The Work of the Hierarchy

Today we are immersed in a mighty flow of cosmic, solar and planetary Energy, caused by the alignment between Sirius, the Sun and the Earth, while at the same time the New Moon* in Cancer occurs: we dedicate therefore these notes to the work of the Hierarchy, in honour of the fact that Sirius, Sun of Suns, according to the indications of the esoteric trans-Himalayan Teaching, is the cosmic Logos whose Star is the seat of the Prototype of our planetary Hierarchy of Masters.

Let us add one more observation about the firmament: today also sees the alignment between the Sun and Canopus, the brightest star after Sirius, of the constellation Argo Navis (the Ship Argo): according to tradition, the star is precisely the Helmsman of the mythical celestial ship that leads the heroes (the Argonauts) on their journey of spiritual quest. The Mystery of the Guide radiates from Canopus.

It would be unwise to send out a boat without a rudder. But the Pilot is predestined and the creation of the heart will not be precipitated into the abyss. Like milestones on a luminous path, the Brothers of Humanity, ever alert, are standing on guard, ready to lead the traveler into the chain of ascent… [1]

Let us be accompanied by a wish: ’Tis only then thou canst become a “Walker of the Sky” who treads the winds above the waves, whose step touches not the waters.
Before thou set’st thy foot upon the ladder’s upper rung, the ladder of the mystic sounds, thou hast to hear the voice of thy inner God in seven manners.
 […] [2]

And so, on this appropriate date to honour the loving Guides, the Elder Brothers, let us resolve to impress in our hearts some of the cornerstones of their work: we will be concise and concentrate on the work of the hierarchy, because you can find more extensive indications in the document published in these pages, The Hierarchy, which gives the references – origin, organisation, etc. – distributed throughout all the texts of the Teaching.

Let us begin with two cornerstones:

  • the Hierarchy is a synthesis of Energies striving for planetary evolution.

In the Triad it composes with Shamballa (the Agent of the extra-planetary Purpose/Head Centre/Will/1st Ray) and with Humanity (Throat Centre/creative Intelligence/3rd Ray) it represents precisely the Agent of the evolutionary Plan, the Heart Centre, the expression of divine Love, the 2nd Ray.

  • The Hierarchy of our planetary scheme is connected to the solar Hierarchy and all cosmic Hierarchies.

In particular, a current of energy coming from Sirius, entering into the planetary Hierarchy, brings with it the principle of buddhi or cosmic love, that principle which is found, as electric fire, in the heart of every atom.

The Hierarchy guides evolution in accordance with the laws of the cosmic Magnet.

For the third cornerstone, we will help ourselves by quoting texts, for the sake of clarity and rigour, drawing them especially from Initiation, Human and Solar [3], in which the hierarchical work is described by articulating it in four directions:

  • 1) To develop self-consciousness in all beings

“[…] This it produces primarily in man through its initial work of blending the higher three aspects of spirit with the lower four; through the example it sets of service, sacrifice, and renunciation, and through the constant streams of light (occultly understood) which emanate from it. The Hierarchy might be considered as the aggregate on our planet of the forces of the fifth kingdom in nature. This kingdom is entered through the full development and control of the fifth principle of mind, and its transmutation into wisdom, which is literally the intelligence applied to all states through the full conscious utilisation of the faculty of discriminative love.” (pp. 20-21)

  • 2) To develop consciousness in the three lower kingdoms

All the kingdoms of nature – mineral, vegetable, animal, human and spiritual – embody some type of consciousness, “[…] and it is the work of the Hierarchy to develop these types to perfection through the adjustment of karma, through the agency of force, and through the providing of right condition. […]”. (p. 21)

In the mineral kingdom the work of the Hierarchy is directed towards the development of the discriminative and selective activity, aimed at the building of forms, manifesting in an elementary way the third divine aspect, of activity.

In the vegetable kingdom, to the faculty of discrimination is added that of response to sensation, manifesting, albeit in an embryonic manner, the second aspect of divinity.

In the animal kingdom activity and feeling are increased, and symptoms (if it might be so inadequately expressed) are to be found of the first divine aspect, will and purpose, expressed as hereditary instincts.

Man is the macrocosm for the three lower kingdoms, since in him these three lines of development are synthesised: “[…] He is verily and indeed intelligence, actively and wonderfully manifested; He is incipient love and wisdom, even though as yet they may be but the goal of his endeavour; and he has that embryonic, dynamic, initiating will which will come to a fuller development after he has entered into the fifth kingdom.

In the fifth kingdom, the consciousness to be developed is that of the group, and this shows itself in the full flowering of the love-wisdom faculty. […]

The fostering of the various attributes of divinity, the tending of the seed of self-consciousness in all beings, is the work of those Entities who have achieved, Who have entered into the fifth kingdom and Who have there made Their great decision, and that inconceivable renunciation which leads Them to stay within the planetary scheme, and thus co-operate with the plans of the Planetary Logos on the physical plane.” (pp. 22-23)

  • 3) To transmit the Will of the Planetary Logos

The Hierarchy acts “as the transmitter to men and devas or angels, of the will of the Planetary Logos, and through Him of the Solar Logos. […] One of the great realisations which come to those who enter into the fifth kingdom is that of the particular type of force which our own Planetary Logos embodies. […]” (p. 23)

  • 4) To set an example to Humanity

“The fourth thing that men need to know and to realise as a basic fact is that this Hierarchy is composed of those Who have triumphed over matter, and Who have achieved the goal by the very self-same steps that individuals tread today. […] These Elder Brothers of the race have one and all undergone the crucifixion of the personal self, and know that utter renunciation of all which is the lot of every aspirant at this time. [… They are capable of a love] that triumphs over all setbacks, for it is founded on patience and experience. […] These Elder Brothers of humanity are characterised by a love which endures, and which acts ever for the good of the group; by a knowledge which has been gained through millennia of lives, in which They have worked Their way from the bottom of life and of evolution well nigh to the top; […] by a purpose which is enlightened and intelligent, and which is co-operative, adjusting itself to the group and hierarchical plan and thus fitting in with the purpose of the Planetary Logos; and finally They are distinguished by a knowledge of the power of sound. […] Knowing the plan so well, and having clear, illuminated vision, They can bend Their will unflinchingly and unswervingly to the great work of creation by the power of sound. […]

When men have grasped the four facts here enumerated, and they are established as acknowledged truths in the consciousness of the race, then may we look for a return of that cycle of peace and rest and righteousness which is foretold in all the Scriptures of the world. The Sun of Righteousness will then arise with healing in His wings, and the peace which passeth understanding will reign in the hearts of men.” (pp. 24-25)

These last words augur a world in which the sound of the Mystery of hierarchical Guidance, the Call of the Masters of the common Good, will stir powerful echoes in the hearts of the One Humanity. Along the path of quest, in which the recognition of this Presence knocks at the heart as a truth, we are sustained by faith, the idea of brotherhood, the intimate resonance with the hierarchical vision, the sense of responsibility and of beauty in striving to co-operate with Them, and the impetus towards the Infinite: the Teachings tell us that among the chief aims of the Executors of the Plan is “[…] to set up a magnetic centre in the universe, in which the human kingdom and the kingdom of souls will, united or at-oned, be the point of most intense power, and which will serve the developed Lives within the radius of the radiance of the One About Whom Naught May Be Said. […]” [4]

In conclusion, we quote two passages from Hierarchy, from the Agni Yoga Collection:

[…] They will ask, “On what is the Stronghold of the Brotherhood built?” Answer, “On the doctrine of the heart, the doctrine of labor, the doctrine of beauty, the doctrine of evolution, the doctrine of tension—the most vital doctrine.”
We are Votaries of the Infinite. Where the all-encompassing striving cannot penetrate, the Brothers of Humanity do not affirm their manifestation. We suffuse space with the flux of evolution.
 […] (§ 1)

Hence, each spirit must understand the Hierarchy as Protectors of humanity. Thus evolution is built, and creativeness is fierily affirmed. Thus the law is affirmed; only thus is life suffused by the great might of unity. Thus is life created. (§ 235)

Embracing the hierarchical perspective, we are pervaded by a deep feeling of gratitude.


* In the cyclic meditative work that follows the celestial Energies, this New Moon marks the profound internalisation of the Light received in the previous first Full Moon of Cancer (on June 22), which will be followed by the second on July 21.
[1] Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy, Introduction
[2] H. P. Blavatsky, The Voice of the Silence
[3] A. A. Bailey, Initiation, Human and Solar
[4] A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology II, p. 217


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