Humanity is One

Humanity can be considered as that element (enzyme) that the planet needs to fulfil the purpose for which it was created. (First Vertex, unpublished writings – Enzio’s Pearls)

Through the action of the Seventh Function, the form appears as an integrated and harmonious whole, even though it is composed of such apparently dissimilar parts. It is a magical work, because it resurrects the One, and introduces it into the manifest world. … It is precisely through the work of this Function that an incoherent and ineffective group of men is transmuted into a coherent global force, vigorous and unified, capable of great feats: a Communion. (First Vertex, unpublished writings – Enzio’s words: Freedom)

True, absolute power is the source of freedom. For the Supreme Will finds no opposition, therefore it is free, and free then are the individuals, lesser units that mirror the overall Unity. (Ibid.)

From these luminous words of Enzio Savoini we can infer the concept that Humanity is One, despite the separations that still exist on Earth and between men, despite the wars that are still present in our world, because, in spite of everything, there is an underlying unity that brings men together, different from one another but all guardians of a task that must be accomplished through the expansion of human consciousness – that is, the union of the world of matter with the world of spirit, until cosmic consciousness is achieved, adhering to the law of the great Unity of Cosmos, the essence of all that exists.

Humanity, from an indistinct multitude, must become a self-aware community that learns to direct itself masterfully in the world of thought and Space.

Everything is One. What exists is interconnected with all other things, internal and external: the mutual relationship between all entities is a universal sacred precept.

The expanded consciousness, which transcends the fictitious boundaries of the personal to feel and live as one Humanity, encompasses realities already recognised in the Heart; it is the group consciousness or Christ consciousness that will lead to the worship of Space and the Infinite, as the basis of the new world Religion which will be, precisely, that of Space and which will lead to synthesis, unity in diversity and to golden relationships between all creatures.

Human beings are called to understand the fullest meaning of existence, questioning Space, studying its laws, producing joy and beauty, not for themselves, but out of Love and to serve the Common Good, laying the foundations for understanding the power of Service, which is an infinite process of liberation and is directly proportional to the expansion of consciousness: those who serve must always have empty hands, so that the higher energies may fill them.

On this very day, the Earth is in conjunction with Neptune, sacred planet, God of Waters and Guardian of Values and Communion, which observes the cosmic Sources of service and liberation, pervading the entire system and activating, with its power of attraction, the desire for universal Brotherhood.

The Earth, through the pervasive influence of Neptune, helps him to set this portion of universal Communion in Space and turns its gaze to the sign of Pisces (home of Neptune), associated with the power of spiritual Love that liberates and saves consciousness, as well as to the Aquarius Constellation (sidereal heliocentric perspective), stars that inspire the mystery of universal Life enclosed in matter.

The third Ray of the Earth, the energy of Light/creative Intelligence, and the sixth Ray of Neptune, of Communion and Ideals, create an octave resonance (3×2=6), which stimulates the kingdoms of the Earth to find ways to participate in the solar Community as a solar human Society.

Neptune, being the outermost of the sacred Luminaries, delimits the solar Community and simultaneously extends it to the Infinite, according to the first rule of all real communion: it opens and closes doors, erases forms and retains their memory: by demolishing the exterior it makes the essence eternal. It is the Archivist of the solar System.

These influences are spread in the hearts of those who stand, on the Planet and in the Heavens, to guard the unity and communion of the Whole, through the understanding of the ideal reality underlying the form: that fervent fire that shines in the centre of all things, that immensity in the heart that is the only means of reunification and liberation.

The human kingdom, as we know, must connect Heaven and Earth, cooperating with the celestial centres in universal creativity, in order to access the infinite progress manifested by the splendid beauty and ordering of the higher powers.

Solar humanity looks to the Heavens to adapt its inner sound and outward work to the music of the Spheres, ignites the direction and sign of Communion, and, in harmony with the celestial Masters, associates the planetary communities with solar ones, thus enabling a dialogue between all centres and with the Whole.

The energy employed by the groups of disciples working along these lines is the Light of the soul, for light is substance and their work is to create the great path of light between the personality and the Spiritual Triad.

These new groups are on the increase and this phase is very important because it is a sign of the New Age, of a new culture and civilisation that detests hatred and the separative attitude and contrasts it with group integration and that communion between members that results in the necessary telepathic collaboration to form a network of light, a useful point for spiritually revitalising the etheric body of humanity as a whole.

This grand cosmic pattern — active points, seemingly separate but actually connected — seems to be the path chosen at all levels by the ordering Entity to extract harmony from chaos. Where disorder exists, the Will-to-Harmony establishes resonant centres, connected in a hierarchical manner, and composes a pulsating Network that tightens or saturates spatial regions in the grip of chaos. Energy flows, spreading through Space, induce fields of attraction, which in turn restrain and stabilise irregular oscillations, and arouse other, smaller centres, in an infinite and ever more victorious process. This arrangement, if it is necessary at the cosmic level, must also be so at the human, or microcosmic, level. It seems reasonable to think, therefore, that if Public Opinion is to be spiritualised in its great unsettled ocean, where energy is in the throes of Chaos, stars and constellations, galaxies and star clusters must be arranged, all connected by right and balanced relationships. With their pulsating irradiation, this network of Beacons, or points of order, will cool both the agitation and the shaping of Public Opinion. The human collective mentality, thus imbued with light, will be less easily buffeted by artificially provoked waves and storms, will be less changeable and, little by little, will become clear and reflective. (Enzio Savoini, unpublished writings, 1971, Forming a spiritual public opinion)

Such a Network fosters the ability to do group work, work in which the Hierarchy is eternally engaged … in this way one comes to a certain understanding of spiritual law and the nature of the Kingdom of God for the establishment of a new order on Earth.

That which is created by the one, the universal, law of Cosmos is not sundered by the ordinance of cosmic energy. Unity is manifest through all Space, and this law is reflected in all manifestations of life. (Agni Yoga, Infinity I § 52)

The Universe is independent as are the entities within it and this means freedom for all according to hierarchical priorities.

The One is the only perfectly free and just. The many are free so that they may return to the One. They cross swamps, they encounter serious obstacles, they oppose each other, but the same difficulties, little by little, lead them to the goal. Confusion is precisely one of the lessons of freedom: it teaches collaborating instead of competing, serving instead of taking advantage. A confused society is close to freedom, which gives salvation but is loved when it is lacking. Freedom is thus that power which sets all creatures free and leads them irresistibly towards its goal. (E. Savoini, unpublished writings – Enzio’s words: Freedom)

In all of space, Unity is manifested, a rule that is confirmed in all manifestations of life, and the Cosmos creates and builds according to commensuration, so that communion is inevitable.

Humanity must do its work by conforming to the behaviour of Christ, who spread his love throughout the world by concentrating his life in the divine life; Humanity must let go of all that is personal in order to be the life of the Whole and enter the realm in which there can be no separation but only love.

Humanity represents the love of the divine nature and is the conscious awareness of a divine Whole that, in its sevenfold nature, expresses the love and life of the One Reality.

Let us accept love as the motive force in the expansion of consciousness. The heart will not be aflame without love; it will not be invincible, nor will it be self-sacrificing. So let us bring gratitude to every receptacle of love, for love lies on the border of the New World, where hatred and intolerance have been abolished. The path of love unfolds with the intensity of cosmic energy. So on this path everyone will find his place in the Cosmos. Not as dried leaves but as lotuses aflame will people find kinship with the Highest World. (Agni Yoga, Heart § 243)

The soul pervades every form and constitutes the consciousness of God himself; it is, from a certain point of view, an aspect of the body, for there is a soul in every atom of any body in all the kingdoms of nature. The subtle soul, the result of the contact between spirit and matter, exists as an entity distinct from the corporeal nature and, when separated, constitutes the etheric body or the counterpart of the physical body. It is the totality of the soul of the atoms that make up the physical body. It is the true form, it is the cohesive principle in all forms.

The development of Christ Consciousness, to be implemented in the individual as well as in Humanity, is the way to solve the problem of the chimera of separateness that causes individualism, wars, racism and restlessness of all kinds. The Kingdom of God can manifest itself on Earth, provided we realise our divinity, which we must be able to express in order to abandon the current way of life built on selfishness and prevarication. We must call upon the light within us and let ourselves be guided by it without fear of failing to accomplish the task, because others have accomplished it so well.

Each striving is saturated with the fire of spirit. The creativeness of the spirit takes part in the fiery constructiveness of the Cosmos. How can one be isolated from the entire cosmic creativeness when man is the creative fulfiller of the Cosmic Will! One should therefore develop in oneself consonance with the Higher Forces, for without striving to consonance there is no creativeness. Thus, humanity must be affirmed in the understanding of the Higher Forces and adhere to the Higher Will. (Agni Yoga, Hierarchy § 72)

Listening to the voice of consciousness means being able to be silent in order to pick up the impressions coming from the soul because, through the mind, it guides the human brain with highly spiritual impulses: it is no longer the personality that prevails, but the divine part that dwells within each of us.

Certainly one can attain only through adherence to Hierarchy. Only the understanding of the great law will open the eyes of humanity. How, then, not to penetrate into the might of constructiveness? Therefore, Our disciples must be imbued with an understanding of the affirmation of Hierarchy. Therefore, one can build only when Our Carriers of Fire carry Our Will and the disciples accept that which is sent. Each builder knows the law of Hierarchy. (Agni Yoga, Hierarchy § 73)

This ‘mobilisation’ was addressed, first and foremost, to the disciples of Humanity who responded by subjectively occupying the place of fire, at the centre between the Hierarchy and Humanity, appointing themselves as the Central Human Presence as the seed of the One Humanity and as the planetary Server in order to be able to relate to the real Government of the planet, in beauty and through the language of the heart.

Humanity is One and the Teaching is aimed at awakening mankind to this reality: one purified, enlightened and fused humanity.

The next race will be a fusion of the whole, and a world-wide recognition of the One Humanity is an essential prerequisite of the sowing. It is the creation of this universal recognition which will be one of the major tasks of the reappearing Christ and His attendant Hierarchy. (A. A. Bailey, Rays and the Initiations, p. 659)

On the path of podvig there can be no fear,
Yet the fire of the heart illumines the way of truth.
The truth of Eternity is in beauty of the spirit.
The spirit knows where beauty is.
(Agni Yoga, The Call § 350)


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One Response to Humanity is One

  1. tom mcnamara says:

    As the process unfolds, and the Wisdom advances, from DK into Agni Yoga and Synthesis into Enzio Savoini (which unfortunately is unknown in the US), (even he still thinks that there is no Singularity), into the Next Presentation, where the Singularity is found and revealed. This is the call of those before to their efforts in fulfillment, and their efforts are to the future magnet, which is the esoteric tradition of future attraction at work. Now that time space has been conquered, and this is the Reappearance of the Christ, and the Restoration of all that has gone before to its purpose…..This is the Great Singularity, now realized, and look forward to where you are going, and see beyond where you are….as is given in the solution, the Chiron paradigm (CGF)(C).

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