[To celebrate today’s heliocentric encounter between Saturn, 3rd Ray, and Mars, 6th Ray, here is an article by Florence B. on the Goal 3.6, opposite to the current 6.3]
“In its timelessness and spacelessness thought belongs to the Subtle World, but still deeper possibilities must also be discerned in this construction. Fiery thought penetrates deeper than that of the Subtle World, therefore fiery thought more truly manifests the higher creativeness. With attention, everyone can distinguish these two strata of thought. During the usual trend of thought we are often conscious of a current, as it were, of a second thought, which clarifies and intensifies the first. This is not a division of the thought, on the contrary, it is a sign that deeper centers have begun an active participation. This flaming process is indicated by special terms in Hindu metaphysics, but we shall not dwell on them, for it will lead to dispute and Western arguments. Such controversies are of no use, all that is needed is a simple reminder of the fact that thought is linked with the Fiery World. Even children exclaim, “It came like a flash!” or, “It’s dawned upon me!” Thus are called the moments of correct and instantaneous decisions. One may remember how Mme. Kovalevsky solved mathematical problems. Such a fiery condition linked with the Fiery World is characteristic. You know that above the subtle thoughts there are profound thoughts, which are sometimes difficult to separate from the thoughts of the Subtle World. This is not possible in the present state of our planet. The experience alone of this dual trend of thought should compel us to realize the division of the worlds.” [Fiery World I § 102]
“The Fiery Decrees must not only attain their destination, they must not remain aquiver like the wings of a frightened bird. One may ask how a Decree can be compared with quivering wings when the Decree is a fiery arrow? Truly, the Decree can be likened to an arrow, and it will reach its destination, but such a destined heart must be constantly aflame! …” [Fiery World I § 655]
“Why was the fire of lightning considered by the priests of Egypt to possess special magnetism? Was it superstition or knowledge? Why is the knowledge of the priests regarded as so very well-founded? Yet the facts, proved by research, confirm the fieriness of these teachers of Egypt. Was it not by experimental methods that the Egyptian priests arrived at the magnetism of the fire of lightning? One can imagine a specially condensed state of fiery energy during such powerful discharges. Of course, such tension may be perilous, but, properly directed, it can produce a purification of energy.” [Fiery World I § 528]

Seshat, the Goddess of Writing – Temple of Kom Ombo
Recent archaeological research has shown that in Egypt, starting in the Old Kingdom, hieroglyphs were considered sacred writing because they were moved by an intention, a will, and were expressed with three-dimensional cryptography. Thus, the writing and reading of sacred texts implied the subject represented, the king-pharaoh emanation of the god, who embodied the idea expressed and was himself considered a living part of the message. The image and the sign were not disjointed, nor were the sender and the receiver.
“Let us not forget that each instant must pertain to the New World. Observe that in enumerating the worlds We seem to omit the world of thought. This is not by accident. The Mental World constitutes a living link between the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. It enters in as the impellent nearest to the Fiery World. Thought does not exist without Fire, and Fire is transformed into creative thought. The manifestation of thought is already understood; let us also realize the Great Fire—Aum!” [Fiery World I § 84]
“AUM. is the Word of Glory; it signifies the Word made flesh and the manifestation upon the plane of matter of the second aspect of divinity. This blazing forth of the sons of righteousness before the world is achieved by following the rules herein contained. When all the sons of men have demonstrated that they are also Sons of God, the cosmic Son of God [the second aspect] will likewise shine forth with increased intensity of glory.” [A. A. Bailey – The Light of the Soul, p. 7]
“It would seem that the Fiery Baptism already has been clearly expounded. Tongues of fire have been manifested above the heads of people, but they do not wish to accept the existing reality. They pretend to reverence the Scriptures but fail to accept them in life. Not all could accept and observe calmly the non-scorching flame as you saw it, yet it was quite real, with all the properties of fire except that of scorching. But one has to have an open heart to face the flame. People have grasped a crude manifestation in the form of electricity, but without applying the fiery properties of the human organism they cannot advance toward a refinement of the manifestation. A new dawn for mankind will come when the understanding of Fire enters life.” [Fiery World I § 4]
“The Fiery Serpent rising above the Chalice in the form of the serpent of Moses, like the Arabic figure eight, indicates the tension of the Chalice, because the Chalice is filled with Fire. The accumulations and precipi-tations in the Chalice constitute the fiery substance. Thus, pri-marily we are fiery beings. Only with such conviction do we begin to grow the so-called fiery wings. Are these tappings not fiery drops seeking admission? Are these not fiery waves, which intensify the rhythm? Let each reminder about Fire serve as a saturation with solemnity.” [Fiery World I § 26]
We can see the Fiery World being gradually embodied in the planetary consciousness, manifesting itself through the discovery and then the widespread use of electricity, so that, little by little, what is Below is like what is Above. This physical manifestation accompanies the gradual spread of schooling, which opens the mind to other, more subtle dimensions.

Europe at night as seen by the Suomi NPP satellite (NASA) – 2012
“When we speak of the Fiery World we should not avoid earthly solutions. The fiery state so greatly surpasses the earthly that the best earthly balance is required in order to permit communion with Fire. Many earthly conditions must be reconciled in order that thought may comprehend the fiery body. Let priests become more scholarly, and scholars more spiritual. Through these attempts, even though modest, there may be erected an important abutment for the necessary bridge. This concept of a bridge has been ordained since antiquity, but now it has become imperative.” [Fiery World I § 325]
The Fiery World still seems so distant and inaccessible, yet it sometimes manifests in fleeting and misunderstood ways.
“Of course, at times we are dealing with remote recollections, but there may also be cases of fiery illumination. … The Fiery World brings us flashes of illumination, similar to lightning flashes in the coarse manifestation of a thunderstorm. Just as storms always supply Earth with a purified store of prana, so does the Fiery World constantly pour out waves of influences. It is a pity that the receivers are few, but if one were to begin to exercise the consciousness for communion with the Fiery World, then such a receiver could become naturally affirmed. But the simplest for all worlds is to adhere firmly to Hierarchy.” [Fiery World I § 103]
“Ask Urusvati to tell about the multiformity of the fires seen by her. Let all these rays, stars, fiery Lotuses, flowers, and all the other manifestations of the Fiery World live and be affirmed. It is impossible in earthly words to describe all the quality of these fiery visions. Beyond certain boundaries the Fiery Realm is disclosed like a vision. It cannot be defined by time, nor can the cause of its emergence be determined, for the Fiery Element is entirely beyond earthly dimensions. But if we can see it, both in its grosser manifestations and in its subtlest, it means that even our carnate being can anticipate the higher sphere. Fiery communion is unforgettable once it has been experienced. Thus let us gather courage for the ascent.” [Fiery Wolrd I § 108]
And this raises questions about our position, our ability to perceive the Fiery World and how we can (should?) convey it. Or to be the Fiery World.
“In executing the Plan, the Vertex 3.6 undertakes elevated and interior tasks of a kind to intimidate the disciple, who knows he is incapable of such requirements. He is unfamiliar with a-formal thinking, which he knows at best in a theoretical and rational and therefore separative manner; and he has insufficient power to raise the consciousness to the Fiery World. Thoughts of discouragement then take shape in his mind which undermine his consent to the common work. In drafting these notes, this difficulty, which takes on various guises and is intimidating, has already been encountered several times.
From obstacles one learns, and the disciple must know this. If the obstacle is great, precious and rare will be the experience and success. It is thus right to recall that “the Stars of the System are egoic groups”, i.e., they are composed of citizens of the Fiery World: nothing is really more natural for consciousness than radiant and communicating life. The System itself is an Idea, and as such is present in the Octave 3.6, in which it lives a causal reality and from which spring forth its creative movements. Hence the Vertex 3.6 operates in the world which is his own, together with his companions and helpers. He is in fullness of Light and nothing truly bars his way.
By reversing his uncertainty, he spreads confidence. His Function coincides with that of all disciples: is the core of the absolute Truth. Their action is decisive and forces them, with the spiritual violence proper of the Six, to identify themselves with the focal Center of the Group and of its initiatives.” (The Distant Goals, Goal 3.6)
Eight Vertices of the Plan express octave relationships:
1.2 1.4 2.4 3.6 2.1 4.1 4.2 6.3.
“Because of this intrinsic nature they enclose “worlds”, as the Octave is the container of infinite relationships, or sounds, which it magnetizes by its inherent quality. The Vortex 3.6, now under consideration, is one such, born of the meeting between creative intelligence (3) and idealism (6). A balanced dynamism can be noted: the first energy tends to plan forms, the second to recognize the cause, or idea, they contain. Between the two polarities, balanced yet not static (since one tends to descend and the other to rise), there is suspended a world of formulas that, as soon as they show signs of condensing and assuming appearance, immediately evaporate and dilate in the Infinite. These are the internal realities – better called synthetic or unitary – which, without constraints and boundaries, remain without form and in their infinitude constitute the Fiery World of innumerable levels.” (The Distant Goals, Goal 3.6)
“The inherent creativity of the Three has full freedom to radiate here, and consequently its energetic potential increases continually, to an intolerable degree for the human intellect that might wish to imagine it. In this Environment the tension is growing, the Light overwhelming, the purity total. It is the World of the heavenly Fire, which is the divine creative power. There dwell the Causes of all that is manifest, each of which is too powerful and inclusive to not be fully expressed without an infinity of its forms – which is impossible.
If this is the nature of the Octave 3.6, the importance of this Vertex in the economy of the Plan is clear. It is the “repertoire of impulses” which the System desires to express for the common Good. It contains the Causes which the undertakings of the Group will seek to manifest: it is therefore a sacred and precious Vase, to guard with the greatest care. The living ideas that inhabit it are daughters of the exchanges between the seven great power centers, the seven distant Goals, where all the Vortices studied in this essay have their spiritual roots.” (The Distant Goals, Goal 3.6)
Let’s compare this with Goal 6.3:
“The disciples, having established the right attitude, ask themselves:
It is known that Ideas are all interconnected: thus the Water, the River, the Source, the Mouth, the Shore, the Sea, the Mountain and other infinite infinities compose one Idea: the flowing, the current. But the Air also flows, and here is the Wind, the Sky, the Energy…
But are these relationships, these confluences, without Rule, or do they obey to the canons of Harmony? Could the World of Ideas be inaccurate? Are the innumerable energies forming an Idea measuread, are they dictated by a formula?
Perhaps no one asked Plato such questions, but that Master did not disappear into thin air, and His intelligence is certainly more active and experienced now than then, when it was entangled in the form. If one wants to profit from His guidance, one should try to answer:
“Everything is Proportion and Commensure in the World of Ideas governed by the Rule of Art. Exactness illuminates it. Everything, including joy and bliss, is ruled by Number. Therefore every Being shines and the Law leads in all its regions. The World of Causes does not encompass any chance, nor disorder or doubt. There is nothing there created by man, yet he has his causing reason.
The World of Ideas does not tolerate violence nor oppression, which are contrary to Harmony, its natural law.” (The Distant Goals, Goal 6.3)
Goal 6.3 colours 2024 in the 49-year Cycle associated with the 1st attempt to embody the 49 Fires of the Plan (see Asserting the Planetary Plan):
“We have reached the last step, on the Middle Way between Heaven and Earth.
The Prototype of the Planetary Order, having closed ranks, prepares to Radiate the hierarchical order through itself and its assertion, strengthened by the consonance it has achieved and by the perfect transparency with which it welcomes and reflects the celestial Model. The power of its radiation will multiply the energetic voltage of the members’ consciousness, aimed at the One Purpose.
The Goal 6.3 – Communion with the World of Ideas seals this merging between Earth and Heaven and shows how this correspondence is imprinted in the Table of the Plan, to be understood as the “Table of right relationships, between the Vertexes, the basic Ideas of the Plan, the System and the major Systems and between all internal operations”.
The World of Ideas reverberates in the celestial order and dance of the Luminaries that knowingly allow to prepare a dose of future according to Rhythms, Canons and Rules, not relying on the obscure and unpredictable chance, even if it doesn’t exist.” (The Seven Steps towards 2025)
“Thought-creativeness cannot be definitely discerned on the earthly plane; herein lies its difference from the Fiery World. The Higher Beings perceive the effect of their thoughts immediately, whereas here we can know only their direction, and the ultimate result is disclosed only after a certain lapse of time. Thus, one can gradually form an idea of the differences between manifestations in various worlds. Likewise, one can gradually approach fiery consciousness, eradicating the barriers between worlds. One can imagine the state when death will be no more, and the transition will be a usual attainment. It is impossible to understand how such separation between worlds came about, since it is not necessary for evolution, unless people have created a prideful concept of Earth. It can be discovered that in remote antiquity there was greater understanding of the spherical form of the planet than after the post-glacial period. True, many ancient traditions have been confused, and only now people begin correctly to extend their estimate of the continuity of the life of our Earth. It is amazing how apparently learned people discuss the greatness of God, yet at the same time seek to disparage his creations. If scientists two hundred years ago had dared to hint at the great antiquity of the planet, or to suggest other inhabited worlds, their contemporaries would probably have resorted to the well-tried remedy of the stake. And one may be equally sure that even now some moderate theory, though based on experiments, will be assailed as a fraud. Thus, people regard the destiny of this planet as the alpha and omega of the entire Universe. Much persuasion will be required to remind humanity that in all the promulgated Teachings the Era of Fire was foretold.” [Fiery World I § 616]
“Fire has been mentioned a thousand times, but now the stressing of Fire is no longer a repetition, for it is a warning about events which concern the planet’s fate. Most people will not be able to say that in their hearts they have been preparing for the Fiery Baptism, although the most ancient Teachings forewarned about the inevitable Epoch of Fire.” [Fiery World II – Introduction]