
Communication 1Among the various features of humans, which distinguish them from the other creatures on this planet, there is the capacity to communicate in many ways and forms (verbal, gestural, written, by media and even telepathic) and also to give different meanings, or “levels” to this unique word.

At the “lowest” level we have communication as information, an example of which is the use marketing makes of this concept, intended as a news broadcast about a product to sell and designed according to the market range to “hit”: a type of one-way communication which expects consensus as feedback, namely the purchase of the product.

The communication considered as a relationship between a transmitter and a receiver is a little more articulate and complete, intended to start a dialogue of mutual action and reaction. On this level it drives the vast majority of our dealings with our kin and environment, as well as other forms of life. On this subject, rivers of ink and words are spent – especially philosophical – to define, observe, evaluate it, finally pronouncing its difficulties and often its impossibility.

Communication aims to Communion. We want to communicate to feel in strong connection and shoot the spark of understanding. Human need to communicate so much that loneliness, isolation and lack of communication are felt like great pains.

However, we can consider communication as a deep Communion which, overcoming all obstacles we know so well, realizes the circulation of Ideas – that is Truth. Ideas are then like flashes of Life which underlie the very essence of everything.

Communication 2The World of Ideas, indicated by many teachings as “Fiery World”, can be represented as a sea of ​​endless drops, inhabited by countless clusters of Ideas creating Archetypes, i.e., Formulas for not yet physical entities – ready to precipitate into concrete Forms; living creatures, conceived upon the plan of Ideas and coated with Substance to live in manifestation and collect experience, thus contributing to evolution, as well as their subsequent creations: concepts, processes, works.

“Ideas are free and communicating. A group of Ideas is a Formula, that is a composed and structured Idea, held together by mutual magnetism of the constituent Ideas. A Formula has a Goal and is a causing Power.” (1)

Again, Formulas are Essences brought together by “compatibility”, as elements in a chemical formula, drawn to each other by similar valences in order​​ to compose substances which come together with other substances, until complex organisms.

Since every proper communication presupposes willingness to share a set of concepts/feelings/experiences, to get a real communication it is necessary to go back and appeal to Truth. With this assumption, it is clear why Communication and Truth are closely related by definition, beyond how communication is understood at the average level.

The secret of Right Communication lives in these statements, a Communication finally freed from all the uncertainties and the aching sense of lack of communication which always permeates the human being.

Certainly, the search for Truth is a first mental step which helps to achieve the purpose. Yet when a sincere search is started, it is very quickly realized that Truth – however it is intended or referred to any aspect of existence – can be only grasped “with one eye”, or with the sixth sense: intuition.

It is a competence of Heart Intelligence, not merely mental, coming from a deep relationship of Communion between what is ‘lived’ and ‘living’, and between the sender and the receiver fused into One, in order to actually communicate.

Thus we can say

Basis and Purpose of Communicating is Truth

Communication 3

“The transmission of Truth, that is of communicating, takes place in silence.

Silence is the field of communication, and it is necessary to know and love it.

The new Culture springs from silence, as if from a secret source.

From silence, which Is creative, universal laws flow, that is the truths of life.

In silence you do hear no sounds, thus you can contemplate the vision.

The new Culture respects and practice silence as a means of knowledge and transmission of truth.

Truth is regular by essence, thus communicating must be ordered.”

(From the “Sowings, 1994” – unpublished)


(1) Calendario 1996 – Unpublished writings

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