Bases for a New World Religion: Seventh Aspect – the Seven Rays

Today, witnessing a heliocentric alignment between Mars (6th Ray) and Uranus (7th Ray), we conclude our presentation of the Seven Bases of the New Religion according to the hypothesis of Goal 6.2 of the Plan of evolution of human Consciousness, with the 7th Aspect:*

The Seven Rays and their mutual relationships will be increasingly better studied, understood and applied. It is a very new field of research, in which all searches for truth come together and where the unity of energies and laws is realized. Politics, teaching, programming, art, science, social life and rituality meet and support each other reciprocally. The seven qualities of the divine are agents of collaborating union and in this sense they are religious, even if not only that.” (From “The Distant Goals”, Goal 6.2)

The Seven Rays are the Seven Qualities of Life, of the One Reality, of Spirit, and Their cosmic and solar Consciousnesses are the basis and source of the evolutionary Plan, whose Purpose is to lead the many back to the One:

“There is one Life, which expresses Itself primarily through seven basic qualities or aspects, and secondarily through the myriad diversity of forms.

These seven radiant qualities are the seven Rays, the seven Lives, who give Their life to the forms, and give the form world its meaning, its laws, and its urge to evolution.

Life, quality and appearance, or spirit, soul and body constitute all that exists. They are existence itself, with its capacity for growth, for activity, for manifestation of beauty, and for full conformity to the Plan. This Plan is rooted in the consciousness of the seven ray Lives.

These seven Lives, Whose nature is consciousness and Whose expression is sentiency and specific quality, produce cyclically the manifested world; They work together in the closest union and harmony, and cooperate intelligently with the Plan of which They are the custodians. They are the seven Builders, Who produce the radiant temple of the Lord, under the guidance of the Mind of the Great Architect of the Universe.” (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology I, p. 141)

“[The] OM subsequently manifests itself as seven streams. The unmanifested is manifested by or borne by the subsequent ramifications. These streams are the seven vowels or seven notes.  These seven vowels and notes must have special correlations with the seven vedic metres, … the coursers of the solar essence.” (A. A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 58, footnote)

“This ‘control of form through a septenate of energies’… is an unalterable rule in the inner government of our universe and of our particular solar system, as well as in the case of individual man.” (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 11)

In essence, the Seven Rays are the Motive or conscious Agents of cosmic, systemic, planetary, human Evolution, and also of the kingdoms of nature:

“… the seven rays establish that process which assigns the limits of influence of all forms. They are that which determines all things… the necessity of Law.” (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, p. 62)

“When we speak of ray energy we are in reality considering the quality and the will-purpose aspect of a certain great Life to Whom we give the name “Lord of a Ray”… His divine intention, will, purpose, or the determined projection of His mind, creates a radiation or stream of energy which—according to type and quality—plays upon all forms of manifested life…”. (A. A. Bailey, Rays and the Initiations, p. 568)

“… the seven rays are seven differentiations of one great cosmic ray, effected within the very being of our solar Logos before He began His creation.” (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology I, p. 168)

Time carries (us) forward, a steed, with seven rays, a thousand eyes,
undecaying, full of fecundity. On him intelligent sages mount;
his wheels are all the worlds.

Thus Time moves on seven wheels; he has seven naves;
immortality is his axle.

He is at present all these worlds. Time hastens onward the first God.

A full jar is contained in Time. We behold him existing in many forms.
He is all these worlds in the future.
They call him ‘Time in the highest Heaven’.
(Atharva Veda, Hymn XIX, 53)

Space and Time are one. Space and Time are nameless, for they are the incognizable That, which can be sensed only through its seven rays — which are the Seven Creations, the Seven Worlds, the Seven Laws, etc.

 … for purposes of a manifesting Deity—Space, Matter, and Spirit—the one central point became the Triangle and Quaternary (the perfect Cube), hence Seven.

… Thus, from the Seven Creations, seven Rishis, Zones, Continents, Principles, etc., in the Aryan Scriptures, the number [Seven] has passed through Indian, Egyptian, Chaldaic, Greek, Jewish, Roman, and finally Christian mystic thought, until it landed in and remained impressed indelibly on every exoteric theology. … the Seven primordial mysteries instituted according to the “Seven secret emanations,” the “seven Sounds,” and seven Rays—the spiritual and sidereal models of the seven thousand times seven copies of them in later æons.” (H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine II, pp. 406-7)

The New world Religion, part of the New solar Culture, foresees and will witness the unity of energies and laws according to the Seven Rays, the Seven Directions of Life, those Seven Qualities of the divine which are agents of co-operative union between Spirit and Matter, and between all activities and expressions of the human Kingdom and between this and the other 6 Kingdoms: they are the Seven Principles for the harmonious development of the Sacred human System.

Life conquers Space with a system of seven centres

*Bases for a New World Religion: First Aspect
Bases for a New World Religion: Second Aspect
Bases for a New World Religion: Third Aspect
Bases for a New World Religion: Fourth Aspect
Bases for a New World Religion: Fifth Aspect
Bases for a New World Religion: Sixth Aspect


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