Year 2022 – 4th quadrant

Equinox September 23, 2022 h 1.05 UT

Heliocentric Chart

Geocentric Chart

Synthetic formulas:

(helio) The Beauty of Being is the Religion of Heaven

(geo) There is no love without harmony nor harmony without love

This last impulse of the annual planetary Rhythm[1] sees the splendid Earth-Mercury-Sun alignment on the equinoctial axis Libra-Aries, the Omega and Alpha of the Evolution of planetary Consciousness, the Middle Way between Being and Becoming, between Spirit and Substance.

Mercury (4th Ray), the Lord of the Middle Way, of Harmony and of celestial Music, is the Agent of transmission of the energies of the First Sign Aries as regards the disciples and initiates (esoteric ruler); He is the enlightened Mind that now asserts:

The Beauty of Being is the Religion of Heaven

And Heaven echoes this Truth in a powerful way, thanks to the Presence, on the sides of this initiatory Direction, of Neptune (6th Ray) in His very deep Waters of Pisces and of Jupiter (2nd Ray) thundering in Aries, as its guardians and guarantors: Beauty is the sign of union and It is the splendor of Truth, sing the two Great solar Mothers.

The planetary Hierarchy above (Jupiter esoteric ruler of Aquarius, Sign of the Hierarchy or Planetary Heart Center, now in Aries) attracts to the Fire of Brotherhood the mass consciousness below (Neptune esoteric ruler of Cancer now in the Sign of Humanity Pisces) teaching that

There is no love without harmony nor harmony without love.

At the heliocentric or higher causal level, the two Luminaries of the Battle Saturn in the Sign of the New (Aquarius) and Uranus in the Sign of the Builders in the Light Taurus are finally no longer in conflict, while at the geocentric level their squaring will last until the end of the year.

Therefore, if above the harmonious Reconstruction proceeds without contrasts (sextiles to Pluto and Uranus-Venus trine in Virgo), below the battle horns still praise the alert, confirmed by the geocentric oppositions Jupiter-Mercury/Sun and Neptune-Venus, square to Mars. To discover Love as the only Way, the karmic price/means still seems to be the screeching of disharmony and mental separateness. But the beautiful trines and sextiles to Uranus, Pluto and Saturn show a kite to rise from the old shackles of lunar egocentrism (Moon in Leo, quincunx/green lines), as well as from the materialistic and psychic drift of this Piscean era end: the profound opportunity of these grave and heavy times is that of reinventing our planetary identity as the One Humanity, as a planetary Center of the solar and cosmic Community.


From the World of Causes, from the plane of the enlightened Mind, as Builders in the Light, let us therefore follow the Supermundane Plan and its creative Rhythms, its most propitious Dates to assert a Future of universal Brotherhood.

Let us listen to and imitate the symphony and celestial dance of the solar Community and attest to its resolving power in the world of Being:

Video of the Conjunctions / Causal Directions of the 4th quarter 2022


Communion is Being. 


[1] See comments to the heavens of the previous quarter cycles: Dec solstice 2021, March equinox and June solstice 2022.

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