Humanity rules from the Centre

Today, as the Sun enters its own Sign, Leo, the Disciple-Humanity attests itself as the Heart at the centre of the planetary Organism, as the Sun of its system, at the service of the Evolution of the solar Centre Earth.

The esoteric Tradition in fact presents the Body of expression of our solar Logos as composed of 3+7 solar Centres or planetary Schemes, the cycles and plans of existence and evolution, or vehicles of expression, of as many planetary Logoi, the highest Lives and Consciousnesses at the helm of these Schemes and their physical Globes or Planets, with all their creatures, according to a common Plan of Evolution.

This Plan of Evolution is presently (in the current second solar System) being carried out by the Logoi through their 12 Orders of Builders known as creative Hierarchies, who work together on the common Ecliptic plane to “manifest” it, not so much on our plane of appearance, but on the so-called cosmic astral and physical planes, the planes of systemic Desire and Manifestation.

Well, the Fourth creative Hierarchy, among the Seven manifested on the cosmic physical plane, is exactly ours, the Fourth human Hierarchy, the central one between the First one associated precisely with the Sign of Leo, and a last one or Seventh associated with the opposite Sign, Aquarius:

Between the divine Flames of the supreme Energy of the solar Spirit (1. Leo-Sun) and the elemental Lives of Substance/Matter (7. Aquarius-Moon) stands the Hierarchy of the Initiates (4. Scorpio-Mercury), of those human Monads who in the evolutionary journey are the incarnation of the conscious union between Spirit and Matter.

Aquarius-Leo Polarity – Adriano N.

They, we in Essence, are the Word made flesh, we are the solar Logos who becomes aware of itself in the Form, and this not only in the Fourth Earth Scheme, but in the entire Solar System… Such an indication opens the vision of our real Identity and Essence on cosmic, infinite horizons: the Fourth human Hierarchy “expresses the maximum sacrifice of the solar Logos” because it anchors Its Will to exist on the lower subplane of Its Manifestation (the 4th cosmic ether or systemic buddhic plane, which therefore constitutes its more ‘concrete’ physical Body and which on a human level is the plane of Intuition or pure Ideas: the 3 lower subplanes, our mental, astral and etheric/physical planes are not existing realities for the solar Logos).

The 4th systemic buddhic plane consists of and is animated by the seven centres of the seven Heavenly Men, precisely the human Monads, the Units of conscious Life of the planetary Logoi.

How wonderful! That’s who we really are!

Then Leo’s esoteric Motto “I am That and That am I” in this perspective blazes with a solar, cosmic power.
As conscious units of the planetary Centre of Humanity we recognise our true Identity, as the Fourth solar creative Hierarchy:

It “is the group wherein the highest aspect of man, his “Father in Heaven” finds place [the human Monad]… They are the Lords of Sacrifice and Lords of Love, the flower of Atma-Buddhi.” [Will-Love] (A. A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1200)

“The fourth creative Hierarchy is the great expression of the conscious will and sacrifice of the solar Logos, and the great symbol of the intelligent union of spirit and matter.” (A. A. Bailey, Initiation, Human and Solar, pp. 94-5)

The Fourth Hierarchy “is the representative group in this system” (TCF, 1203) or dominant Hierarchy of the current Second solar System: it is the embodiment of the Buddhi Principle, or Christic Principle, the Second Aspect (among the 3: Atma-Buddhi-Manas: Will, Love, Intelligence), that Love-Wisdom whose power or first aspect is the “impulse to give” or Sacrifice; we are the dominant or central Hierarchy of these seven Hierarchies that “are (as says H. P. B.) the sevenfold ray of wisdom, the dragon in its seven forms.” (TCF, 146)

The Fourth Hierarchy “is the essence of the intangible Life of Spirit, and principle of Buddhi, is the esoteric cause of the cosmic marriage of spirit and matter, based on the love and desire of the Logos, but each hierarchy also expresses itself through one particular manifestation [the 4th human Kingdom] which comes to be regarded by the finite mind of man as the hierarchy itself. This is not so, and care must be taken to distinguish between these hierarchies. They are latent germs of force centres and manifest subjectively; they warm and vitalise groups of forms; they flower forth and express themselves through the medium of a form, or another hierarchy. These hierarchies are all interrelated and are negative or positive to each other as the case may be.” (TCF, 1200-1)

“Each of the kingdoms of nature is the expression of a Life or Being; man, for instance, being the expression of one or other of the Heavenly Men; the sumtotal of humanity (the fourth Hierarchy) being found, with the deva evolution*, as the centres of the solar Logos.” (TCF, 460)

“… in the fourth or human kingdom, wherein the fourth Hierarchy is seeking experience, there is an effort on foot to effect the merging or centralisation of the forces of three groups,

a. Of the energy for which the animal kingdom stands,
b. Of purely human energy,
c. Of the spiritual energy of the group which is the exponent of buddhic force, thus bringing in at the third great realisation, the force of atma itself, of which buddhi is but the vehicle.

These three streams of force should hold the following place:

Buddhic force……..Positive.

Human energy…….Equilibrised.

Animal energy……..Negative.

or, to word it otherwise, the positive controlling factor in the human group should be spiritual energy, toward which the animal nature should be entirely receptive, these two holding towards each other the relative position of Father-Mother. The purely human energy serves as the balancing factor and brings about an adjustment between the Spirit aspect and the material. It is this triple group relation which makes the microcosm such a genuine reflection of the greater Man and the Fourth Kingdom a true exponent of cosmic processes.” (TCF, 1213-4)

“These lives are the points of fire who must become the flame…”. (TFC, 1200)

Once we understand That, Who and What we truly are, the Flame of our vision, strength and joy will know no limit:

You may meet people hastening with their attainments, and they may think that We are slow. But lead them under the night sky and point out the radiance of the countless worlds. Say, The Lord leads you toward this creativeness. Is it possible to be slow on this great path? We must prepare ourselves to be co-creators. It is necessary to preserve and multiply the seeds of consciousness, because the entire world is sustained by the power of consciousness. There is no power to withstand a consciousness purified of egoism. One can prepare oneself to cross all bridges with a fiery consciousness which is a tremor with the pulse of Cosmos, and which, in the seed of its spirit, responds to all tremors of Earth and knows the truth of the peoples. One can apply all sacred powers of the heart to becoming co-creators of the flaming Logoi by conquering death. But so long as such daring is not instilled in the heart, the consciousness cannot grow infinitely in this direction. We call it Via Regale. Therefore, Fiat Rex is where the spirit, reverencing Hierarchy, dares! (Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy§ 203)

As one planetary Server, we therefore solemnly assert the eighth of the 12 Assertions of the One Humanity:

Humanity rules from the Centre

* “… the two great evolutions (human and deva) find their group unity on the buddhic plane, and portions of both hierarchies blend and merge so as to form the body of the divine Hermaphrodite. Earlier, at certain fixed points, they may temporarily approximate each other. On the buddhic plane definite and permanent alliance may be seen.
… It is in the vegetable kingdom that we find one of the first and temporary approximations between the evolving human Monad, and the evolving deva Monad. The two parallel evolutions touch in that kingdom, and then again follow their own paths, finding their next point of contact on the fourth or buddhic level, and a final merging on the second [monadic].” (TCF, 329 e 590)


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