I am the Alpha and the Omega

In the light of the September equinox, in the interlude in which day and night are equalised across the earth, we celebrate today the Sun entering solemnly into the sign of Libra, the Sign of Balance, of just Equality between Opposites, of the Power of Legislation, and at the same time we sound forth into space, as one planetary Server, the Christic Assertion associated with it:


This statement recurs three times in the Apocalypse, the last book of the New Testament, written at the end of the 1st century, whose title is borrowed from the Greek word Apocalypsis, “Revelation”: a whirling and pressing sequence of prophetic visions of John, which symbolise the final triumph of divine justice and a new Order – with the descent of the heavenly Jerusalem over earthly injustice and violence, so heinous that even the stars have fallen from the sky.

The Christic Assertion is a universal value, resonating powerfully in us at once, lightning-fast, but it can also offer some food for thought when patiently framed in the context of the Apocalypse.

In fact, it is the proem and final seal of all twenty-two chapters that make up the Book, to reiterate even in the formal structure of the entire text its inner meaning of “beginning” and “completion”: it is pronounced in the preamble, I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and was and is to come—the Almighty! (1;8)

And it is repeated in the penultimate and last chapter:

I am the Alpha and the Omega,

the Beginning and the End. (21;6)

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. (22;13)

The Assertion thus resonates as a canon, a sort of “watchword” that gives rhythm to the entire composition, affirming from the outset the certainty of the glory of the Kingdom of God and celebrating in conclusion the coming of the celestial City, thus transcending the catastrophic upheaval created by the haughtiness of earthly violence and injustice.

The identification with the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet [1] affirms first of all the Christic Principle, that electric Fire that is in the heart of every atom, dynamic and imperishable centre of the synthesis between all opposites, at every level of Creation: Christ is eternally present.

In the Solar Star, in which the seven Luminaries compose a six-pointed star, Vulcan, Luminary of 1st Ray, faces Uranus, 7th Ray Luminary and esoteric Ruler of Libra: the latter brings back to the First, to the One, according to the canon of Order, the Substance that the Will-to-manifest has disseminated in Space in infinite forms, exerting that cosmic pull that from the Abyssal leads to the Highest, always reuniting the pole of spirit and the pole of matter.

It has already been written in an article on this blog that these two radiant Energies open (One) and close (Seven), they initiate the manifestation and conclude it in perfection, they reach from the heights of the heavens down to the oceans of matter, enclosing the forms between the beginning and the end of a cycle: ‘Order is the sign of victory and fulfilment’.”

The aforementioned statement in verse 1;8 of the Book of Revelation, which concludes with “the Almighty”, reveals precisely the power of being “the One who accomplishes everything”, the Pantocrator, a Greek term composed of pan, “all”, and the verb krateo, “to exercise power”, from the Indo-European root *KṚ-, meaning “to create”, “to make a sacrifice”. [2]

“Order comes last in the list of divine virtues, but it germinates from the first move of the Plan. The ecliptic is the emblem of solar Order, it is the common Good, the ultimate Goal, the first Purpose.” [3]

The Sign of Libra conveys, in the current precessional cycle, the 3rd Ray Energy, connected to active Intelligence and the idea of the Plan, defined as follows in the “Genesis of Ideas”: “The Plan is the projection of divine Thought” (Vertex 3.5).

That “divine Thought” is evoked by the reference to the first and last letter of the alphabet, to symbolise the writing of the Book of Life, which every man capable of expressing intelligent love must interpret and execute creatively, cooperating with the intuited Purpose: in the vision of the Apocalypse it is only the Lamb, the Christ, who breaks the seven seals of this Book and is able to open it, giving way to the redeeming Plan in history (verses of chapters 6-8).

This Christic Assertion was taken up in the following centuries, mainly in the early Middle Ages, in all the arts, especially in poetry, painting and grave inscriptions. For the world of poetry, we cite Prudentius, a politician, poet and mystic, who lived in the 4th century AD, with a hymn (Cathemerinon, ix, 10) that is preserved today in the Liturgy of the Hours:

Corde natus ex Paréntis ante mundi exórdium,
Alpha et Omega vocátus, ipse fons et cláusula
ómnium quæ sunt, fuérunt quæque post futúra sunt.

“Born of the Father’s heart before the world’s beginning,

called Alpha and Omega, He is both source and end of all things

that are or have been or hereafter shall be.”

The supreme Italian Poet also uses this expression in the 26th Canto of Paradiso (verses 16-18), when, in the Heaven of the Fixed Stars, where he is accompanied by Beatrice, he is tested by John on the Love he has for God:

Lo ben che fa contenta questa corte,
Alfa et O è di quanta scrittura
mi legge Amore o lievemente o forte.

The good with which this court is satisfied

is Alpha and Omega of all writings

that Love has—loud or low—read out to me.

It is thus that Dante, rendered temporarily blind by the blazing light emanating from John, responds to him, first proclaiming that the Supreme Good, God, who gratifies the angels and the blessed, is the beginning and the end of all the affections, light and deep, of his soul, taught to him by Love.

How thought-provoking the image evoked by the Poet, who sees Love as the master of writing – the engraving of the letters of the alphabet! – understood as the object of His teaching, that is, the perceptions and intuitions It inspires!

In this regard, in this second year of the septennium of the Table of the Plan dedicated to the New Religion, one is reminded of what the Tibetan Master writes about the Sign of Libra: “[…] The old methods must give way to the new and the conservative attitude must be dropped in favour of religious, psychic and physical training and experiment […] When I say religious, I do not refer to doctrinal or theological teaching. I mean the cultivation of those attitudes and conditions which will evoke reality in man, bring the inner spiritual man to the foreground of consciousness and thus produce the recognition of God Immanent. […]” [4]

We can therefore welcome with greater awareness the gift that Libra offers us, whose esoteric motto reads: “I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force”. We are invited to experience the laws of Creation as spiritual impulses of the divine ordering, and the call of the inner law as a tension towards loving discernment, another way of defining that intelligent love which the Christ principle makes resound in the cosmos for all eternity.

This is the mental attitude that distinguishes those who consider themselves part of the New Group of World Servers: no formal “label” or affiliation, but only the aspiration to dedicate their common work to building a world of justice, based on the values of truth, brotherhood between the Kingdoms, and ordered freedom.

We are encouraged by a message of trust, contained in Agni Yoga [5]:

Motion into the future is similar to the movement of a flame. It is amazing how the fire, at times visibly and at times invisibly, lives, while vibrating and preserving the balance of the world. Thus let us strive into the future, because sustained by the fiery element we shall not fail. But the fire can be invoked only by an action of the spirit. Thus, let us apply the higher laws to the earthly plan. […].



* See introductory article: Celebration of the 12 Christic Assertions
See the calendar of all the celebrations online (passages into the 12 Signs and Solar Festivals of the full and new moons 2023 – in UTC hour) – with related links:
Online celebration dates 2023
The videos of the online ritual Celebrations of the Entries into the 12 Signs with the Christic Assertions are available at the following Playlist:
Ritual·e · Rituel – Zodiac 2023.


[1] As is well known, alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, which originates from alef/aleph, the name of the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet; omega is the name of the 24th and last letter of the Greek alphabet, from “ō -mega”, precisely “o big”, i.e. “ō long”, to distinguish it from the letter “o-micron”, “ŏ small”, i.e.“o short”, the 15th letter. On the letter A, see also H. P. Blavatsky’s Theosophical Glossary.
[2] F. Rendich, Comparative etymological dictionary of classical Indo-European languages: Indo-European – Sanskrit – Greek – Latin
[3] E. Savoini, Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium. Setting up a Plan, unpublished paper, January 2001.
[4] Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 237
[5] Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy § 291


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One Response to I am the Alpha and the Omega

  1. mcnamara says:

    Thank you, as God so wills. Order and movement in the divine thought brings a solution, as is hidden inside the atom, and that is the Great Singularity beyond the duality, in the fusion of the alpha and omega, the new order of Being, as is given in the CGF(c) paradigm.

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