6.3 – 3.6 Son and Relation

From the Lambdoma of the Genesis of Ideas:

6.3 SON – The Son is the supreme Reason

3.6 RELATION – Relation is the fiery synthesis of polarities

This Polarity of Ideas expresses and realizes the primary relationship between:

6.6 SYNTHESIS – Synthesis is the triumph of the One

3.3 LIGHT – Light is the rhythmic motion of Fire

These Ideas or creative Powers, the source of all precipitations or Forms, are set and put in relation on the causal plane, that is to say the plane of the higher mental, where the ideal Formulas connect Ideas and Thought Forms. By asserting these Formulas, at this point of tension, we nourish their fire, spread their light, and reveal the sacred Communion between each centre, each polarity and the right Relationship which leads back to Unity.

We will therefore “synthetically” visit this quaternary of Ideas flowing from the sacred and precious Vessel of the Genesis of Ideas:

6.6 Synthesis is the triumph of the One

(…) synthesis is an aspect of the first divine characteristic, the Will, or rather, the Will-to-Good. This energy or influence, which the Christ Himself will wield (and for which He has been long preparing Himself), produces cohesion, a drawing together and a tendency to fusion and union. (Alice Bailey – The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p.648)

The Life which has “multiplied” itself through an infinity of forms, at the end of the evolutionary process, returns to this essential Unity, through the fiery Synthesis of the different polarities. This Synthesis is the luminous path of the Heart:

To see with the eyes of the heart; to hear the roar of the world with the ears of the heart; to peer into the future with the understanding of the heart; to remember past accumulations through the heart—that is how the aspirant must boldly advance on the path of ascent. Creativity embraces the fiery potential and comes to be saturated with the sacred fire of the heart. Therefore, on the path of the Hierarchy, on the path of the Great Service, on the path of Communion, synthesis is the one luminous path of the heart. How can seekers radiate the rays manifested if there is no flame affirmed in their hearts?

It is precisely the quality of a magnet [1] that lies latent in the heart. The loftiest creativity is pervaded with this great law. Thus, every consummation, every unification, every cosmic union is achieved through the flame of the heart. In what way can a foundation be laid for great steps? Truly, only by way of the heart. The arcs of consciousness merge in the flame of the heart.

So let us keep in mind the wondrous attraction of the magnet of the heart, which links all manifestations. Indeed, the silver thread that connects the Teacher with the disciple is the great magnet of the heart. The unification of the Teacher and disciple affirms the essence of all aspects of evolution.” (Agni Yoga Series – Heart § 1)

6.3 The Son is the supreme Reason

This Luminous Path of the Heart is in reality the supreme Reason, the Son, the beginning and the end, the Synthesis and the Relation, as we can discover through the Gospel of John and in the Secret Doctrine:

In a commentary to the Gospel of John it is written:

“In the beginning, the Logos”, this ‘Beginning’ in Hebrew: ‘archè’ [2] is the entry into the world of duality, of temporality, the ‘Logos’ ‘davar’, is intelligence, word, the verb, the creative information. The Logos in Genesis is therefore the creative Word, the biblical “davar” which gives form and consistency to all things.

In the beginning, in the origin, therefore, there is this Intelligence, this Creative Word which “informs” all things; but the Word is also what keeps us in the possibility of Listening and of a Relation, a harmonious Relationship with all lives.

Thus the Word, this Son of the Father and of the Mother is the supreme Reason of all that Is, Was and Will be, the Reason for the existence of the manifested world.

In the Secret Doctrine we read about the Son:

[…] during the prologue, so to say, of the drama of Creation, or the beginning of cosmic evolution, the Universe or the ‘Son’ lies still concealed ‘in the Divine Thought’, which had not yet penetrated ‘into the Divine Bosom’. This idea, note well, is at the root, and forms the origin of all the allegories about the ‘Sons of God’ born of immaculate virgins.” (Helena P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine. Cosmogenesis)


The Son is Love, the Supreme Reason is Love, “Love is the beginning, and love the end, and in love we serve and work. The long journey ends thus, in the glory of the renunciation of personal desire, and in the dedication to living service.” (Alice Bailey – From Bethlehem to Calvary, p.229)

Our solar Spirit is a Logos of Love, that universal Motive which gives life and purpose to all form, through electrical impulses emitted from the centre or core, through the heart.

3.6 Relation is the fiery synthesis of polarities

We have seen that “in the beginning” the Creative Word “informs” all things and opens up the possibility for humanity of a Relation or a harmonic Relationship with the Living.

“And, for his part, Man was, […] considered in antiquity as the measure of the Universe: and here is revealed the active side of his innate virtue; for to measure exactly, he must ‘communicate’ with the object of his measurement. In this way, ‘connection’ becomes synonymous with ‘relation’. This is direct communication; faculties guaranteed to all by the omnipresent existence of the Infinite, where infinite measures ‘are activated and turned off‘’ – provided that the invisible barriers which normally separate human consciousness from the totality of space are broken down.

If it is true that man, by his divine nature, is the measure of the Cosmos, the answer to the matter at hand can only be this: we measure by communicating; and by measuring we communicate.” (Enzio Savoini, Harmonics – Adapted translation, with commentary, of Lehrbuch der Harmonik by Hans Kayser, 1980, unpublished paper)

Only a vital interchange can produce a creative wave. Only the grandeur of Cosmos affirms the manifestation of a vital interchange. A cosmic seed is inlaid in everything, and the Cosmic Fire is expressed in all. How then can humanity affirm its existence without the principle manifested by the vital interchange? The law of existence draws the spirit into the orbit of the cosmic seed, and when the spirit strives toward communion with the higher spheres, then the cooperation can be affirmed. Only when the interchange is imbued with a conscious striving can cosmic cooperation be affirmed. Therefore, each higher energy that is assimilated by the spirit can bring conscious striving to humanity. Thus, the manifestation of interchange provides a limitless cooperation.” (Agni Yoga Series, Infinity II § 415)

Thus, the destiny of humanity is to become this living Bridge, this fiery Synthesis, bestowing and radiating “saving force” to gradually encompass all forms of life within the field of its magnetic power, linking them to the Hierarchy and to Shamballa (that is, connecting the soul of each kingdom).

This Relation is found at all stages of the great Chain of Existence:

The theme of the living consciousness of the planetary Logos is forever and unchangeably the great Hierarchy of Being, that chain of life in which the smallest link is of importance, and the greatest link is related to the smallest through the electrical interplay of spiritual energy. There is naught—from one important angle of life—but Hierarchy, linking sun with sun, star with star, solar system with solar system, planet with planet and all planetary lives with each other. The major keynote of every single planetary initiation, even to the very highest, is RELATIONSHIP. What other qualities may be revealed to the Initiate on other paths we know not, but the goal of all endeavour upon our planet is right relations between man and man and between man and God, between all expressions of divine life, from the tiniest atom up and on into infinity. From the standpoint of our planetary evolution, there is naught but love, naught but goodwill and the will-to-good. This exists already, and its true manifestation is nearer today than at any time in planetary history.” (Alice Bailey – Rays and the Initiations, p.738)

3.3 Light is the rhythmic motion of Fire

All unmanifest [and manifested] space is the ship of Fire. (…) [3], and (…) The Cosmic Fire is in eternal motion, directed by Absolute Reason and the Perfect Heart, (…) [4]; it is Fire that affirms evolution [5]. The fiery focus, all-illuminating, all-containing, gives life to each creative inception [6]. The manifestation of fire brings light into matter. Properly speaking, where there is fire, there is clear evidence of progressive perfectment [7]. Fire can crystallize, but its usual state can be characterized as light [8].

On the other hand, “rhythmic motion is the agent that connects the beginning to the end: it is the free, intelligent and creative use of Space and Fire. Yet freedom of motion has a law, which no process escapes, under penalty of halt: it is the law of the Spiral, which always renews all phases and places the end above the beginning, without ever separating them. This is the sign of divine Intelligence, the third Fire. I am Light, which is the rhythmic motion of Fire. Thus I illuminate the ascending way” . (Enzio Savoini, Book of Rituals)

“Light is movement. It is, in fact, the maximum dynamism […] Light blends continuous and discontinuous, thus cycles are born, which are ‘continuously discontinuous’. For these reasons it is argued that Light is the cause of all movements. The Will fixes the purpose; the Space welcomes it and lends it the necessary substances; the Light reaches it [the purpose]. That is Motion. Light realizes evolution […] Light is the energy that moves things and consciousnesses; it leads to the goal, and there is no other reason for motion.” (Enzio Savoini, Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium. Theory of Light I-II, unpublished paper, September-November 2001)

So through the rhythmic movement of Light, which underlies all planetary purpose, with a united breath and a unified rhythm, we progress from light to light, transmuting the fires of matter and raising the fire of consciousness into the ardent Synthesis of the hearts.

We guide back to the culture of Heaven


[1] “[…] magnetic action is more closely allied to first ray functioning than it is to the second ray and is an aspect or quality of the Law of Synthesis. It was this magnetic power of the first ray to which the Christ referred when He said “I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me”. (A. Bailey – Rays and the Initiations, p. 376)

[2] “Archè”: archetype, archaeology, archangel (…), what is at the head, in the beginning, at the origin.

[3] Agni Yoga § 307
[4] Infinity I § 301
[5] Infinity I § 173
[6] Hierarchy § 224
[7] Agni Yoga § 159
[8] Fiery World I § 164


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