Thoughts on Harmonics

Pure thought imbued with beauty points the way to truth…
It is not quite right to say, “Beauty will save the world”;
it is more precise to say, “Awareness of beauty will save the world”.
(New Era – Community § 27)

Notre Dame de Paris – North Rose Window


Giambologna | Flying Mercury (detail)


Sandro Botticelli – Birth of Venus (detail)


Today we celebrate the dazzling heliocentric conjunction between Mercury (the brilliant, Στίλβων, as the Greeks called him) and Venus (Φωσφόρος, the Light bearer) in the splendour of the pure Third Ray of Libra. Every aspect between these two Luminaries (the Intuition and the illuminated Mind, the Magister Musicae and the Solar Angel of the Earth, the Lord of Beauty and Harmony and the Lady of the Golden Ratio, who together teach Humanity the Art of Living) helps to trace the contours of the Future and is like a chime to initiate a new Culture through the Art of building with fiery Thought, of composing causes, of contemplating and reflecting transcendent Models, of grasping the essence and then manifesting it in the new evolutionary forms of the upcoming solar Civilisation! (See Polarity 4.5-5.4 in Asserting the planetary Plan)

“The star of creation shines where forms are born. It manifests things, and itself. It has the task of uniting the lesser to the greater part, and this one to the whole. Thus it differentiates between this and that, yet not separating them. It transforms the sublime into the concrete without extinguishing that Fire.” (E. Savoini, The Distant Goals)

The true Harmonic [whoever studies the Laws of Sound and Harmony] counteracts the tendency of ordinary human beings, who extinguish the Fire of Space. He “reads” and “writes” according to exact measures, and strives to proportion everything and always. He understands the Earth as a cosmic form which must reflect its heaven in its Space, in order to kindle in it higher qualities. And this human work must be refined little by little in our minds, with unceasing labour. A new figure of man must be born. Space conceives it, as Mother, if human fire fecundates it. Much has already been done in ancient times; great minds have cooperated in this creation. But now the New Race is being born, which will be able to connect Heaven and Earth, as is the duty and function of Man. Man is rightly a cosmic being, and therefore he cannot lack a cosmic destiny. Harmony, however, is law in the Universe; and man cannot ignore it without annihilating himself. By simple and powerful thoughts and actions man instils in himself and in his space a reason for harmony. Otherwise, study is worthless; it only adds another academy to the many sterile doctrines. Limiting oneself to measuring ratios, without listening to their sounds; controlling the surface of forms without taking care to embrace their energetic content; understanding harmony as an aesthetic exercise, and ignoring its inherent magical and constructive virtue, are features that distinguish periods of decadence, great or modest. Now, as disastrous and chaotic as current conditions are, this much can be said: that it is no longer time for decadence. The fall (what a fall!) has already happened. This is time to ascend. It is therefore necessary to listen to sounds in one’s innermost being; to open oneself to the living harmony, as to a divine grace; to use its mighty magic with love and science. The study of this Treatise [Hans Kayser’s Textbook of Harmonics] either tends towards this, or is useless. If one does not recognise that Harmony destroys Chaos… and that a harmonic form is in this sense prodigiously therapeutic, what is the use of proportion? If one fears introducing the Infinite into life, one should not approach Harmony, which discovers it everywhere…

Galactic Centre (NASA, Hubble Telescope)


Harmonics focuses on internalisation on the part of the harmonic seeker… All this [the work on harmony] confers on those who can “hear”, a state of mind and a spiritual attitude of a harmonic type which will consequently also reflect itself on the conduct of the overall personality in the world of work and also towards the outside world. There may be Harmonics scholars in every profession, in every social stratum, in every country and people. They will organise no conferences, found no orders, elect no presidents, build no temples and make few public appearances, and such scholars will exchange their impressions and findings on the occasion of free meetings. And since they have learnt to “hear”, they will know how to “speak” in the right place and at the right time, in other words they will try to spread the atmosphere of their spiritual attitude as far as possible. Harmonics, understood as the self-orientation of the individual, who today is being distressed and suffocated on all sides, is not an escape from reality, but an immersion, the lending of a listening ear to reality and to the essence of things. Anyone who has worked in this way in the field of harmonics knows that within the akròasis [listening] there breathes a healthy and pure air, that one can inhale freely in this sphere and that humanity, tolerance and respect constitute the great triad to be achieved with one’s work. (Enzio Savoini, Conversations on the Laws of Sound and the Seven Rays, only available in Italian at the moment)

Manuscript by Johann Sebastian Bach


Much is spoken about beauty, but the importance of harmony is little understood. Beauty is an uplifting concept, and each offering to beauty is an offering to the equilibrium of Cosmos. (Supermundane § 42)

Spem in alium – Thomas Tallis




Benvenuto Cellini, Perseus | Loggia dei Lanzi, Florence


Through our hearts, which we keep open,
passes the god with wings on his feet.
Rainer M. Rilke


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One Response to Thoughts on Harmonics

  1. gillchrisnfk says:

    Many citizens in several countries are now realising that they are being held to ransom by an elite few. They are beginning to rise up against oppression and repression, and as more join them, they will prevail. Peace and fairness will become truly accepted as available to all.

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