Humanity is Harmony

Humanity is Harmony we loudly proclaim today, supported by the lights blazing brightly in the Heavens: Earth and Mercury are clasped in a fiery embrace as the Full Moon of Leo pours forth its light under the incandescent gaze of Sirius. And this statement, far from being an easy slogan, is meant to reveal another of the energies that weave the essence of Humanity, alongside Will, Love, Light, Thought, Unity and Order.

Over and over again, the Teaching offers its indications on Harmony, showing its many facets and intimate intact essence. Harmony, which we can also define as ‘the perfect Glory’, leads us, through the power of intuition, its royal instrument, into the Supermundane worlds where such glory finds manifestation and fulfilment.
“In boundless harmony is contained the whole cosmic creativeness. Only harmony can reveal to the planet the higher spheres. Only harmony can establish the chain of aspirations to the far-off worlds. The conception of the far-off worlds should be applied to all which strives toward perfection. Therefore Our harmonies are so powerful. The fire of the centers is harmony; the fire of the spirit is harmony; the fire of the heart is harmony.(1)

“In the proclaimed law of life the principle of harmony is truly majestic!” (2): a reflection that urges Humanity to sanctify every moment of life, raising its vibration so that nothing is lost on the path of evolution. And furthermore: “Urusvati knows that harmony in life refines human feelings. Indeed, harmony is the only thing necessary; with it all will be subtler and loftier. Harmony is a great concept! Yet people seek it in external conditions and overlook it in the essence of things.(3)

Then, Humanity must itself become Harmony, bringing to full realisation its task as ‘pontiff’ between Heaven and Earth. “Humanity can become the guardian of the planet if harmony of the spirit and body is attained.(4)
To formulate thoughts in harmony with Space (for to lose sight of Harmony is to plunge into a degrading and dark world) will also lead Humanity to a brotherhood with the Hierarchy of Masters, already living in harmony for the sake of evolution: “People have corrupted the meaning of the word harmony. Into this concept they have introduced something clerical, the fold of a tunic, a dried bouquet of nonexistent love, and even a hand-knitted stocking. Better to do without the harps and replace this desiccated concept with something more energetic—let us say, “sensitivity in cooperation”. The Community cannot exist without it.” (5)

The incoordination, separateness and conflict in which Humanity struggles are the cause of the planetary malaise that can be appeased if mankind becomes capable of harmonising the energies it carries: “People often say that for cooperation between individuals, similarity of character is needed, but they should speak not of similarity, but of harmony. Only the harmony of energies can be useful. Harmony is not repetition, it produces a chord. May this chord be strong and sonorous.(6)

This perfect inner concordance of energies is thus the source of all possible construction; following this course of action will lead Humanity to realise that “One may see glorious architectonics in the whole harmoniousness of the countless currents of energy” (7) and this understanding will foster the preparation of the New Renaissance that so many await and invoke and that many, silent but inwardly ardent, are already preparing.
Working to realise Harmony therefore means adhering to the cosmic Laws, knowing and honouring the underlying fundamental Principles of the universe, intensifying collaboration as a valuable cornerstone for the building of the human Temple.
“We, your Brothers, know that page of life wherein is inscribed the oneness of Cosmos. We affirm that the manifested evolution is created not in dissociation but in a limitless striving of harmony. The more beautiful, the more high. The more powerful, the more high.(8)
Creating “in harmony with the Cosmic Magnet” means therefore to realise “the principles of true evolution” (9) because “When the spirit can assimilate for millennia the forces of the Cosmic Magnet, then is that spirit the highest harmony itself.” (9)
And also “Can evolution ever be inharmonious? And how can harmony be created without evolution? (…) While the world is in convulsion people prefer to sit in sweet oblivion, and call their benumbed condition by the lofty word “harmony”.” (10)

The Model to turn to in order to inject Harmony into the consciousness of Humanity, as we well know, is Heaven. Even in this we are supported by the Teaching that admonishes: “True human cognizance will always be in harmony with the One Truth. All human developments should be compared with the Teaching of Light, and one can rejoice when world understanding continues to follow the one possible Truth. But for this purpose one must constantly compare the Fundamentals with human actions.(11)

And in the Heavens, where Principles operate and Ideas blaze, today we see Mercury, Lord of Harmony and Beauty, in conjunction in the last sector of Aquarius with the Earth, the ‘sphere of experience’. The celestial Master gives his pupil the appropriate tools to realise Harmony and shows the Path to follow in order to reach its full manifestation: Mercury, as the vehicle of the 4th Ray of Harmony through conflict works in fact to confer “to all forms that which produces beauty and works towards the harmonising of all effects emanating from the world of causes” (12) thereby achieving the perfect coincidence between high and low and leading to that “mysterious revelation which we call beauty”. (13)

Moreover, it should not be forgotten that “The ray which governs the sum total of the human kingdom is the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict. It might be symbolically stated that the egoic ray of the Life which informs the human family is this fourth ray, and that the personality ray is the fifth ray of knowledge through discrimination,—the Ray, as it is called, of Concrete Knowledge or Science. Harmony through conflict, and the power to achieve knowledge through discriminating choice—these are the two rays or major influences which sweep through humanity as a whole, and drive it forward towards its divine destiny. (…) Harmony, expressing itself in beauty and creative power, is gained through battle, through stress and strain. Knowledge, expressing itself eventually through wisdom, is attained only through the agony of successively presented choices. These, submitted to the discriminating intelligence during the process of the life experience, produce at last the sense of true values, the vision of the ideal, and the capacity to distinguish reality behind the intervening glamour.(14)

Also on the Aquarius-Leo axis today shines the Full Moon, or solar Festival, which sees the Sun and the Moon, facing each other, flooding the Earth with light and pointing the way for Humanity to transfigure itself and achieve the perfect fusion of matter and Spirit, the poles that support creation.
Against the backdrop of the celestial vault, and in perfect energetic harmony, Sirius, the ‘brilliant star of sensitivity’, then floods the systemic space with its power of Love.
Let us recall that Leo in a cosmic sense is governed precisely by Sirius, the Heart or higher Self of our Sun, and that through Regulus, the celestial Legislator known as ‘the heart of the Sun’, the golden Rules of Being rain down upon the Earth.
The stream of fire that emanates from Sirius and floods the entire solar System with its regenerating power pervades the consciousness of Humanity and invites it to nourish and bear witness to universal Love, the Law and cosmic necessity that finds its natural expression in Harmony, since ‘There’s no Love without Harmony, nor Harmony without Love’. (15)

The Teaching also reminds us that the Leo/Sun/Sirius Full Moons will become the major monthly Festivals of the New World Religion, i.e. primary spatial alignments for the evolution of Humanity’s consciousness. In this jubilation of lights dotting the Heavens, Humanity is preparing to fulfil its role, in tune with the celestial dates, and the New Group of World Servers, in joyful concordance, places in all hearts the vision of the future that awaits them:

“Harmony is restored and the beauty of the Lord of Love shines forth.
Such is the Plan. Thus is the Whole revealed.
The higher and the lower meet;
form and the formless merge and blend, and know themselves as one.
In harmony with all united souls, I serve the Plan.



1. Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 269
2. Infinity II § 506
3. Supermundane II § 341
4. Supermundane III § 525
5. Illumination § 342
6. Supermundane IV § 740
7. AUM § 470
8. Infinity I § 71
9. Infinity I § 125 and 142
10. Supermundane I § 97
11. Fiery World I § 666
12. Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology I, p. 49
13. Ibid., p. 134
14. Ibid., p. 344
15. Savoini, Il sistema solare nello spazio, p. 46 (The solar system in space, only available in Italian)
16. Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology II, ing. 46


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One Response to Humanity is Harmony

  1. Debra Oliver says:

    Thank you for this splendid article! In Oneness.

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