Second Year of the Sixth Septennium

Here we are once again at the solstice. The Earth, in Cancer, at the formal apex of the work, aligns with the spiritual and initiatory summit of Capricorn, where it sees the Sun rise, turning its gaze to the Galactic Centre. In this magical atemporal interlude, the door ‘of men’ and that ‘of the Gods’ open simultaneously, igniting in Space a powerful discontinuous impulse that will condition with its energies the year that is beginning: the Earth draws another breath, everything is renewed.

The disciples of the world gather in silence and transmit the power of this ‘religious’ event back into the human energy fabric.


For those who follow the steps of the Table of the Plan, that has been intuited for Humanity, the year that is beginning is coloured by the relationship between the energies of the Sixth and Second Ray, whose Goal, which we must illuminate and fill with meaning, reads:

Space. Infinity. Bases of the New Religion

The intuitive symbol for this Goal is:

Its synthetic seed states:

The divine Intelligences of the solar System pull all Pilgrims above,
everyone on their own way, everyone with their own Light.
Here it is the religion of Space.
I study the sacred Laws of the great communion.


The new Religion is the underlying theme of this seven-year period (2022 – 2028) and here we are called upon to lay the first pillars on which this future event, the harbingers of which we are beginning to perceive, will start to take shape.

In the commentary to Goal 6.2, the seven cornerstones on which the Religion of the Age of Aquarius could be based are outlined; here they are:

A) On account of the absence, which will be prolonged, of the Sixth Ray, the new religion will not be polarized on the emotional level (…) The future one will possibly be qualified by a great respect, sincere and deep, for the liberty, life and consciousness of every creature: fewer tears of devotion, a more genuine joy.

B) On account of the great development of relations achieved among the most different peoples, the new religion will be planetary. It will be the very basis of the recognized community of Nations. Instead of dividing peoples and opposing their evolutionary processes, it will be the greatest agent of real pan-human union (…)

C) Because of the natural requirement of such universality (spontaneous, not obtained through conquest), the rite, the liturgy and the cult will be openly solar. They will follow the movements of the Sun, seen as the best and living symbol of the central spiritual Entity. All the peoples recognize it as the most perfect sign of the divine Light, all nature proclaims it. The pulsation of its energy also reveals It as the supreme Officiant for the System which It rules from the center (…)

D) The Solar System is a community of many planets and a global religion will not be able to ignore this. The roots of its thought and the field of its researches will be astrological, but not superstitious. This feature will open ways till now un-hoped for, because it is a prelude to the society of the solar peoples (…) For sheer reasons of symmetry, other humanities must live in the space managed by Sun. And for the same reasons it is inevitable that they meet.

E) The forms assumed by the religious practices and rituals, though having unified roots, will be varied and freely used according to places and peoples. Yet the liturgy will be a single one, though lived in an opposite and symmetrical way in the two hemispheres (north and south), according to the alternate passage of the seasons.

F) A dominant feature of the future religion (and its glory) will be the cult of Space, recognized as divine love, and of Light, understood as divine intelligence. And this not merely in a symbolic sense, but starts from their physical manifestations. This will be the real revolution in the religious approach (…)

G) The Seven Rays and their mutual relationships will be increasingly better studied, understood and applied. It is a very new field of research, in which all searches for truth come together and where the unity of energies and laws is realized. Politics, teaching, programming, art, science, social life and rituality meet and support each other reciprocally. The seven qualities of the divine are agents of collaborating union and in this sense they are religious, even if not only that (…).


The new Religion, as it has been written elsewhere on these pages, must not be a doctrine added to those already existing, but a new way for Humanity to approach the realm of Spirit, a fascinating exploration of the energetic world of Causes underlying that of events, a way that opens up the possibility of learning to live at that level of consciousness and thus with the degree of freedom and power of Service of ‘citizens of the solar System’.

First of all, it will have to heal the split that has occurred in the human mentality of the multitudes regarding the concept of God, who is seen as a separate Entity from creation and moreover humanised, partisan (my God and your God) and dispenser of rewards and punishments; we will have to understand that God is both transcendent and immanent and that everything in the Universe is informed by His very nature, hence we are in Him ‘all Brothers’, parts of the divine Self.

It will also recognise how the great Masters, through their Teachings, anchor in the consciousnesses, in the different ages, the principles necessary for evolution in response to the invocation of Humanity, thus gradually opening stretches of the path that leads from the unreal to the real, from darkness to light, from death to immortality.

Religious institutions will then be centres of spirituality, bastions of preservation, study, practice, integration and diffusion of the Teachings of the Masters and will work in the sphere of the Hierarchy. They will therefore be ‘Guides to the relationship with the divine’, reference Entities linked together like a network of beacons pointing the way to the Pilgrims, points of light radiating love and wisdom and pouring the waters of Life to human consciousnesses in the right doses, that is, in a manner commensurate with the questions.

The new Religion will look to the inner and outer Heavens, to the great Consciousnesses that govern the Universe, of which the stars and planets are the phenomenal appearance and whose energies are distributed to every lesser consciousness.

It will therefore admit that the ‘imperfect God’ of our System is the spiritual Sun who, from the centre, in deep meditation, infuses life, movement and being into every single one of its creatures.

It will realise that the Zodiac is a great transformer of the energies coming from the extra-systemic constellations and is the common horizon of every inhabitant of the solar System, symbolising a shared destiny and the possibility of an energetic dialogue between the different planetary Entities, all of which contribute to the general evolution.
In this regard, it is interesting to note how the word Religion, from an etymological point of view, has a dual derivation that has been summarised precisely with the formula: “Connection between the spatial Fires”.

The rhythms and liturgies of the new Religion will therefore be consistent with the celestial ones, with the aspects between the Luminaries, their cycles and the geometries they create in Space, and with the stellar alignments that trace fiery directions.
They will then be the same for all in their essence, but different in their interpretative form, depending on the creativity of each people, and above all they will have to take into account the fact that in the two hemispheres the seasonal situation is specularly different. This will be an important step in establishing the correct energetic functioning of the One Humanity.

It is clear that the blossoming of a new Religion will only go hand in hand with that of the new Civilisation that will emerge in the coming age of Aquarius and which will be focused on the mental level instead of that of emotional sensitivity, on Unity instead of individuality, and on the right relationships between kingdoms leading to human and universal Brotherhood.


In this dark, violent, disorienting time of transition, those who look to the east already perceive a subtle luminosity that portends the rising of the new sun and is destined to increase and illuminate the field. A common consciousness is progressively awakening, a deep solidarity, a set of truly moving humanitarian initiatives, as well as a nascent environmental awareness that extends to all kingdoms of nature. Above all, however, the disciples of the world are beginning to feel urgently called to a unified inner action and to consecrate themselves to Service, marking that continuity with the hierarchal work that builds and strengthens the link between Humanity and Hierarchy and fosters the precipitation of the work of the Masters.

It’s time for heroes, when flames unite

A hierarchical approach is imminent (2025) and is recognised by many disciples who, for some time now, have been preparing for this event that could lead, in a relatively short time, to the externalisation of the Hierarchy, of which the Tibetan Master speaks at length.

Other greater approaches are awaited and will also depend on what will be the evolutionary level and thus the invocative power of the human consciousness.

We know that the Buddha revealed the Light aspect of the divine and the Christ that of Love. The next approach is likely to concern the Will aspect, which could permanently open the direct channel to Shamballa.

Speaking of the great approaches, the Tibetan Master says:

“I would ask the orthodox theologian how he interprets the words ‘a new heaven’? May it not signify an entirely new conception as to the world of spiritual realities and perhaps of the very nature of God Himself? May it not be possible that our present ideas of God as the Universal Mind, as Love and as Will, may be enriched by a new idea and quality for which we have as yet no name or word and of which we have as yet no faintest understanding?” (A.A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 413)

At this thought our hearts leap and our minds fly free into the light of the future, which is already here even if we cannot see it yet.

“By the Will of Cosmos all things are attracted to each other. All strives toward mutual creation. ‘Religare’ is bestowed on humanity in the form of a religion for unification, for the development of community, for the avowal of the Primary Source, which contains all principles of Being and which creates all substances for our good. The concatenation of the Universe with all higher spheres should be adopted by the consciousness as a saving anchor in the advancement of the higher foundations of the future.” (Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 23) 

Solar Wisdom calls to the decisive power of Oneness


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One Response to Second Year of the Sixth Septennium

  1. mcnamara says:

    All of this will come from the Center where the Will of God is known…each different yet each the same as is God in All. Universal Individuality will be known in this fulfillment….as is the Model, the Great Singularity, the Universal Hologram Hermetic. All questions asked above will be seen in this New One Synthesis of Being in this/the “point” as is shown in the Chiron paradigm (CGF)…This “absolute unit” the center “point” of each part …as the hologram is in each and for All…all points in one point….now to be known as the wisdom (and love/intuition) revealed by it…so will all so know and the mystery be resolved as man finds and returns to his Cosmic Father….By this ONE MODEL will it All Be Done.

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