Year 6.2 Bases of the new Religion: the Origins

The zodiacal axis that lights up at the igneous instant of the solstices, also illuminated by the direction to the galactic centre, highlights the magic of these two annual discontinuities. The Summit of Form, Cancer, which we celebrate today, and that of Spirit, Capricorn, stand before each other with equal dignity and power and, in a timeless flash, unite. In that glare, in the two hemispheres of our globe the cycle of Light changes: at the incipit of Cancer, in the northern hemisphere the hours of solar radiation begin to decrease and in the southern one to increase. And the situation reverses when the apparent Sun enters Capricorn, the cusp from which the days become gradually longer in the northern hemisphere and shorter in the southern.

This dual cycle we all know, always specularly active, due to the inclination of the Earth’s axis, brings to mind, by assonance, the thought that the energy balance of the Universe must constantly even out in each of its parts and illuminates, as a consequence, one of the foundation pillars that must be placed at the basis of the ‘Genesis of creation’ of the future new Religion: the reality of the two Origins, the sublime Polarities of the cosmic Magnet, the equal cause of the manifest Universe which, in Infinite tension, holds Its parts together.

In order to understand the principle of union affirmed everywhere, it is indispensable, in fact, to welcome the awareness of the Origins through which the Cosmos breathes: the Origins reciprocally create themselves and constitute that dual Unity which underlies Creation.

“He who knows the law of Be-ness can affirm that the acknowledgment of the two Origins is the foundation of Cosmos. Even the most ancient conception viewed the cosmic laws as being impelled by a two-tongued flame. The indication in ancient writings concerning the manifestation of the dual Origin is also based upon the knowledge of polarity in each energy. Cosmic creativeness can be manifested only through the dual Origin. Thus, in deposing the Great Mother, humanity robs itself of the privilege of conscious cooperation with Cosmos.” (Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 341)

The two Origins are Life and Space, Spirit and Substance, Father and Mother, Will and Love, One and Two, Point and Infinite, Male and Female Principles that must be understood and harmonised at every level in the common consciousness of Humanity. And it is precisely from Religion, which has always been deputed to receiving and transmitting the Teachings of the Masters by promoting spiritual evolution, that the renewal of thought will have to start, which will contribute to building the new Culture and Civilisation of the One Humanity.

In order to undertake this work of ‘restoration’, one will probably not be able to count on the various religious institutions that, while being important centres of culture and preservation of the revealed Teachings, are also centres of power that have always, with rare exceptions, affirmed the superiority of the male Origin.

Many of them, moreover, in order to make the divine Entity more easily comprehensible to the people, have belittled and downplayed its cosmic value and have contributed to identifying it, in the collective imagination, as a Father, just and stern (often also represented anthropomorphically), who dictates the Law to his human offspring, rewarding or punishing them. It must be said that the Mother has also always been revered, but only as the first among creatures: woman (the feminine) descended from man and is therefore inferior to him.

The most important effect of this erroneous conception has been the marginalisation and subordination of the female principle, and therefore of women who, over the millennia, have been excluded from the priesthood, from the management of the Mysteries and, consequently, also, except in particular contexts, from holding public office and from having a say in any important decision, even of a family nature, including those concerning children, which were “the father’s”.

This is how patriarchal civilisations came into being, which supported an imbalance that even today is far from being overcome, denying that reality found everywhere in Creation: the Origins that, both responsible for the creation of life, on every plane of Being produce consciousness, unifying Spirit and Substance and building the path of the progressive return of the many to the One: the great cosmic Magnet, Origin of all Origins.

“It is very difficult to determine the boundaries in Cosmos between the so-called passive and the active. If We say that all forces are active, men will find this declaration a paradox. But a higher consciousness can understand how We perceive all forces of the Origins as active. The differentiation is so bereft of subtlety that it is difficult to convey to people about the principle which dwells in the manifested power of Mulaprakriti. Likewise, the principle of life cannot be asserted without the realization of the Feminine Origin. Like the Cosmos, Mulaprakriti is a universal principle. The Origins cannot be regarded as competitive forces; only unification of the forces creates life. And We, in the higher worlds, manifest a consecrated reverence for the Origin which humanity calls passive. Yes, yes, yes! The higher consciousness knows the Truth and We are ready to proclaim this Truth to humanity; but for this, humanity must ascend the higher step. Yes, yes, yes! When each Lord had to be given to the world by a mother, how may one not revere Thee, Mother of the World! When each Spatial Fire has to be made manifest in a form, how may one not revere Her who gives life! Yes, yes, yes! How then may one not accept as the highest manifestation of the Cosmos the power in the intense symbol of the Mother!” (Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 201)


Since the second half of the last century, and in particular in recent years, the question of ‘gender equality’ has been forcefully posing itself in ordinary life, causing destabilisation and disorientation in both the male and female worlds, which have not yet understood what their different but equal peculiarities are and how to manage them, which will have to be translated into fluid and constructive relationships.

It is also interesting to note how today the issue of ‘gender identity’ is emerging to a greater extent than in the past (also due to the fact that it can now be spoken of explicitly), which results into the detachment of the individual’s inner sensibility from the physical form in which it dwells. Here too, therefore, there is a question of the relationship between the origins within a personal universe, the solution to which can probably only be found through an inner synthesis, and thus a broadening of consciousness.

The question then arises as to whether the emergence of this situation of generalised and even painful conflict between polarities on different levels of the physical plane should not be contextualised in a broader vision, envisaging a future Humanity that, freed from gender and sex, will be able to generate the Children of the Mind.

We are, however, experiencing a very important change that makes us think that the Teachings of the Masters, copiously transmitted from the second half of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century, are beginning to bear fruit, for now still unripe, starting precisely from recognising and establishing in consciousnesses the awareness of the sacredness and equality of the Origins, thus laying the foundation stone of the new religious and civil approach.

The new Religion, which will unify the yearnings for the divine by harmonising all the Teachings of the Masters, will therefore have to get deep and shared foundations, on the basis of which it will be possible to sketch the outlines of a Civilisation of the One Humanity, but it will obviously be expressed in different ways by each Culture and each consciousness. It is interesting to note, in this regard, how the word Religion itself has a different meaning in the various regions of the world and, in some cases, is practically untranslatable in the meaning we give to this term.

Today, the main incubator of the New Religion is the common heart of the Disciples of the World who, striving to imitate the Hierarchy of the Masters, recognise and welcome the energies of Aquarius, the New Age of Brotherhood that is dawning (with suffering and in the midst of wars), and cultivate and guard its fiery seeds with loving determination, consecrating themselves to spreading its principles in an orderly manner throughout the general human mindset.

Let us therefore firmly strive into the future without succumbing to the enchantment of the present and let’s prepare the way for the externalisation of the Hierarchy. Much help will be given to us!

“The human heart cannot flourish without striving toward the Origin of Origins—inexpressible in words, but cognized through the fire of the heart. Thus, amidst violated world foundations, let us kindle the fires of the heart and of love for the Supreme.” (Agni Yoga Series, Fiery World I § 629)


In this second year of the sixth septennium of the Plan, whose Goal reads “Space. Infinity. Bases of the new world Religion”, we are establishing the possible highlights that will underpin the new religious thinking and celebrating, in particular, the reality of the Origins through a work of identification with the 12 Christic assertions and the simultaneous contemplation of the fiery qualities of the Mother of the World.


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