Love and Power

We celebrate today the powerful heliocentric square between Pluto, non-sacred planet of 1st Ray, of Will and Power, which is transiting at the end of the sign of Capricorn (1st, 3rd and 7th Ray) and Jupiter, Luminary of 2nd Ray, of Love and Wisdom, which is flying in the sign of Aries (1st and 7th Ray) also at the last degrees.

This aspect, evoking the geometrical figure of the square, symbol of the earth, can indicate a tension that provokes the precipitation of causative energies: here, the initiatory fire of Capricorn, connected to the mysteries, intercepts that of the manifest beginnings of Aries; at the same time, the One (Pluto) and the Two (Jupiter), the vertical and horizontal thrusts, meet and make up the Cross of Life in Form. So, while Pluto destroys forms that are no longer useful, releasing Life and producing transfiguration, Jupiter illuminates the field of consciousness, expressing inner clarity.

Love and Power, the Mother and the Father, are the opposite and complementary energies that create the original Duality, the cause of Manifestation, which is accomplished through their relationship: the Light, the Son.

The Power of Will kindles fires in Space, Love composes them into a network of blazing magnets, so that the Many are One.

“The Lord of Love is the most potent of the seven rays, because He is on the same cosmic ray as the solar Deity. He expresses Himself primarily through the planet Jupiter, which is His body of manifestation.(A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology I, p. 23)

“Love-Wisdom. This basic energy is the will to unify, to synthesise, to produce coherence and mutual attraction and to establish relationships, but—remember this—relationships which are entirely apart from the consciousness of relation or the realisation of unity. It is the fact of unification as seen from the beginning and as existing ever and forever in the Mind of God Whose will embraces past, present and future and Whose mind does not think in terms of evolution or of process. The process is inherent in the seed; the evolutionary urge is the inevitable accompaniment of life in manifestation. It is the Will to unification. (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 597)

The Lord of Will or Power expresses them in the solar System through Vulcan (Luminary of 1st Ray, the closest to the Sun) and Pluto.

“The will of Deity coloured the stream of energy units which we call by the name of the Ray of Will or Power, the first ray, and the impact of that stream on the matter of space insured that the hidden purpose of Deity would inevitably and eventually be revealed. It is a ray of such dynamic intensity that we call it the ray of the Destroyer. (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 44)

“The energy of Will or Power… This ray is outstandingly related to that aspect of will which conquers death. It is nevertheless the Ray of the Destroyer. In this connection, I would remind you that the human attitude that death is the destroyer presents a limited and erroneous point of view. The first ray destroys death because in reality there is no such thing; the concept is all part of the Great Illusion, is a limitation of the human consciousness, and is basically connected with the brain and not with the heart, strange as that may seem to you. It is in a very true sense ‘a figment of the imagination’. Ponder on this. The abolition of death and of the destruction of form is a manifestation of Ray I, for it brings about in reality the death of negation [which is not the ‘will to destroy all limits’ of the Fourth Ray] and the inauguration of true activity. It is the energy which can be called ‘divine incentive’; it is the life in the seed which destroys successively all forms in order that realised fruition may eventuate. That is the clue to Ray I. It is the Will which initiates. Today, as regards humanity, its highest realisation is initiation. (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 596-7)

The combined work of these two primary energies is always decisive. The signs of Aries and Capricorn, which have, together with Leo, the function of expressing the first Ray, and in whose spatial waters Pluto and Jupiter are found, inject further power into this situation:

  • Aries is the constellation through which initiating conditions will stream into our solar system. It embodies the will-to-create that which will express the will-to-good. It is the monadic ray of our planetary Logos, Whose Soul ray is the second and the personality ray the third. (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 619)
  • Capricorn is the constellation by means of which comes the conquering will which releases from form life and initiates the man into the kingdom wherein the will aspect (not the soul aspect) of divinity expresses itself. (Ibidem, p. 621)

It is also relevant that the seventh Ray of Order, conveyed by the two signs in which Pluto and Jupiter are found, is also present in this picture. The power of this Ray is currently growing together with that of the new Age of Aquarius (5th R.), of which Uranus (7th R.) is the exoteric ruler.

Furthermore, the third Ray of active Intelligence expressed by Capricorn evokes the great Lord of Light and Karma, Saturn (3rd R.), which has particular relevance in that sign.

“You will remember that there is a close connection between the Earth and Capricorn. The reason for this is that the Earth provides ideal conditions for this particular type of achievement because it is in process of transforming from the stage of a “non-sacred planet” into that of a “sacred planet.” This is why Saturn is so powerful a ruler and transmitter to the Earth of the dynamic quality of the first ray of power.(Ibidem, pp. 620-21)

We are therefore in a time of transition, not only because we are entering a new era, but also because of the rising vibration of the planet. This is causing psychic unease in Humanity at various levels, as well as wars and destruction, not only physical, but also of those obsolete foundations of civilised living that are struggling to fade and to which we often cling because we do not have the courage to imagine alternatives.

“(…) The old world finds shelter in all parts of Earth. The New World also is born everywhere, but beyond boundaries and conditions. The old world and the New World are distinguished through consciousness, not by outer evidence. (…) The new consciousness grows, unskilled, but full of daring. Despite its experience the old thinking loses strength.” (Agni Yoga Series, Agni Yoga § 55)

The Disciples of the world, who represent an outpost of Service within Humanity, have a great responsibility, and particularly so at this time. They must work together to link minds and hearts and become channels for containing, understanding and directing the synthetic precipitation of those fiery intersections of energies that offer important possibilities for initiatory beginnings, ordering them with love to a beneficial fulfilment.

Today, then, as the Lords of Will and Love meet in such a powerful context, let us welcome this flash of loving clarity and “constructive destruction” to enlighten the invoking Humanity, so that it does not succumb to frustration in the face of the upheavals on the plane of form, but understands that this is precisely the hour to learn to look at events with the eyes of the heart and to discern the new that is dawning and that, as we are told, is not distinguished by evidence, but by consciousness.

We understand, at the same time, that the Disciples, in order to sustain the initiatory impact whose harbingers are already underway, must strive to exert the power of Will in action, to consciously reinforce that part of the bridge which attests to the Covenant with the Hierarchy, holding with love in their common heart all those who, impelled by the Will-to-Good, commit to designing a future of inner renewal for mankind and the Planet.

Therefore, let us once again strongly affirm that Love and Power are invincible weapons to conquer the right to cross the fiery threshold of the new World, and let us remember that nothing is greater than the Love that creates Universes and “moves the sun and the other stars”, and that the Power of fire which destroys the old world simultaneously builds the new one.

“Thus, upon the principle of Fire the world is regenerated. The fire of the centers, the fire of the spirit, the fire of the heart, the fire of achievement, the fire of attainment, the fire of Hierarchy, the fire of Service—these constitute the principles of the New World. The blended arcs of consciousnesses thus create the Highest Will. Verily, the great Banner of Peace will cover the entire world. Verily, a great time, the time of great fulfillments. Thus the time of great action approaches.(Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy § 375)

“A new day dawns over the earth.
The present hour is not a stream but a vortex.
Each personal world reflects the flaming sky aglow
with the Fire that devours old forms.
The Wisdom of the Creator prophesies a New World.
By fiery destruction He creates.
And can we, the witnesses, realizing the Great Design,
count ourselves afflicted?
The deaf and the blind, and the many sedentary ones,
are only bystanders. The Creator cometh!
(Agni Yoga Series, Leaves of Morya’s Garden I § 241)


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One Response to Love and Power

  1. mcnamara says:

    Beautiful it is.The Great Design, the Great Creator cometh…so is the Heart Centered in the Will of God in the Power Station of Maitreya, as is shown in the Universal Hologram Hermetic at the Center of Being as is the Chiron paradigm, CGF.

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