Bases for a New World Religion: Harmony and Accordance with the Model

In the article entitled “Second Year of the Sixth Septennium” we reported the text from “The Distant Goals” (by E. Savoini) which presents the seven lines of thought on which a New World Religion, consistent with the energies of the Age of Aquarius now approaching, could be based.

The fourth one, the subject of this article, reads:

The Solar System is a community of many planets and a global religion will not be able to ignore this. The roots of its thought and the field of its researches will be astrological, but not superstitious. This feature will open ways till now un-hoped for, because it is a prelude to the society of the solar peoples, but we know how many prejudices block progress in that direction. For sheer reasons of symmetry, other humanities must live in the space managed by Sun. And for the same reasons it is inevitable that they meet.


The solar System is certainly the finest and closest model to which humanity can and must look in order to understand and realise a communion based on right relations, which are the consequence of the principles of harmony and concord.

“Concord is a word that comes from Latin and means ‘communion of hearts’. If we consider that the heart is always the supreme vital centre, the true manifest organ of the Infinite, such a communion is surely primary and develops unlimited power. Therefore, wherever it exists, even in a minor degree, it is already an achievement, which not only permits otherwise unattainable results, but points at and aims to the summit of cosmic concordance, the centre of all creative forces.

The future holds in store for mankind the discovery of the actual power of concord, the generator of harmony and therefore of co-measurement, without which it would be better to remain inactive than to build, for then monsters are produced.” (Enzio Savoini – Comments to Infinity I, only available in Italian)

Space is alive and is the universal container of life.

This principle brings with it another fundamental condition, that everything is pervaded by life: stones and thoughts. […] Not a single point in the Universe is separated from Life, for nothing isolates it from the rest.”


What distinguishes the set of living but non-autonomous things from those that live a life of their own is the absence, in those, of an organised and self-sufficient structure, such as to make of them, instead of mere creations, true creatures.

The latest dispensations of the Teaching resolve the matter in these terms: in autonomous, and therefore individual lives, there are seven spatial centres, distributors of qualified energies to their various organs, distinct but related, simple or complex. Those centres constitute the supporting, organising and unitary structure. Where this system of centres does not exist, life is present and active but has no identity of consciousness.

In order to recognise the solemn presence of an independent, creative and evolving Entity, it is enough to seek in it the presence of a septenary complex of centres, which can assume the most diverse forms without, however, varying its law or its coordinating function.”


So it is fair to ask: «Is the solar System a coordinated, autonomous, living whole, as it is considered in the East, or a collection of inanimate objects, held together by mechanical laws, as it is taught in the West?»

As a matter of fact, there are seven Centres in the solar System, also called sacred planets or Luminaries, whose names and Rays are familiar, in addition to the well-known astrophysical parameters. One is therefore able to regard it as a cosmic Being, endowed with the seven primary Functions of Life, immersed in its own Space and orderly active and vibrant.”

The solar System, [therefore], is a true spatial or cosmic individuality as much so as man, and like human beings it is endowed with a loving intelligence aiming at a purpose which it pursues by building, unitarily, its own ever-improving order.”


It is also assumed that each of the Luminaries in turn has seven centres and is therefore an autonomous Entity of cosmic life. This has not yet been verified, nor can it be done as yet; but the presence on Earth of those centres validates the assumption: the four natural kingdoms, the Hierarchy, Shambhala and the Logos itself.” (Enzio Savoini – The Solar System in space, available in Italian)


The roots of its thought and the field of its research will be astrological, but not superstitious.

Astrology, the very ancient mother of astronomy, today has access to what the latter elaborates, and rightly benefits from it, because it is derived from its historical mental research. The focus of its interest, however, is quite different: it is psychic in nature.

It is nonetheless true that no one could claim to have learned the laws and understood the order of the solar System simply from astrology.” (Enzio Savoini – The Solar System in space, available in Italian)

Astrology is essentially the purest presentation of occult truth in the world at this time, because it is the science which deals with those conditioning and governing energies and forces which play through and upon the whole field of space and all that is found within that field.” (Alice A. Bailey – Esoteric Astrology, p. 5)

The new religion will therefore not be able to ignore the use of this science because the entire Science of Astrology is, in the last analysis, the Science of Relations… Inter-relation, inter-dependence, inter-communication, interplay—these are words governing the scientific basis of astrology, and they are beginning to be words in general use today in connection with human affairs and human conduct.” (Alice A. Bailey – Esoteric Astrology, p. 223)

This characteristic will open up hitherto unhoped-for paths, for it is a prelude to the society of solar peoples, but we know how many prejudices block progress in that direction. For the sake of pure symmetry, other forms of mankind must live in the space managed by the Sun.

Who would believe that the human organism reacts not only to planetary disturbances but also to currents of the entire solar system? Yet it would be unwise to deny this and deprive man of cooperation with the far-off worlds. Our task is to remind men that as the highest expression of the manifested world they can be centers for uniting the worlds. Only by inculcating this thought can men be directed toward true advance.” (Agni Yoga Series – Fiery World I § 479)

Much is said about the habitability of planets, yet rarely is there found one who senses such far-away conditions. The earthly nature of people does not take in such matters. Even the subtle existence does not embrace the idea of remote companions. Only the fiery consciousness, common to all worlds, can cognize and testify about distant lives. Consequently, it is possible only for the fiery essence to be concerned with such subjects. Earth-dwellers who possess not only a developed subtle body but also a lofty fiery consciousness can have intimations about the far-off worlds.” (Agni Yoga Series – Brotherhood § 156)

Ancient philosophy advised thinking about the far-off worlds as if taking part in the life on them. These indications have been given in various forms. Wherein lies their essential point? They cannot be an abstraction. The insistence in the indications about such participation shows that thought about the far-off worlds has great significance. The rays of the planets are powerful, and they exert influence upon humanity. But thought assimilates powerful currents, and in the thought process humanity can profitably accept the far-off worlds.

Indeed, for such perception it is needful to think of them as about something close at hand. Thought creates around itself a particular atmosphere; in it the planetary currents can be transmuted to act beneficially. Whereas, the same currents, when met with a thought of negation, will yield grave consequences.

It need not be considered that one must think incessantly about the far-off worlds. What is important is to direct to them a basic thought, and it will naturally flow along in a definite direction.

[…]  Let thought about the far-off worlds be simple and without doubt; doubt is like a brown gas.” (Agni Yoga Series – Brotherhood § 162)

I have already told you that the Mother of the World conceals Her Name. I have already shown you how the Mother of the World hides Her Face. […] From time immemorial the Mother of the World has sent forth Her children to podvig. Throughout the history of humanity, Her Hand traces an unbreakable thread.

On Sinai Her Voice rang forth. She assumed the image of Kali. She was at the foundation of Isis and Ishtar. After Atlantis, when a blow was inflicted upon the cult of the spirit, She began to spin a new thread, which now is beginning to shine forth. After Atlantis the Mother of the World veiled Her Face and forbade anyone to utter Her Name until the hour of the constellations struck. She has only manifested Herself partially, and never manifested Herself on a planetary scale.

[…] The Teaching of the future epoch will be a joining of the spirit with the intellect. The course of the planets is making it possible to speed up the communion between the worlds, and the development of the human spirit will proceed along new paths.

The luminaries are making it possible to speed up humanity’s path.” (Agni Yoga Series – Illumination § 220-221)

This article is published to celebrate today’s alignment between Mercury (fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict), Lord of Harmony and Beauty, and Neptune (sixth Ray of Abstract Idealism and Devotion), Lord of Communion.


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