] Agni Yoga Series, New Era Community § 84
[8] E. Savoini, Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium. The year of the Four, unpublished paper, January 2004
[9] Helena P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine. Cosmogenesis.
[10] Agni Yoga Series, Fiery World II § 400
[11] Agni Yoga Series, Fiery World III § 182


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One Response to Full Moon of Aries – The Mystery of Life

  1. mcnamara says:

    Atomic Astrology has come….Chiron is in Aries for the first time since its discovery….and brings the Great Singularity to accomplish this.

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