The Star of Power

Concurrently with the full moon of Leo, today we celebrate the important annual alignment of the Earth-Sun Polarity with the “Star of Direction”, Merak, indicated by Esoteric Astrology as the Rishi of the First Ray of Will or Power of the Great Bear, the Constellation which is the Head Centre of the Great Being in Whom we live, move and have our being.

May the cosmic energy of the Will-to-Good guide the little human wills!


The Glory of the Eternal Being radiates in the stars,
and His Might is symbolized in Earth’s highest summits.


Amidst fetters, amidst the slaughter,
Amidst silence, amidst revolt,

Amidst those afar and near,
Remember Me.

The Power is ever with you.
Disciples, does the sea shell fear the velvet rolling of the waves?
Be not afraid of the tide.


Knowing wherein is podvig,
Knowing that power is sacrifice,
Whilst affirming the victory you will say,
“Lord, let this triumphal cup pass from me.”
Then will you attain the right to create,
And your spirit will be unassailable.


We possess the power to both create and destroy obstacles.
Thought is like lightning.


Our Power is sacrifice.

(Excerpts from: The Call § 320, 309, 353, 39, 353 – Agni Yoga)


Glory to the First Sound!


See the First Ray and Interval also in the Seven Rays video:


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One Response to The Star of Power

  1. njc1008 says:

    Magical! Great appreciation and gratitude.

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