Preparation for the Reappearance of the Christ

The solar Space of October welcomes, as a ‘celestial herald’, the tail of flame of comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (1) and this ‘extraordinary’ event is coloured by the backdrop of fear, confusion and bewilderment, but also of hope and eager expectation, in which Humanity is immersed at this stage of the century.

The Esoteric Doctrine poetically calls comets by the name of flaming Messengers, Wanderers in Heaven, Hot Flames, assigning them mainly the task of the formation of all worlds “… the Curds (world-stuff) become wanderers, (Comets), these become stars, and the stars (the centres of vortices) our sun and planets” (H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Cosmogenesis)

According to popular beliefs, comets would instead be the bearers of misfortune, of extraordinary though feral events.

The New Group of World Servers looks to Heaven with confidence by stretching its inner chords and following the celestial cycles with awareness; its anticipation is vibrant, its vigilance is utmost; thus it supports and prepares for the Reappearance of the Lord of Space and Love.

“The Waiting we are talking about refers to the Reappearance, that is, to that exceptional, if cyclical, event announced… by the Tibetan Master and aimed at restoring the whole of human social life. Because of its importance, the Waiting sums up in itself minor psychic expectations, so anyone who waits or hopes for a renewal or improvement of the present conditions expects, whether he knows it or not, the Reappearance, even though he is unaware of its imminence. The healthy part of humanity awaits, and spreads in planetary space its climate.” (E. Savoini, Wait and Vigilance, unpublished paper, 2003)

Today’s solar Heaven is also the shining field where Mars, Lord of Aspiration and Sacrifice, and Jupiter, Master of the fiery Heart, meet, against the radiant backdrop of Gemini, which magnetizes Space with the overwhelming force of wise Love.
Mars and Jupiter, clasped in an embrace ‘of love and lightning’, summon Humanity, so that it may learn how to abandon discord and separateness in order to welcome in its heart the harmony that flows from the Will-to-Good, capable of building the future according to golden relationships, wisdom and beauty.

This same Heaven is symbolically the fabric of the robe of Christ, Lord of perfect Love, reaching out, invoked, with solicitous care toward His brethren and crowning with His response the promised reappearance on Earth.
The esoteric Teaching states that when men feel that they have reached the end of their innate possibilities and sense that the problems, conditions and challenges they face are beyond their control and their ability to solve them, becoming apparently insoluble, they seek with increasing strength to invoke the help of a divine intermediary capable of bringing peace and harmony to their hearts and to Earth.

The solution is to be found in the reappearance of the Christ. This is the ascertained will of God, and to it the Scriptures of the world testify; it is the desire of Christ Himself and of His disciples, the Masters of the Wisdom; it is the unrealised demand of peoples in all lands. Where there is this unification of purpose, this uniformity of spiritual intention and of realised demand, then there is only one thing which can arrest His reappearance and that is the failure of mankind to prepare the world stage for that stupendous event, to “prepare the Way of the Lord, make His paths straight” (Matthew III.3), to familiarise the people everywhere with the idea of His coming, and bring about the required measure of peace on earth—a peace based upon right human relations.(A. A. Bailey – The Reappearance of the Christ, p. 170)

In accordance with the divine Plan, over the millennia spiritual Masters have always manifested on Earth, enabling Humanity to take a step forward on the path of evolution; particularly in this complex and disorienting time, Humanity awaits the One who, having appeared in Palestine two thousand years ago, is now about to reappear, according to a time and manner known only to Him, in order to crown His work of Love and Light, in this assisted by the Masters of Wisdom (the Hierarchy) and supported by the preparatory work of the New Group of World Servers.

“This return must not be understood in its usual connotation and its well-known mystical Christian sense. Christ has never left the Earth. What is referred to is the externalisation of the Hierarchy and its exoteric appearance on Earth. The Hierarchy will eventually, under its Head, the Christ, function openly and visibly on Earth. This will happen when the purpose of the divine Will, and the plan which will implement it, are better understood and the period of adjustment, of world enlightenment and of reconstruction has made real headway.” (A. A. Bailey – Discipleship in the New Age II, pp. 149-150)

“The return of Christ will be expressed, in the first place, by an upsurging of the Christ consciousness in the hearts of men everywhere; its first expression will be goodwill. In the second place, disciples everywhere will find themselves increasingly sensitive to His quality, His voice and His teaching; they will be “overshadowed” by Him in many cases, just as before, He overshadowed His disciple Jesus; through this overshadowing of disciples in all lands, He will duplicate Himself repeatedly.” (A. A. Bailey – Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 171)

“The Reappearance closes one cycle and opens another. It concentrates and spreads Light. Together with that of the Master, the lesser lights of individual men and groups are concentrated, and a network of light waves spreads all over the planet.(E. Savoini, Keeping the mind steady in the light, unpublished paper)

The fundamental task of the New Group of World Servers is, therefore, to prepare the way for the return of Christ; it is not the passive waiting of those who claim salvation in complete unawareness, but the fiery tension of those who set out towards the Light, that periodically shows the Way to return, and co-operates in its manifestation.
Such tension must be constantly nourished by actions, feelings, thoughts and meditation, purified and directed to the Good, that will form the path of light which will allow Christ to reappear on Earth and walk among men in that same light.
Here, then, is where each man oriented to the Good can become a promoter of this Reappearance, according to his possibilities and understanding: “To the rhythm of life under which the Christ and the spiritual Hierarchy operate, and which vibrates in harmony with human need and spiritual response, we are not called. We are, however, called to demonstrate the quality of spiritual activity and to refuse to hide behind alibis. It is essential that all spiritual people recognise that in the place where they now are, among the people who are their associates and with the psychological and physical equipment with which they are endowed, they can and must work. (A. A. Bailey – The Reappearance of the Christ, p. 169)

All this calls each of us and the New Group of World Servers to the responsibility of preparing the way for the coming Christ: “In the past we have had world saviours—Sons of God Who have given to men a message which brought an increase of light to the people. Now, in the fullness of time, and through the processes of evolution, there is emerging a group who will bring salvation to the world and who (embodying group ideas and emphasising the true meaning of the Church of Christ) will so stimulate and energise the minds and souls of men that the new age will be ushered in by an outpouring of the Love, Knowledge and Harmony of God Himself, as well as by the reappearance of the Christ in Whom all these three faculties of divinity will be embodied. (…) What will be the effect of the mission of a group of world Saviours, all Knowers of God in some degree, who supplement each other’s efforts, reinforce each other’s message, and constitute an organism through which the spiritual energy and principle of spiritual life can make their presence felt in the world, under the direction of the Christ in Visible Presence? Such a body now exists, with its members in every land. (…) In them is vested a spirit of construction; they are the builders of the new age; to them is given the work of preserving the spirit of truth, and the reorganising of the thoughts of men so that the racial mind is controlled and brought into that meditative and reflective condition which will permit it to recognise the next unfoldment of divinity, which Christ will inaugurate.” (A. A. Bailey – The Reappearance of the Christ, pp. 182-183)

Let us therefore take our place in readiness to become the ‘Voice calling in the wilderness’, a voice announcing the imminent arrival of the great Lord, speaking ‘heart to heart’ while the seeds of hope of a new Advent are sown: “The call for preparation for the reappearance of the Christ has gone out; the call to world salvage has sounded forth, and today spiritually-minded men everywhere and disciples of the Christ are assembling all over the world. It is not an assembling upon the physical plane but a profound subjective and spiritual happening. (…) Christ stands attentive to the demand of humanity. That demand is rising and mounting every day and “in such an hour as you think not, He will come”. (A. A. Bailey – The Reappearance of the Christ, pp. 187, 189)

A pure prayer ever ascends.
At the feet of Christ it blossoms, silvery and radiant.
With pure blue flame glows the Calling Word
and radiates the Chalice of Exaltation.
O Lord, drain our tears and perceive the flame in our hearts.
In Fire shall I dry your tears and upraise the temple of your heart.”
Prepare your hearth; the Lord approaches!

(Leaves of Morya’s Garden – The Call § 21)


(1) The close to Earth passing by of comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS occurred on October 12 (perihelion reached on September 27). The comet (discovered on January 9, 2023, by the Purple Mountain Observatory in China and detected by the ATLAS monitoring system in South Africa on February 22) could prove to be extremely bright, and therefore highly visible, as it is a very dusty comet (thus capable of producing an abundant canopy and long tail), will pass at a close distance (71 million km on October 12) and will be very close to the Earth-Sun line during those days (consequently amplifying its brightness; forward scattering phenomenon). The term comet comes from the Greek κομήτης (kométes), meaning endowed with a full head of hair, itself derived from κόμη (kòme), meaning mane, hair, as the ancients likened the tails of these celestial bodies to a long hair.


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One Response to Preparation for the Reappearance of the Christ

  1. gillchrisnfk says:

    Thank you.

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