Order and Cycles

Let us try and answer one of the introductory questions to the 7th Field, Order:

How can humans resonate to the rhythms of nature, planet, solar system, cosmos?

Ordinarily we are accustomed to think and live as if every instant were equal to the previous or the next, as if time were a linear succession of undifferentiated moments. Yet it is obvious, to anyone who wishes to pay attention, that spring mornings are the exact opposite and complement of autumn sunsets: the fresh and promising energy of the beginning of the day, with that of the Renewal season, contrasts the waning energy (full of fruits and experience) of the day and the year after the summer’s explosion.

Day and year, corresponding respectively to rotation about our polar axis and orbital revolution around the Sun, are indeed cyclical periods, spiral volutes drawn by the ordered flight of celestial bodies in Space. Ideally they are circles, the etymological meaning of cycles.

Linear time, without qualities, seems therefore a mere invention of human mind for practical needs. The mechanical breakdown of time does not take into account the potential and qualified energies in every moment, day, month, or year, or other cyclical period. Yet “celestial mechanics”, the nature on our beautiful blue Planet and even the rhythms of our human organism show how everything is coordinated, related and interdependent. Only inattentive minds do not see or follow the natural (i.e., heavenly) rules of “good health”.

There is thus clear necessity to rediscover a Science of Rhythm and Cycles, which teaches human beings rituals and rules not merely for agriculture or acclimatization, but the simple and solving “art of living” in resonance with Life. Moreover, the truth of Cycles can restore the golden tools of constructive art to human beings, compass and square, both in the field of thought, feeling and works.

Then we shall return to knowingly connect past and future, writing a new history of mankind, based on natural/heavenly cycles and their energetic qualities, the true causes of events on Earth.

To nurture this beautiful perspective, which may sound like an unattainable utopia, we will provide translation of a compendium of studies carried out over a few decades (From Linear Time to Cyclic Time) by a group of thinkers, who, loving Earth and Cosmos, have simply raised their eyes to heaven, looking and listening to its majestic Harmony.

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