3.3 – Light

“Fiat lux. Et lux facta est.”
(Genesis 1,3)

“The sound reverberated amidst varying wheels of uncreated matter; and lo, the sun and all the lesser wheels appeared. The light shone forth amidst the many wheels, and thus the many forms of God, the diverse aspects of his radiant robe blazed forth. The vibrant palpitating wheels turned over. Life, in its many stages and in its many grades commenced the process of unfolding, and lo, the law began to work. Forms arose, and disappeared, but life moved on. Kingdoms arose, holding their many forms which drew together, turned together, and later separated, but still the life moved on. Mankind, hiding the Son of God, the Word incarnate, broke forth into the light of revelation. Races appeared and disappeared. The forms, veiling the radiant soul, emerged, achieved their purpose and vanished into night, but lo, the life moved on, blended this time with light. Life merged with light, both blending to reveal a beauty and a power, an active liberating force, a wisdom and a love that we call a Son of God.” (Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, p. 145)

The lightning of eternal motion, impressed by the primeval divine command of the biblical Genesis, vibrates and resounds in Space revealing the law of the creative Sound, the law that moves all life. Every man, Son of God, is destined to become a white Magician capable of illuminating the world of Ideas, that is to say of governing from the plane of the higher Mind, in order to create and arrange the causes of future forms.

Ideas, daughters of Light and Sound, are those vital cores that forge the Future. Ideas, inhabitants of the fourth Heaven (the buddhic plane) as principles of Being, are those seeds of will, love and light that guide the consciousness to build forms of harmony and beauty. As creative children of the Creator, immersed in the Rhythm of Life, we can contemplate with loving intelligence and let resound the founding Ideas that describe the Genesis of the Absolute, unspeakable and unknowable, when Life express and unravels the different planes of manifestation. It is a way to become co-creators of the new Temple with the power of Sound, a new lighted House for human evolution:

“His message is heard, for it is sounded forth; it carries illumination, for it conveys the Truth and reveals Reality; it is of vital import, for it vibrates with the life of its creator, and is held in being as long as his thought and sound and intelligence animate it. This is true of a message, of an organization, and of all forms of life, which are but the embodied ideas of a cosmic or a human creator.” (Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, p. 145)

“… When it was declared that ideas rule the world, the power of thought was affirmed. Intelligent thinking must help humanity to accept the new rhythm and cognize the New World that has already drawn near. Truly, the New World pours forth its influence, and has manifested its power in the radiance of scientific achievements. May we overcome all the suffocating dangers through concentration upon the New World! Mankind must realize that life now takes on supermundane meaning. … the gates to the New World are wide open… The Thinker said, “Soon people will learn how to fly. New spheres of Light will become accessible. …”. (Agni Yoga Series, Supermundane § 255)

Light, daughter of Life and infinite Space, like a visible and invisible flame guides humanity along the paths of the cosmic Order.

Light is the rhythmic motion of Fire

As it is said in the Agni Yoga teaching, “Everything is in motion and is carried into Infinity. I say this to remind you that the natural direction of man is upward.” (Supermundane § 102). “People should recognize that Light is a living substance. They should understand that ascent is the one direction destined.” (Heart § 469).

“Light is movement. It is, in fact, the maximum dynamism […] Light blends continuous and discontinuous, thus cycles are born, which are ‘continuously discontinuous’. For these reasons it is argued that Light is the cause of all movements. The Will fixes the purpose; the Space welcomes it and lends it the necessary substances; the Light reaches it [the purpose]. That is Motion. Light realizes evolution […] Light is the energy that moves things and consciousnesses; it leads to the goal, and there is no other reason for motion.” 

“Centre and periphery love each other, and for love the centre explodes in myriads of rays, in every direction, towards the circumference. For love, this implodes, simultaneously, and launches its waves to the centre. The ONE and the TWO come together. This is how Light is born.”

Light is divine intelligence.
It is transcendent. It has no forms of its own, but designs them all. Only that which is formless is capable of showing the various and changing aspects of things. The Light, divine Intelligence, expresses and manifests itself at all levels of the spatial Substance with different laws. It is physical, emotional, mental, supermundane, but it remains inseparable ”. […] “Light is the universal creative power”. […] “Divine Intelligence creates things thinking them”.

Light is spatial magnetic love.
The set of waves can be called, with some reason, “Dark Light”, or “Light without Light”. It is not imperceptible, as these expressions lead us to believe. Think of the dark background of the night sky, which makes the stars visible, and therefore is active, operating, and highlights them: it is the manifestation of the dark Light.
… Whoever has a minimum of mental Light recognises it in the hour of twilight, morning and evening, when the power of the luminous Intelligence is not yet fully expressed or is already tempering its vigour: love is captured in those moments, for the light waves do not cast shadows then, do not push, but surround and embrace things and creatures”.

Light is joy.
Indeed, a characteristic of joy is radiance. It is not happiness, which is quiet and intimate, it is not yet bliss, which is supreme and indifferent. Joy communicates, conveys, illuminates, overwhelms. The rays launch the penetrating joy of divine Intelligence into Space. Nature, touched by those rays and immersed in them, is pervaded with joy: for this reason plants and herbs bloom, minerals crystallize and the sea and sky smile. The joy of living sings in puppies, in children (the cares of existence have not yet dampened it), and in the hearts of the elderly, if they have lived well”.

(Enzio Savoini, Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium. Theory of Light I, unpublished paper, September-November 2001)

“Light is creative. […] Light is a manifestation of the third Ray, also called active Intelligence. It is the splendour, the radiation. When it sprang from the first Sound, it began to create – not build – forms. (Creating and building are different activities: the first prepares in the invisible what the second then actually makes in the visible). Light creates, that is, it arranges causes, projects and programs. It is a luminous power that sets up civilizations, cultures, events, forms. First the Light illuminates the field [created from the centre]; the energies present there, corresponding to one another, then come into tension, and beauty is born out that general coordination. Could there be beauty without Light?” (Enzio Savoini, Comments to Infinity, 2003, available only in Italian)

“It will also be shown that the soul itself is light, and that the entire Hierarchy is a great centre of light, causing the symbology of light to govern our thinking, our approach to God, and enabling us to understand somewhat the meaning of the words of Christ ‘I am the Light of the world’. […] The theme of light runs through all the world Scriptures; the idea of enlightenment conditions all the training given to the youth of the world (limited though the application of this idea may be), and the thought of more light governs all the inchoate yearnings of the human spirit. We have not yet carried the concept up to the Centre of Life where dwells the Ancient of Days, the Eternal Youth, the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara, Melchizedek—God. Yet from that Centre streams what has been called the Light of Life, the Light Supernal. These are empty words as yet until we know, as trained initiates, that light is a symptom and an expression of Life […] Light can be regarded as a symptom, a reaction to the meeting and consequent fusion of spirit and matter.” (Alice A. Bailey, Rays and the Initiations, p. 143)

“The subtle and celestial Light shines when mind and consciousness are concentrated, and illuminates all Space; where it meets a psychic centre, it sets it on fire, transforming it into a source of physical Light. This happens everywhere in the Cosmos, which shines with countless sources. Each of these, in turn, pours Light and heat into its own System and leads it to evolve. […]

“I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD”, said the great Master: flashing words that sounded obscure then, and are misunderstood even today. Great spiritual entities, before Him, poured Light into the world and into human society, but He claimed to be the source of those Lights, that is, the Master of Masters.” (Enzio Savoini, Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium. Holding the mind steady in the light, unpublished paper)

“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. … Let your light so shine before men” (Matthew 5, 14-16)

“Man, in conscience, is capable of ‘manipulating’ the Light. […] He can concentrate it, direct it and spread it, as a great act of Service. […] Holding the mind steady in the Light lowers Heaven (which remains where it is), and raises the Earth. The disciple, committed to learning the sublime lesson, no longer detaches himself from that Mentor who has always lit up the Way for him. He understands that there are different ways to live, think and work.” (Enzio Savoini, Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium. Holding the mind steady in the light, unpublished paper)

The Light that radiates Life and perfects it has fascinated cultures and religions of all times, it is studied by science and considered by the seekers of Truth as a pivotal point towards which to orient our life, and Its glory has been celebrated and invoked in multiple languages.

The glory of Him who moveth everything
Doth penetrate the universe, and shine
(Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy — Paradiso I, 1,2)

Thus the Supreme Poet, with enlightened mastery, celebrates the ascent to Paradise. That sacred Poem traces the initiatory route and invites those who are pure and willing to rise to the stars to think with greatness for the Common Good, to recognise the power of the Will for Love and act on it and to release their own Light in the sacred womb of Life: Space…

“the Love which moves the sun and the other stars”
(Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy — Paradiso XXXIII, 145)


“We cannot attain Adeptship and Nirvana, Bliss and the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’, unless we link ourselves indissolubly with our Rex Lux, the Lord of Splendour and of Light, our immortal God within us.” (Helena P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Vol. III)

“The sun’s rays should be appreciated as a universal treasure… Why should people pass by the treasures of the universe that have been destined for them? The rhythm of the planets is made up of magnetic vortices and light. Can they not be put to use, just as the power of waterfalls is? Inexhaustible are the forces made available! New Joes and new Janes, you who number in the hundreds of thousands, take your share! Soon, what was a mere attempt will become a conquest, and the seed of the Common Good will give every person the power of the ray. Let us remember this when we begin our morning work and courageously continue it into Infinity.” (Agni Yoga Series, Leaves of Morya’s Garden — Illumination § 356)

The beauty expressed by the solemn song of the celestial lights is infinite and today, in the heliocentric heaven, the “Voice of Light”, the concerted voice of Saturn and Earth, the Lords of Light, emerges.

In the luminous wake of the Heavens, we celebrate as a single choir the creative symphony of the rhythmic motion of Fire: LIGHT. We use the power of Ideas to weave the bright and sonorous threads of the New Culture and New Civilization. We trace the luminous features of the future by imagining the ordered unity of the World of Ideas, according to the mathematical and sound matrix represented by the 7×7 Lambdoma, in which each Idea sets up and weaves harmonious, symmetrical and similar relations from its sound place.

The third of the seven founding Ideas of the generator Lambdoma that describe the Genesis of the Absolute is therefore LIGHT.

The generator Lambdoma sees on the third vertical column (from 1/3 to 7/3) the 7 primary Ideas or central lightnings of the 49 vortexes of the Lambdoma of the Genesis of Light, while on the horizontal column (from 3/1 to 3/7) we have the 7 Ideas or lightnings that shine in the place of the 3/3 sound interval in the other 6 derived Lambdomas. At the centre of the cross, as an unchangeable centre of renaissance, blazes:

3.3 LIGHT – Light is the rhythmic motion of Fire

This sound game of Lights reveals the law of the Sound of Life that generates and multiplies itself incessantly: its rhythmic motion is Light which, propagating through Space with active Intelligence, orders and frees the luminous sparks of all divine realities, composing them in the Order of the One Life.

“… the spirit that merges with Cosmic Reason… can become a directing cosmic force. All that consciously unites can direct the cosmic forces. The same law governs the expression of creativeness upon the far-off worlds.” (Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 144)

Immersed in the Beauty of Being, let’s imitate the divine Architects of Creation and, from the place of Fire, let’s radiate the splendour of the cross of Light so that its ideal power helps the restoration of the divine Plan on Earth.
The song of Light radiates the 7 primary lightnings of Its Genesis:

Soundthe fiery impulse of Life
Energy: the infinite spatial potentiality
Light: the rhythmic motion of Fire
Ray: the vital direction of the Centre
Consciousness: the ratio between Spirit and Substance
Son: the supreme Reason
Intelligence: active Light

The Name of the Light shines on all 3/3 vertexes of the 7 Lambdomas derived from the generator Lambdoma (its third row). It is:
Fire: Life generating and multiplying itself
Heaven: the radiant Garment of Space
Light: the rhythmic motion of Fire
Colour: the rainbow veil of Life
Plan: the projection of divine Thought
Relation: the fiery synthesis of polarities
Rhythm: the pulsation of Life

I see nothing but Light, which organises and orders Light.

I am Light, which is the rhythmic motion of Fire.
Thus I illuminate the upward way.



Note: In the solar system Saturn administers the Truth, which is Light, and as a 3rd Ray Planet, it has a particular relationship with the Earth, with which it shares the same energetic tone of Active Intelligence; man has been equipped with this energy in order to carry out the constructive process of sacralization of matter, through the evolutionary path of consciousness, which, through concrete experience, conquers an ever more inclusive vision.


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