Humanity serves in order to realise Brotherhood

On the day in which we enter the sign of Aquarius, that gives us the power to serve the good, the true and the beautiful, the Good that is advancing*, we solemnly assert, as one planetary Server, that is in the name of the new Group of World Servers, the second of the 12 Assertions of the One Humanity (see the introductory article about the online ritual Celebrations):**

Humanity serves in order to realise Brotherhood

Each Sign of the Zodiac brings with it a new, planetary vision and breath; now the Wave of Life of Aquarius breaks into systemic Space and colours it with the pure Fifth Ray of Mind and Knowledge, influencing our consciousness through its Rulers, the esoteric one (Jupiter, 2nd Ray) and the exoteric (Uranus, 7th Ray), veiled by the Moon, the hierarchical Ruler.
In every life Unit therefore we find the pressing need to understand and realise the conscious Service to the Common Good and the Reality of Brotherhood between the worlds, the basis of the new Religion.

“Brotherhood. No greater concept can be named, none which could so crown human relations and correspond to the essential nature of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. Therefore the Brotherhood is called threefold. It extends between the three worlds as a firm bridge. It is almost impossible to imagine the contact of the earthly with the Fiery World, but under the panoply of Brotherhood such confluence is made possible.” [Agni Yoga Series, Brotherhood § 8]

“Brotherhood is conceived in the depths of the consciousness… brothers will sense each other precisely according to consciousness. Brothers may not be working together outwardly, but their thinking will be strongly knit together. They will be united freely; their unity will not be a burdensome yoke or a bondage. But precisely these brothers will understand unity as a powerful motive force for the good of the world. It is impossible to place limits upon such unity, for its basis will be love…” [Ibidem § 166]

Jupiter, the bearer of the unifying divine energy of Love-Wisdom (the Buddhi Principle, the Christ Consciousness, the spiritual Soul or “group consciousness”), intensifies the capacity for invocation and evocation of the Group Consciousness (One Humanity), namely the union between Humanity (Personality) and Hierarchy (Soul), between the World of Forms and the World of Ideas.

This harmonic communion with the Fiery World is also fostered by the forthcoming encounter with Uranus (culminating on March 14, and geocentrically on April 21) in the germinating waters of Taurus (the Sign that governs the new Group of World Servers), where the two Luminaries of beneficial fulfilment fecundate all consciousnesses with the Light of Revelation.

“… A condition required by the Brotherhood is full co-measurement in one’s thought and expression—this is a stronghold for the truth of beauty…”. [Agni Yoga Series, Leaves of Morya’s Garden II § 208]

“… Nobody wants to consider that Light is the effect of thought, but the multitudes that inhabit the interplanetary spaces will willingly acknowledge the power of mental cooperation. They realize cooperation and understand responsibility. One can enroot oneself in a universal thought and thus acquire wings in heaven and on Earth—the foundation. Many valuable reminders about the link with far-off worlds are spread everywhere.” [Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy § 99]

“Call Hierarchy your touchstone, upon which you can test the efficiency of quality; for if you do not admit the existence of the best and the most luminous, then there is no need to safeguard and perfect your own Monad. The existence of Hierarchy is the foundation of the entire life. Remember that Hierarchy acts through the legion of Service. Do not delay in assembling these legions, for there is no task more successful than Service to Hierarchy.” [Ibidem § 212]

Humanity is thus increasingly impelled to unveil Its essential Reality, the awareness that mankind is that Light through knowledge that will in-form the World Server of Aquarius, the Sign of the approaching New Age:

“… there is being formed in the world that “bridge of souls and servers” which will make possible the merging of the inner subjective Hierarchy of souls and the outer world of humanity. This will constitute an actual fusion or blending and will mark the initiation of the human family through the achievement of its foremost pioneering members. This is the true “marriage in the Heavens” of which mystical Christianity speaks and the result of this fusion will be the manifestation of the fifth kingdom in nature, the kingdom of God. In the past history of the race, a great event occurred which brought into manifestation the fourth kingdom in nature, the human kingdom. We stand now on the verge of a similar but still more momentous event—the appearance of the fifth kingdom, as a result of the planned activity of the New Group of World Servers, working in collaboration with the Hierarchy of perfected souls, and under the guidance of the Christ Himself. This will usher in the New Age wherein five kingdoms in nature will be recognised as existing side by side upon earth.” [A. A. Bailey — Discipleship in the New Age I, p. 32].

“… the divine centre of intelligent activity which we call humanity, the fourth kingdom in nature will eventually act as the mediating principle to all the three lower kingdoms. Humanity is the divine Messenger to the world of form; it is essentially Mercury, bringing light and life to other divine manifestations and of this all divine world Saviours are the eternal symbols.

This coming process of planetary service through the third divine centre is only truly effective when Aquarius rules and when our sun is passing through that sign of the zodiac. Hence the immense importance of the next 2000 years. Therefore, only when a man is a world server and becoming group conscious can this desired objective of manifestation begin to demonstrate. It is beginning to happen today for the first time in planetary history. It is one of the first fruits of initiation and only in the next root race to our present Aryan race will we begin really to understand the significance of the process and the true nature of the energies to be released through the medium of humanity upon the planet. It is for this reason that Jupiter and Uranus (expressions of the second and the seventh rays) are the exoteric and esoteric rulers of Aquarius (…) the World Server, the transmitter of energy which evokes magnetic response.

– Jupiter and Uranus—planets of beneficent consummation. The second ray of love and the seventh ray which fuses spirit and matter “to the ultimate glory” of the solar Logos are in the fullest eventual cooperation.

– Humanity—the focal point for all these energies and the divine distributor of them to individual man and later to the lower three kingdoms in nature.”
[Alice A. Bailey — Esoteric Astrology, p. 200-1]


The Heart of the human Centre, extraordinary flower with 12 petals, vibrant with the life-giving dream of Brotherhood on Earth and receptive to the beauty of the idea of Brotherhood, at the gates of the crucial Date of 2025, in united breath and unified rhythm with the other two planetary Centres, Shamballa and the Hierarchy, radiates all its creative power by unfurling its second petal in concordance with the spatial Heart, the Zodiac to the Glory of the common Purpose.

Humanity serves in order to realise Brotherhood

… The Shield of Our Brotherhood is ready to protect the search for light.

Your best endeavors are nurtured by Us like seeds.

Blessed are the paths of beauty; 

The thirst of the world must be quenched.

The miracle of New Life is obscured by tatters, yet it lives.

Fear not the scum of life;

When the pot is boiling, the scum swirls to the top.

On the path of podvig there can be no fear,

Yet the fire of the heart illumines the way of truth.

The truth of Eternity is in beauty of the spirit.

The spirit knows where beauty is.

[Agni Yoga Series, The Call § 350]


* “The good, the true and the beautiful is on its way, and for it mankind is responsible, and not some outer divine intervention.” (Alice A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 630)
Beauty, Goodness and Truth are powerful real Entities, which are also seen at the human level as essential qualities, but which in themselves are transcendental Ideas and Lives that exert a magnetic pull in the Cosmos. “… The symbol or first expression of this (for all in the three worlds is but the symbol of an inner reality) is the driving urge to betterment which is the outstanding characteristic of the human animal.” (Alice A. Bailey, Rays and the Initiations, p. 59)
** For the coming year, orientated by/to Goal 6.3 of the evolutionary Plan, dedicated to the Communion with the World of Ideas, it is intended to solemnly celebrate the Entrances into the 12 Signs of the Zodiac with 12 Assertions of the One Humanity, as well as the Full Moons and New Moons of each Sign, similarly to what was accomplished in the year 6.1 and the year 6.2.


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One Response to Humanity serves in order to realise Brotherhood

  1. mcnamara says:

    Most important to realize brotherhood is the only outcome of the Mind of God, and as long as mankind thinks of himself as seperate or in need of rights to justify himself, or outside salvation will do it for him, he will resist hierarchy as a threat to “him”/”her”…and this ignorance has remained the way that has keep brotherhood away, as the more selfish can control the others by manipulating their fears and selfish desires and ego defense, which they do not realize, as they think that personal identification and success is the goal….This effort/effect is the foundation which law and religion have made their place, in the false hierarchy of human value….And it can only be overcome by a new transpersonal identification in holographic connection, where all are connected, and as to give to the least is as the most…To actualize the Christ, the New Mind is given, as is shown in the Model, the Great Singularity, the Chiron paradigm (CGF) fusion which makes Hierarchy Ubiquitous in self definition. This is the New Model for the New Age, and the old mind of the lower self is doomed to die. The Great Restoration/the Greatest Concept is the most Concrete/ of knowing the Hologram IS SERVICE….as to know it, is to know the real Self which IS Brotherhood….there is no separation in the mind in the Model….and even the unredeemed cannot escape this truth, as IT will always work as Brotherhood….and this Teaching is here waiting even as it is resisted. Most everyone promotes their view as their right or priority, which even in the most divine, will fail, as we will see. The greatest serves as the greatest humility…and now all can realize that in their mind, the Model cannot fail….Cosmic Law will be restored.

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