Call to the One Planetary Server

Dear friends and co-workers,

This is a call to esoteric groups in preparation for 2025.

The year 2025 is the time when the Spiritual Hierarchy will meditate and precipitate plans for humanity for the next century. This is the centennial “great download”.

The world group, as the ajna center of the planet, has the opportunity and the responsibility to play a conscious role in this planetary event.

In imitation of the annual Wesak ceremony of contact, disciples of the world may use this climax point to come into alignment with each other, forming “certain geometrical shapes” to become a living “receptive lens” for the Hierarchy and a pulsating “channel of contact” for Humanity.

To be as prepared as possible we suggest practicing together in the remaining time.

We recognize that in order to manifest our innate capacity to function as conscious parts of the worldwide living organism of the World Servers Group, our groups have to become more sensitive to each other’s notes and to practice skills of telepathic attunement between our groups.

Therefore we invite your group/s to join an experiment of intergroup telepathic alignment during the coming Leo-Sirius Festival on August 17-21.

We envision the participating groups keeping a conscious alignment with each other during the five days of the Leo Full Moon, while pursuing their own specific service activities. All participating groups would meet online at the beginning and at the end of the five day Full Moon period. During this period the groups will be encouraged to experiment with widening our circle of subjective contact, cultivating a finer sensitivity to each other and to the subjective energy infrastructure which we together hold.

We think of this experiment as a kind of “dress rehearsal” in preparation for next year’s opportunity to serve Humanity and the Spiritual Hierarchy as One Planetary Server.

We invite you to get more details about this proposed experiment and our groups’ ideas about the unfolding opportunities of the period of 2024-2026 here >>>

We hope this call will resonate with you. Please share this invitation within your groups. And please let us know about your intentions for further coordination.

In the Light of the One Work,

Circle of Groups: 

Check here the list of groups >>>

(See the updated letter here)

To subscribe to the Groups list or as an individual write to

To access the community Board click on this link for an intuitive presentation of the shares  >>>>

Once registered you can write on the community Board by filling out the following form >>>>


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6 Responses to Call to the One Planetary Server

  1. ATHINA DANTI says:

    It resonnates with me! Be into it with the greek group.
    Festival for the New Group of World Servers – Hellas in facebook
    and the blog: ‘

    Athina Danti

  2. tom mcnamara says:

    All come together, and as you do, so do you attract the Center where the Will of God is known, and this attracts Maitreya and the Cosmic effort to fuse in mankind the Sigil of the Great Singularity, the hidden cause in the atmic point of Shamballa, as is given in the Chiron paradigm “Chiron and Group Fusion”(C), waiting with Maitreya, to give it to you….here now. Synchronicity is as you unfold, and the Masters appear, as they are now, as this event is now, and will be as you unfold in 2025 with the Cosmic plan, and the now appearing Maitreya, as is the gift he brings to you from the Center, as the Model of the ONE HOLOGRAM which is the hidden Genesis behind all manifest, and the Reappearance of the Christ in the Restoration of the Mysteries and the fulfillment of Prophesy….as you will see….as you are attracted, so the revelation awaits you, as you come to realize, this is so.

  3. Torben Normark Hansen says:

    Excellent idea ! We have already started spreading this received Idea and Initiative to over ten other groups, centers and esoteric/Occult schools.
    But who is The Editor of this blog ? I see no signing of the inititiative. And Anonymous it can’t be. We might need the names of The Circle of Groups’ Representatives (and your name dear publisher). LL&P Torben Normark Hansen

    • TPS Editor says:

      Hi Torben,

      Thanks for reaching out and spreading this Call.

      We are an international group of people on TPS but the initiative comes from an inter-group circle of group representatives, called “The Silent Circle”, to which we participate.

      So the signature is represented by the list of groups who adhere to it, rather than individuals. And TPS too, TPS Editor is for different publishers.

  4. Suzanne B. Miller says:

    A wonderful idea!!

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