The Creative Power of Sound


In order to honor the current celestial trine (120°=360°/3) between Jupiter and Saturn, Luminaries indicated as the two Builders of solar Consciousness and Plan, here are some thoughts about Sound, the divine creator or creative power.

“When consciousness is dissociated from the ‘personal’ and limited aspect and can recognize itself, albeit faintly, as a boundless being in the unruly instrument of the lesser self, it discovers the possibility of using it to express its own works. Not troubled by personal imperfections and clearly aware of its free power, it arranges to conceive and convey its plans.

Then it realizes to have at its disposal only one executive means: the Sound. Through it, consciousness sets in vibration the psycho-spatial substance so that it gives shape to the seeds of its creative fire. The consciousness learns that any energy can be channeled by Sound, which builds the most apt sevenfold structures to manifest it as a living entity directed to a purpose.

One could say, simply, that the higher consciousness “learns to speak.” The creative faculties of Sound automatically produce both the cooperations and the rhythms that ensure the correct result at the appropriate time. They are finally used from above, after having long been studied from below.

home blog 5 Spirale_energeticaThe Sound ensures the execution of both the organic functions and the system of structural relations of tension and balance between them, so as to make a living and radiant being that contains and expresses the energy emitted by the higher Self.


In addition, the Sound can be repeated thus demonstrating new features related to the beat number and prodigiously enriching the energetic building.

 From these simple considerations we see the extent of the possibilities that open at this stage of the creative process, which multiply when the Sound is used, as a group, by a group structured according to the very laws of Sound.”

(From an unpublished writing by E.S., October 8, 1988)

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