The Solar Orchestra

On Mozart’s birthday, we publish this comparison between celestial and sonorous Powers and dedicate it to the creators and inspirers of divine Beauty, the Muses.

May the Muses of the Good, the Beautiful and the True help us remember our fundamental bliss and sing in Chorus the nobility of Life.


O Muses, o high genius, help me now;

o memory that set down what I saw,

here shall your excellence reveal itself!

 (Dante, Inferno – II, 7-9)


According to the sapiential Tradition, the solar System can be understood as an Orchestra of conscious, magnetic and intelligent Lives: of planetary Logoi, of Singers or Musicians who, on the scene of the Ecliptic, perform and interpret, each in its own way or according to its Ray quality, the celestial Score.

This Music, or common Plan of rendition, emanates from cosmic Composers and is rewritten ‘to His measure’ by our Conductor (again, according to His essence, the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom): the solar Logos, the cosmic Being guiding our Sun and its system.

We therefore want to compare in this paper the Qualities of the Seven principal planetary Logoi (which convey the Seven Rays into our Solar System) with the Seven Intervals of the Science of Harmonics, in order to recognise better and better the Sound and Light of the Instruments of our magnificent Orchestra and thus learn to identify them as they perform the solar Symphony within us and through all things and events.

One fine day, loving more and more wisely the Music of the Spheres, we will begin to hear and imitate it in our inner Chanting, ordered as the Choir of solar Angels that we are in essence.

Then the Magister Musicae will see

The Muses Mothers of the World return

To smiling and dancing in crowns around.


Here is the document with the Seven sacred Musicians:

The Solar Orchestra



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