Mother of the World – Solar Festival of Gemini

Today, the Solar Festival or Full Moon of Gemini, Earth and Moon in the opposite Sign Sagittarius, is the sixth of the 12 Festivals in this year 6.2, dedicated to the Mother of the World – celebrations consecrated to honouring the feminine Origin as the “Substance of Love that illuminates everything”; in Gemini we can contemplate the Mother as the substantial Magnet of the New Age, distributor and curator in the Universe of the widespread homogeneousness of Space as the container of Life, pointing the way to unity, love and the Spiritual Hierarchy.
On such a solar Date (Sun-Earth-Moon Direction), the Group of World Servers, the planetary Server, golden section between Hierarchy and Humanity (Sun and Earth), realises in itself the Unity between Spirit/Sun and Matter/Moon, and radiates its liberating Light into human Consciousness, qualified by the Formula of the Mother here correlated to the energy of Gemini:


The Formula is interwoven with the Words of power of the Master of Masters, solemnly sounded in the Living Space, and asserted in the One Heart of humanity at the entrance of the Sign:


The Father for us pilgrims on the path is the Monad or Spirit: the disciple’s return to the Father’s home passes through the recognition that we are in essence divine, Monads; we are not just Solar Angels (Soul), we are not personalities, we are Monads. Unity with the Father is a goal, a long journey, an extremely high point of spiritual development, and it must be achieved through trials, labours, transformations and initiatory processes, which open the doors of consciousness to ever greater expansions.
To reach this lofty goal, a Disciple must face multiple dualities in order to manifest Love, the goal of our solar System. Gemini brings the Second Aspect into manifestation through its conveying of the pure 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom. The esoteric ruler of Gemini is Venus, the luminary of 5th Ray, of the Mind and Concrete Science, our planetary Solar Angel, who manifests as a morning star bringing life into manifestation, and as an evening star bringing it back to its essence, shedding the formal aspect, thus reuniting opposites after bringing duality to light, and leading humanity back to the Divine purpose through the light and flame of the evolutionary Plan of Consciousness.

The Sons of Light and Flame
should sparkle in full freedom
and kindle the fires of space.
(Agni Yoga, Hierarchy § 69)

We are the Sons of Light and Flame.

Reverting to our path towards the Monad, the Candidate’s first step is to make contact with the Mother, the feminine Principle, and thus become a magnet. A Magnet is an inner source of Beauty, Grace and Attraction. Magnetism itself and the ability to express Love are occultly synonymous.
“If you give yourself to the Divine, give yourself completely, without demands, without conditions, without reservations, so that everything in you belongs to the Divine Mother, and nothing is left to the ego or given to some other power. And when the Divine Mother’s grace and protection are with you, who can touch you, or who will you have to fear?” (Sri Aurobindo, On Shakti)

«I laid the foundations with my heart alone;
many manifestations of divine beings appeared
as manifestations of the sons and their children»
(Papyrus Bremner-Rhind)

We must “conceive the necessity of the feminine principle in the idea of spiritual love. Of course we need to abandon the sphere of sexuality, on that level, which is neither physical nor emotional nor intellectual, but how could we conceive of love without femininity? How could the cosmic Magnet exist without its negative component? Universal love, divine or spiritual as it may be, would be meaningless without the presence of the cosmic Woman. Today, she is never spelled out or assumed, even in philosophical and religious constructions that are considered superior. The figure of the Madonna, at least as she has been taught and understood for centuries in the Christian sphere, certainly does not have the functions of the feminine Origin, deprived as she is of any magnetic attraction and function”. (E. Savoini, Comments on Infinity I § 156)
Gemini, conveying the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, represents all dualities, that between Spirit and Matter, between the Father and the Mother; “governing as it does all the pairs of opposites in the zodiac, it preserves the magnetic interplay between them, keeping them fluid in their relations, in order eventually to facilitate their transmutation into unity, for the two must finally become the One. It should be remembered that—from the angle of the final development of the twelve zodiacal potencies—the twelve opposites must become the blended six, and this is brought about by the fusion in consciousness of the polar opposites.” (Alice Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 347)
Through the greater law of Attraction and the subsidiary law of Sex, it leads to an understanding and comprehension of the Law of Magnetism that activates the process of unification, of the fusion of the “two Brothers”, of the golden construction of relationships.
The disciple is a cosmic Magnet in his world.

The subtlest energies are within reach of only the subtlest receptivity,
and limitless striving opens the Gates to Beauty.
(Agni Yoga, Hierarchy § 55)

“Magnetism, at all levels, is the vector of quality. It is its universal function, and this is a cornerstone. There is no true construction without quality, nor quality without a magnetic field. Qualities, in fact, attract and repel in the same way as magnetic polarities: they only manifest in a magnetised field, i.e. spatially loving and bipolar. They vary according to the field that sustains them, and there is no limit to their ability to change.” (Enzio Savoini, Magnetism, available only in Italian).
“The attraction of the various parts of one principle acts through the medium of the Magnet. Hence the variety of the expressions of all the affirmed principles on different planes. The core of Reason is apparent in all Spatial Fire. Being of the same origin, the Cosmic Magnet carries within itself the principle of creativeness of Fire, and Reason builds the substance applicable to each sphere. Therefore, homogeneousness is spread throughout the entire Cosmos, and homogeneousness can provide man with the key to the understanding of the existence beyond. Homogeneousness will lead then to the understanding of the highest principles.” (Agni Yoga, Infinity I § 170)
To reach and be this marvellous Goal or Destination, the Disciple must expand his Consciousness, and gradually he produces a Magnetic Field capable of attracting all that is needed for the expansion of his awareness. The continuous trials and transformations, which will bring him into contact with suffering and pain and their sublimation in light of the evolutionary Purpose, can elevate him through the purification of the lower vehicles to reach the marvellous abode, unity with the Father, being one with Him.
“Pain is that upward struggle through matter which lands a man at the Feet of the Logos; pain is the following of the line of the greatest resistance and thereby reaching the summit of the mountain; pain is the smashing of the form and the reaching of the inner fire; pain is the cold of isolation which leads to the warmth of the central Sun; pain is the burning in the furnace in order finally to know the coolness of the water of life; pain is the journeying into the far country, resulting in the welcome to the Father’s Home; pain is the illusion of the Father’s disowning, which drives the prodigal straight to the Father’s heart; pain is the cross of utter loss, that renders back the riches of the eternal bounty; pain is the whip that drives the struggling builder to carry to utter perfection the building of the Temple.” (Alice Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 677)
“Use pain. Call for the fire, O Pilgrim, in a strange and foreign land. The waters wash away the mud and slime of nature’s growth. The fires burn the hindering forms which seek to hold the pilgrim back and so bring release. The living waters, as a river, sweep the pilgrim to the Father’s Heart. The fires destroy the veil, hiding the Father’s Face.” (Ibidem, p. 678)
The path is not easy and the sign of Gemini represents this wonderful conflict between the White Twin and the Black Twin, the great transmuter of duality into unity.

The grace of the Divine Mother is the agreement of the Supreme,
its effect is certain; it is decreed, inevitable and irresistible.
(Sri Aurobindo, On Shakti)

To come to the Father, to know who we really are, is to activate the highest aspect of the Triplicity of Light, Love and Power. Only by applying active intelligence and loving wisdom does the disciple come to perceive and understand the Will, which acts on the candidate as transfiguring force and power.

Hence, one should apply one’s striving to perception of the Higher Will.
(Agni Yoga, Hierarchy § 56)

“[The energy] of Will, strength or power, through the medium of the head centre. This is the energy of the spiritual man, and comes directly from the Monad, via the soul.  Up to the third initiation however, all that the disciple needs to grasp is that the will aspect of the soul should control the personality, via the mental body to the head centre. When this is the case the thousand-petalled lotus begins to function. (…) When certain great transitions in consciousness have taken place and the form has lost its hold, even these divisions disappear, and the plan is seen as a whole, the Life is known in its essential oneness, and the term, monad, begins to have some real significance.” (Alice Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, p. 194/384)
“Even Christ Himself struggled with the problem of the divine will, and addressed Himself to the Monad at the moment when He first realised the extent and the complexity of His mission as World Saviour. He then cried aloud: “Father, not My will but Thine be done.” Those words marked the relinquishing of the vehicles through which He had been attempting to salvage humanity; it indicated to Him what might at that time have appeared to be an apparent failure and that His mission was not accomplished. For nearly two thousand years He has waited to bring that mission to fruition; it has marked also for Him the entrance into a new cycle of activity; this cycle will culminate during the next three hundred years in success if this Invocation—as used by all of you and by the Hierarchy—proves its effectiveness. He cannot proceed with His assigned mission without reciprocal action by humanity.” (Alice Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 173)
“Hence the necessity for the scientific construction of the rainbow bridge; hence the emphasis upon the Monad, the Father aspect which can now be revealed and known, because the work of aeons is culminating in a general soul contact, where humanity as a whole is concerned…

[This approach] will produce occult identification, the development of the head centre, and the realisation of unity. “I and the Father are One”. This constituted the real achievement of the Christ, Who was the first of our humanity to achieve the complete realisation. This point is of vital interest. Our present Masters of the Wisdom have also entered into this same recognition. The distinction between Them and the Christ is that He added to this realisation the capacity to be a channel, pure and undefiled by any form of self-identification, for a cosmic principle—that of Love.” (Alice Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II, pp. 270 | 467)
Understanding the importance of the direction towards the Monad is the true approach to the awareness of being Spirit: humanity is developing the cognition that it is other than the form aspect of life, and when on a practical level it takes an esoteric step towards the Father by expressing Love to the Heavens and Wisdom to the Earth, then its identification with the more evolved part of itself will be objective in its consciousness.
Here’s how the teaching summarises the path to the Monad:
“First. The stage in which the lunar Pitris [the builders of ‘form’] function primarily, and prepare the lower sheaths for occupancy. The lower vibrations control, and “fire by friction” is that which warms and nourishes to the practical exclusion of all else.

Second. The stage in which the solar Pitris gradually become predominant, in which the egoic consciousness is developed. The sheaths are occupied by the Thinker, are gradually controlled by him, are bent to his will and purpose, and are eventually discarded. The middle vibrations control and solar fire irradiates; it lights up in due course of evolution the lower sheaths; it gradually increases its heat, and eventually aids in the destruction of the forms.
Third. The stage in which electric fire is revealed, and through the intensity of its blaze puts out the other fires. The lunar Pitris have fulfilled their work, the solar Pitris have developed the self-conscious unit, man, and the monad (having utilised both) discards both, and withdraws into itself, this time plus the gain of material existence, and plus developed love-wisdom.” (Alice Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 819)
The instructions of the Science of the Spirit provide the basis for reaching this Goal: the first step is the awareness of being the Path, the way to the Father; the second step is the respect of the Cosmic Laws, the fundamental beacons for our evolution; therefore, if we as Yogis accept this Responsibility, we can contemplate the direction towards Light, Love and the Will-to-Good.
“Fearless, testing, indefatigable, the yogi must help humanity to remember the Law of Unity. Like a flashing sword, the thought of the yogi is a lightning-bolt through space. Ready to alter the ways of communion, ready for achievement, ready to accept the condemnations of the ignorant, the yogi exhorts humanity to contemplate the causes of their incarnate lives. By doing this, the quality of their labor and learning will be changed. Knowing the possibilities inherent in people, who would not wish to dare valiantly? Does not the victor’s crown belong to the one who teaches courage to humanity? Without this the heads of people, like those of swine, will remain glued to the refuse of Earth.” (Agni Yoga § 245)

“The Lord of Life Himself sits at the heart and watches.
The Lords of solar fire pursue their task and sacrifice themselves
to the lunar Lords of all the lower planes.
They die, but resurrect. They pass without, and come again.
Yet the Lord of Life sits still.
The lunar Lords begin to die;
their power begins to wane with each successive cycle.
The solar Lords shine forth in triumph
and consign the fourfold ones to fire,
—the fire which burns and dissipates the form.
Many times the work repeats itself;
the cycles wax and wane, until the day triumphant
when the solar Lord acclaims himself and knows himself the ruler.
The Lord of Life then turns Himself, and arises in His might.
He consumes the solar Lords, and they perish as did the lunar Lords.
He speaks a Word; the fire descends. The blaze bursts forth.
Gone is the lower fire through the flame of solar burning,
gone is the middle fire through the intensity of fire from Heaven.
Naught remaineth save a threefold flame of violet, indigo and yellow.
THAT disappears.
Then darkness reigns.
Yet the Lord of Life persists, though invisible.”
(Old Commentary from A Treatise on Cosmic Fire)

The Warrior of the Unity of Gemini
I have seen Sirius beyond the waves of light
I have looked upon Venus in the flashes of fire
I have gone beyond the pillars and seen duality
I have walked on the bridge that shines with the fourteen colours of life
I walk the path that leads me back to Orion
I live with the essence of the Great Mother
I unite what illusion has separated
I am and will be, One with the Father
I am the Son and I love returning to where everything was born
Gratitude fills with light and fire the unity with the Monad


See the calendar of all the celebrations online (passages into the 12 Signs and Solar Festivals of the full and new moons 2023 – in UTC hour) – with related links:

Online celebration dates 2023




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One Response to Mother of the World – Solar Festival of Gemini

  1. Jocelyne says:

    Immense gratitude for this most illuminating and inspiring article.

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